IBG E-mail Lists

The Institute has a number of mailing lists. To send e-mail to a list use the list name from the tables below followed by "@ibg.colorado.edu". For example, to send to all faculty in the Institute you would use the address faculty@ibg.colorado.edu. In the tables below, you may click on the list name to send e-mail to the list and may click on the content line to examine the contents of the list.

IBG Mailing Lists
List NameContent
FacultyIBG Faculty Fellows
IBG-FacultyIBG Faculty Fellows based at IBG
ResearchersIBG Research Associates and Postdoctoral Fellows
StaffIBG Administrative Staff
StudentsIBG Graduate Students
PRAIBG Professional Research Assistants and Research Staff
IBGersAll above lists combined

In addition, the Department of Psychology maintains e-mail lists which include several IBG Faculty Fellows and most graduate students.