![]() |
Chance model - chmzck.sas (MZ's);
chdzck.sas (DZ's)
Alternate Forms model - altmzck.sas (MZ's);
altdzck.sas (DZ's)
Random Multiformity model - rmultmzck.sas (MZ's);
rmultdzck.sas (DZ's)
Random Multiformity of A model - rmaddmzck.sas
rmadddzck.sas (DZ's)
Random Multiformity of B model - rmcdmzck.sas
rmcddzck.sas (DZ's)
Extreme Multiformity model - emultmzck.sas
emultdzck.sas (DZ's)
Extreme Multiformity of A model - emaddmzck.sas
emadddzck.sas (DZ's)
Extreme Multiformity of B model - emcdmzck.sas
emcddzck.sas (DZ's)
Three Independent Disorders model - tdmzck.sas
tddzck.sas (DZ's)
Correlated Liabilities model - clmzck.sas (MZ's);
cldzck.sas (DZ's)
A causes B model - atobmzck.sas (MZ's);
atobdzck.sas (DZ's)
B causes A model - btoamzck.sas (MZ's);
btoadzck.sas (DZ's)
Reciprocal Causation model - recmzck.sas (MZ's);
recdzck.sas (DZ's)
These files are Mx programs that test 12 alternative comorbidity models described by Neale and Kendler (1995) by jointly analyzing data from a clinical sample of adolescents treated for antisocial substance problems (202 probands and 272 siblings) and a matched control sample (202 controls matched to the probands and 313 siblings). The programs in these files examine the comorbidity between alcohol dependence and illicit drug dependence.
chance model - ch.mx
alternate forms model - af.mx
random multiformity model - rm.mx
random multiformity of amodel - rma.mx
random multiformity of b model - rmb.mx
extreme multiformity model - em.mx
extreme multiformity of a model - ema.mx
extreme multiformity of b model - emb.mx
three independent disorder model - td.mx
correlated risk factors model - cr.mx
a causes b model - acb.mx
b causes a model - bca.mx
Tables for Rhee, S.H., Hewitt, J.K., Corley, R.P., & Stallings. M.C. (2003).
"The validity of analyses testing the etiology of comorbidity between two
disorders: A review of family studies" Journal of Child Psychology and
Psychiatry and Allied Disciplines, 44 (4), 612-636.
The following are more detailed versions of Table 2 and 3 of a review paper examining family studies of comorbidity, "The validity of analyses testing the etiology of comorbidity between two disorders: A review of family studies".
Appendix in WORD format - Tables 2 and 3The following is a more detailed version of Table IV of the paper titled "The validity of analyses testing the etiology of comorbidity between two disorders: Comparisons of disorder prevalences in families".
Appendix in WORD format - Table IV for WORD
Supplemental tables for "The validity of the Neale and Kendler model fitting
approach in examining the etiology of comorbidity".
By Rhee, S. H., Hewitt, J. K., Lessem, J. M., Stallings, M. C., Corley, R.
P., & Neale, M. C. (2004) Behavior Genetics, 34, 251-265
This appendix presents results of a series of simulations testing data generated under one of 13 comorbidity models against each of the 13 models using three different sets of parameters.
Appendix in WORD format - Supplemental Tables
Table of simulation results for "Testing hypotheses regarding the causes
of comorbidity: Examining the underlying deficits of comorbidity disorders."
By Rhee, S. H., Hewitt, J. K., Corley, R. P., Willcutt, E. G., & Pennington,
B. F. (2005) Journal of Abnormal Psychology, 114, 346-362
This appendix presents the summary results for each of a series of simulations comparing familial correlations for comorbid disorders generated under one of 13 comorbidity models.
Appendix in WORD format - Supplemental Table