** Mx startup successful ** **MX-PC 1.66b** Job started on 08/12/08 at 08:43:00 ! ROSE FEAR DATA: SOCIAL PHOBIA ! TWINS AND PARENTS: GENETIC AND CULTURAL TRANSMISSION MODEL. ! P--P ASSORTMENT ! TO ESTIMATE D WE ARE BOUNDING R AT 0 & FREEING N #DEFINE NVAR 1 The following MX script lines were read for group 1 #NGROUPS 10 Note: #NGroup set number of groups to 10 G1: MODEL PARAMETERS CALCULATION BEGIN MATRICES; D FULL NVAR NVAR FREE ! ASSORTATIVE MATING PATHS P SYMM NVAR NVAR FREE ! WITHIN PERSON COVARIANCE (RP) A LOW NVAR NVAR FREE ! ADDITIVE GENETIC PATHS Q SYMM NVAR NVAR FREE ! ADDITIVE GENETIC COVARIANCE (RA) E LOW NVAR NVAR FREE ! SPECIFIC ENVIRONMENT PATHS W FULL NVAR NVAR FREE ! A-C COVARIANCE X SYM NVAR NVAR FREE ! VARIANCE AND COVARIANCE OF F M FULL NVAR NVAR FIXED ! PATERNAL CULTURAL TRANSMISSION O FULL NVAR NVAR FIXED ! MATERNAL CULTURAL TRANSMISSION N LOW NVAR NVAR FREE ! NON-ADDITIVE PATHS S LOW NVAR NVAR FREE ! SIBLING ENVIRONMENT PATHS H FULL 1 1 ! SCALAR, .5 G FULL 1 1 FREE Z ZERO 1 1 END MATRICES; MATRIX H 0.5 MA M 0 MA O 0 MA N 0 MA S 0 MA P 1 MA A .5 MA E .7 MA Q 1 BO 0 1 X 1 1 EQ O 1 1 M 1 1 *** WARNING! *** - The first element on this EQ line is fixed Therefore, all subsequent elements on this line will be fixed BEGIN ALGEBRA; I = P*D*P ; ! COVARIANCE B/N SPOUSES T = Q*A + W ; ! GENOTYPE-PHENOTYPE COV K = P*M + P*D*P*O + H*A*T + H*A*T*D*P ; ! FATHER CHILD L = P*O + P*D*P*M + H*A*T + H*A*T*D*P ; ! MOTHER CHILD U = A*Q*A + X + A*W + A*W + N*N + S*S ; ! MZ TWINS V = A*A*(Q-H) + X + A*W + A*W + (H.H)*N*N + S*S ; ! DZ TWINS ! A E D/S T F CVAF AM Y= P|A&Q | E*E' | N*N' | S*S' | X | W | I ; END ALGEBRA; OP MXY=SI.TXT OPTION RSIDUALS END The following MX script lines were read for group 2 G2: PHENOTYPIC VARIANCE CONSTRAINT CONSTRAINT NINPUT=1 BEGIN MATRICES= GROUP 1 CONSTRAINT P= (A*Q*A + X + A*W + A*W + N*N + S*S + E*E ) ; OPTION RSIDUALS END The following MX script lines were read for group 3 G3: GENETIC CONSTRAINT CONSTRAINT MATRICES= GROUP 1 CONSTRAINT Q= (H+H) + T*D*T ; OPTION RSIDUALS END The following MX script lines were read for group 4 G4: A-F CONSTRAINT CONSTRAINT MATRICES= GROUP 1 CONSTRAINT W= H*T*M + H*T*O + H*T*D*P*M + H*T*D*P*O ; OPTION RSIDUALS END The following MX script lines were read for group 5 G5: COMMON ENVIRONMENT CONSTRAINT CONSTRAINT MATRICES= GROUP 1 CONSTRAINT X = (M*M)*P + (O*O)*P + M*O*P*D*P + M*O*P*D*P ; OPTION RSIDUALS END The following MX script lines were read for group 6 G6 - MZ TWINS AND PARENTS DATA NI=37 MISSING=-999 NOTE: Missing value *string* set to '-999' REC FILE =MZM Rectangular continuous data read initiated Note: Maximum ordinal/rectangular record length is: 1000 Note: It be increased by maxrec= parameter on the data line. NOTE: Rectangular file contained 407 records with data that contained a total of 6315 observations LABELS FAM T1 T2 PA MO BRO1 BRO2 SIS1 SIS2 SP.TW1 SON1.TW1 SON2.TW1 DAU1.TW1 DAU2.TW1 SP.TW2 SON1.TW2 SON2.TW2 DAU1.TW2 DAU2.TW2 PAA MOA T1A T2A BRO1A BRO2A SIS1A SIS2A SP.TW1A SON1.TW1A SON2.TW1A DAU1.TW1A DAU2.TW1A SP.TW2A SON1.TW2A SON2.TW2A DAU1.TW2A DAU2.TW2A SELECT PA MO T1 T2 ; MATRICES= GROUP 1 NOTE: Selection yields 407 data vectors for analysis NOTE: Vectors contain a total of 1151 observations MEANS G|G|G|G ; COVARIANCE ( P | I'| K | K )_ ( I | P | L | L )_ ( K'| L'| P | U )_ ( K'| L'| U'| P ) ; OPTION RSIDUALS END The following MX script lines were read for group 7 G6 - MZ TWINS AND PARENTS DATA NI=37 MISSING=-999 NOTE: Missing value *string* set to '-999' REC FILE =MZF Rectangular continuous data read initiated Note: Maximum ordinal/rectangular record length is: 1000 Note: It be increased by maxrec= parameter on the data line. NOTE: Rectangular file contained 434 records with data that contained a total of 6692 observations LABELS FAM T1 T2 PA MO BRO1 BRO2 SIS1 SIS2 SP.TW1 SON1.TW1 SON2.TW1 DAU1.TW1 DAU2.TW1 SP.TW2 SON1.TW2 SON2.TW2 DAU1.TW2 DAU2.TW2 PAA MOA T1A T2A BRO1A BRO2A SIS1A SIS2A SP.TW1A SON1.TW1A SON2.TW1A DAU1.TW1A DAU2.TW1A SP.TW2A SON1.TW2A SON2.TW2A DAU1.TW2A DAU2.TW2A SELECT PA MO T1 T2 ; MATRICES= GROUP 1 NOTE: Selection yields 434 data vectors for analysis NOTE: Vectors contain a total of 1273 observations MEANS G|G|G|G ; COVARIANCE ( P | I'| K | K )_ ( I | P | L | L )_ ( K'| L'| P | U )_ ( K'| L'| U'| P ) ; OPTION RSIDUALS END The following MX script lines were read for group 8 G7 - DZ TWINS AND PARENTS ROSE FEAR FACTOR 1 DATA NI=37 MISSING=-999 NOTE: Missing value *string* set to '-999' REC FILE =DZF Rectangular continuous data read initiated Note: Maximum ordinal/rectangular record length is: 1000 Note: It be increased by maxrec= parameter on the data line. NOTE: Rectangular file contained 259 records with data that contained a total of 3959 observations LABELS FAM T1 T2 PA MO BRO1 BRO2 SIS1 SIS2 SP.TW1 SON1.TW1 SON2.TW1 DAU1.TW1 DAU2.TW1 SP.TW2 SON1.TW2 SON2.TW2 DAU1.TW2 DAU2.TW2 PAA MOA T1A T2A BRO1A BRO2A SIS1A SIS2A SP.TW1A SON1.TW1A SON2.TW1A DAU1.TW1A DAU2.TW1A SP.TW2A SON1.TW2A SON2.TW2A DAU1.TW2A DAU2.TW2A SELECT PA MO T1 T2 ; MATRICES= GROUP 1 NOTE: Selection yields 259 data vectors for analysis NOTE: Vectors contain a total of 758 observations MEANS G|G|G|G ; COVARIANCE ( P | I'| K | K )_ ( I | P | L | L )_ ( K'| L'| P | V )_ ( K'| L'| V'| P ) ; OPTION RSIDUALS END The following MX script lines were read for group 9 G7 - DZ TWINS AND PARENTS ROSE FEAR FACTOR 1 DATA NI=37 MISSING=-999 NOTE: Missing value *string* set to '-999' REC FILE =DZM Rectangular continuous data read initiated Note: Maximum ordinal/rectangular record length is: 1000 Note: It be increased by maxrec= parameter on the data line. NOTE: Rectangular file contained 261 records with data that contained a total of 4047 observations LABELS FAM T1 T2 PA MO BRO1 BRO2 SIS1 SIS2 SP.TW1 SON1.TW1 SON2.TW1 DAU1.TW1 DAU2.TW1 SP.TW2 SON1.TW2 SON2.TW2 DAU1.TW2 DAU2.TW2 PAA MOA T1A T2A BRO1A BRO2A SIS1A SIS2A SP.TW1A SON1.TW1A SON2.TW1A DAU1.TW1A DAU2.TW1A SP.TW2A SON1.TW2A SON2.TW2A DAU1.TW2A DAU2.TW2A SELECT PA MO T1 T2 ; MATRICES= GROUP 1 NOTE: Selection yields 261 data vectors for analysis NOTE: Vectors contain a total of 765 observations MEANS G|G|G|G ; COVARIANCE ( P | I'| K | K )_ ( I | P | L | L )_ ( K'| L'| P | V )_ ( K'| L'| V'| P ) ; OPTION RSIDUALS END The following MX script lines were read for group 10 G7 - DZ TWINS AND PARENTS ROSE FEAR FACTOR 1 DATA NI=37 MISSING=-999 NOTE: Missing value *string* set to '-999' REC FILE =DZOS Rectangular continuous data read initiated Note: Maximum ordinal/rectangular record length is: 1000 Note: It be increased by maxrec= parameter on the data line. NOTE: Rectangular file contained 515 records with data that contained a total of 7885 observations LABELS FAM T1 T2 PA MO BRO1 BRO2 SIS1 SIS2 SP.TW1 SON1.TW1 SON2.TW1 DAU1.TW1 DAU2.TW1 SP.TW2 SON1.TW2 SON2.TW2 DAU1.TW2 DAU2.TW2 PAA MOA T1A T2A BRO1A BRO2A SIS1A SIS2A SP.TW1A SON1.TW1A SON2.TW1A DAU1.TW1A DAU2.TW1A SP.TW2A SON1.TW2A SON2.TW2A DAU1.TW2A DAU2.TW2A SELECT PA MO T1 T2 ; MATRICES= GROUP 1 NOTE: Selection yields 515 data vectors for analysis NOTE: Vectors contain a total of 1423 observations MEANS G|G|G|G ; COVARIANCE ( P | I'| K | K )_ ( I | P | L | L )_ ( K'| L'| P | V )_ ( K'| L'| V'| P ) ; OPTION RSIDUALS MULTIPLE OPTION NDECIMALS=2 OPTION FORMAT=(7(F6.3,1X)) !DROP S 1 1 1 END Summary of VL file data for group 6 PA MO T1 T2 Code 1.00 2.00 3.00 4.00 Number 189.00 205.00 377.00 380.00 Mean -0.01 -0.04 -0.08 -0.06 Variance 1.12 1.28 1.10 1.20 Minimum -3.47 -3.07 -4.19 -4.23 Maximum 2.84 2.62 2.69 2.97 Summary of VL file data for group 7 PA MO T1 T2 Code 1.00 2.00 3.00 4.00 Number 212.00 230.00 416.00 415.00 Mean -0.15 -0.03 -0.08 -0.02 Variance 1.17 0.99 1.18 1.20 Minimum -3.94 -2.64 -3.65 -3.69 Maximum 2.28 2.57 3.64 3.12 Summary of VL file data for group 8 PA MO T1 T2 Code 1.00 2.00 3.00 4.00 Number 130.00 140.00 244.00 244.00 Mean 0.08 -0.06 0.04 -0.04 Variance 0.96 1.06 1.25 1.13 Minimum -2.07 -3.02 -2.88 -2.59 Maximum 2.10 1.93 2.93 2.82 Summary of VL file data for group 9 PA MO T1 T2 Code 1.00 2.00 3.00 4.00 Number 125.00 148.00 244.00 248.00 Mean -0.02 0.03 0.01 0.03 Variance 1.09 1.20 1.15 1.11 Minimum -3.25 -4.46 -2.55 -2.91 Maximum 2.33 2.99 3.55 2.89 Summary of VL file data for group 10 PA MO T1 T2 Code 1.00 2.00 3.00 4.00 Number 216.00 250.00 476.00 481.00 Mean -0.04 0.06 -0.01 -0.03 Variance 1.25 1.00 1.21 1.06 Minimum -2.76 -3.19 -3.49 -3.30 Maximum 2.77 2.98 2.88 2.68 PARAMETER SPECIFICATIONS GROUP NUMBER: 1 G1: Model parameters MATRIX A This is a LOWER TRIANGULAR matrix of order 1 by 1 1 1 3 MATRIX D This is a FULL matrix of order 1 by 1 1 1 1 MATRIX E This is a LOWER TRIANGULAR matrix of order 1 by 1 1 1 5 MATRIX G This is a FULL matrix of order 1 by 1 1 1 10 MATRIX H This is a FULL matrix of order 1 by 1 It has no free parameters specified MATRIX I This is a computed FULL matrix of order 1 by 1 It has no free parameters specified MATRIX K This is a computed FULL matrix of order 1 by 1 It has no free parameters specified MATRIX L This is a computed FULL matrix of order 1 by 1 It has no free parameters specified MATRIX M This is a FULL matrix of order 1 by 1 It has no free parameters specified MATRIX N This is a LOWER TRIANGULAR matrix of order 1 by 1 1 1 8 MATRIX O This is a FULL matrix of order 1 by 1 It has no free parameters specified MATRIX P This is a SYMMETRIC matrix of order 1 by 1 1 1 2 MATRIX Q This is a SYMMETRIC matrix of order 1 by 1 1 1 4 MATRIX S This is a LOWER TRIANGULAR matrix of order 1 by 1 1 1 9 MATRIX T This is a computed FULL matrix of order 1 by 1 It has no free parameters specified MATRIX U This is a computed FULL matrix of order 1 by 1 It has no free parameters specified MATRIX V This is a computed FULL matrix of order 1 by 1 It has no free parameters specified MATRIX W This is a FULL matrix of order 1 by 1 1 1 6 MATRIX X This is a SYMMETRIC matrix of order 1 by 1 1 1 7 MATRIX Y This is a computed FULL matrix of order 1 by 8 It has no free parameters specified MATRIX Z This is a NULL matrix of order 1 by 1 GROUP NUMBER: 2 G2: Phenotypic Variance Constraint MATRIX A This is a LOWER TRIANGULAR matrix of order 1 by 1 1 1 3 MATRIX D This is a FULL matrix of order 1 by 1 1 1 1 MATRIX E This is a LOWER TRIANGULAR matrix of order 1 by 1 1 1 5 MATRIX G This is a FULL matrix of order 1 by 1 1 1 10 MATRIX H This is a FULL matrix of order 1 by 1 It has no free parameters specified MATRIX I This is a computed FULL matrix of order 1 by 1 It has no free parameters specified MATRIX K This is a computed FULL matrix of order 1 by 1 It has no free parameters specified MATRIX L This is a computed FULL matrix of order 1 by 1 It has no free parameters specified MATRIX M This is a FULL matrix of order 1 by 1 It has no free parameters specified MATRIX N This is a LOWER TRIANGULAR matrix of order 1 by 1 1 1 8 MATRIX O This is a FULL matrix of order 1 by 1 It has no free parameters specified MATRIX P This is a SYMMETRIC matrix of order 1 by 1 1 1 2 MATRIX Q This is a SYMMETRIC matrix of order 1 by 1 1 1 4 MATRIX S This is a LOWER TRIANGULAR matrix of order 1 by 1 1 1 9 MATRIX T This is a computed FULL matrix of order 1 by 1 It has no free parameters specified MATRIX U This is a computed FULL matrix of order 1 by 1 It has no free parameters specified MATRIX V This is a computed FULL matrix of order 1 by 1 It has no free parameters specified MATRIX W This is a FULL matrix of order 1 by 1 1 1 6 MATRIX X This is a SYMMETRIC matrix of order 1 by 1 1 1 7 MATRIX Y This is a computed FULL matrix of order 1 by 8 It has no free parameters specified MATRIX Z This is a NULL matrix of order 1 by 1 GROUP NUMBER: 3 G3: Genetic Constraint MATRIX A This is a LOWER TRIANGULAR matrix of order 1 by 1 1 1 3 MATRIX D This is a FULL matrix of order 1 by 1 1 1 1 MATRIX E This is a LOWER TRIANGULAR matrix of order 1 by 1 1 1 5 MATRIX G This is a FULL matrix of order 1 by 1 1 1 10 MATRIX H This is a FULL matrix of order 1 by 1 It has no free parameters specified MATRIX I This is a computed FULL matrix of order 1 by 1 It has no free parameters specified MATRIX K This is a computed FULL matrix of order 1 by 1 It has no free parameters specified MATRIX L This is a computed FULL matrix of order 1 by 1 It has no free parameters specified MATRIX M This is a FULL matrix of order 1 by 1 It has no free parameters specified MATRIX N This is a LOWER TRIANGULAR matrix of order 1 by 1 1 1 8 MATRIX O This is a FULL matrix of order 1 by 1 It has no free parameters specified MATRIX P This is a SYMMETRIC matrix of order 1 by 1 1 1 2 MATRIX Q This is a SYMMETRIC matrix of order 1 by 1 1 1 4 MATRIX S This is a LOWER TRIANGULAR matrix of order 1 by 1 1 1 9 MATRIX T This is a computed FULL matrix of order 1 by 1 It has no free parameters specified MATRIX U This is a computed FULL matrix of order 1 by 1 It has no free parameters specified MATRIX V This is a computed FULL matrix of order 1 by 1 It has no free parameters specified MATRIX W This is a FULL matrix of order 1 by 1 1 1 6 MATRIX X This is a SYMMETRIC matrix of order 1 by 1 1 1 7 MATRIX Y This is a computed FULL matrix of order 1 by 8 It has no free parameters specified MATRIX Z This is a NULL matrix of order 1 by 1 GROUP NUMBER: 4 G4: A-F Constraint MATRIX A This is a LOWER TRIANGULAR matrix of order 1 by 1 1 1 3 MATRIX D This is a FULL matrix of order 1 by 1 1 1 1 MATRIX E This is a LOWER TRIANGULAR matrix of order 1 by 1 1 1 5 MATRIX G This is a FULL matrix of order 1 by 1 1 1 10 MATRIX H This is a FULL matrix of order 1 by 1 It has no free parameters specified MATRIX I This is a computed FULL matrix of order 1 by 1 It has no free parameters specified MATRIX K This is a computed FULL matrix of order 1 by 1 It has no free parameters specified MATRIX L This is a computed FULL matrix of order 1 by 1 It has no free parameters specified MATRIX M This is a FULL matrix of order 1 by 1 It has no free parameters specified MATRIX N This is a LOWER TRIANGULAR matrix of order 1 by 1 1 1 8 MATRIX O This is a FULL matrix of order 1 by 1 It has no free parameters specified MATRIX P This is a SYMMETRIC matrix of order 1 by 1 1 1 2 MATRIX Q This is a SYMMETRIC matrix of order 1 by 1 1 1 4 MATRIX S This is a LOWER TRIANGULAR matrix of order 1 by 1 1 1 9 MATRIX T This is a computed FULL matrix of order 1 by 1 It has no free parameters specified MATRIX U This is a computed FULL matrix of order 1 by 1 It has no free parameters specified MATRIX V This is a computed FULL matrix of order 1 by 1 It has no free parameters specified MATRIX W This is a FULL matrix of order 1 by 1 1 1 6 MATRIX X This is a SYMMETRIC matrix of order 1 by 1 1 1 7 MATRIX Y This is a computed FULL matrix of order 1 by 8 It has no free parameters specified MATRIX Z This is a NULL matrix of order 1 by 1 GROUP NUMBER: 5 G5: Common Environment Constraint MATRIX A This is a LOWER TRIANGULAR matrix of order 1 by 1 1 1 3 MATRIX D This is a FULL matrix of order 1 by 1 1 1 1 MATRIX E This is a LOWER TRIANGULAR matrix of order 1 by 1 1 1 5 MATRIX G This is a FULL matrix of order 1 by 1 1 1 10 MATRIX H This is a FULL matrix of order 1 by 1 It has no free parameters specified MATRIX I This is a computed FULL matrix of order 1 by 1 It has no free parameters specified MATRIX K This is a computed FULL matrix of order 1 by 1 It has no free parameters specified MATRIX L This is a computed FULL matrix of order 1 by 1 It has no free parameters specified MATRIX M This is a FULL matrix of order 1 by 1 It has no free parameters specified MATRIX N This is a LOWER TRIANGULAR matrix of order 1 by 1 1 1 8 MATRIX O This is a FULL matrix of order 1 by 1 It has no free parameters specified MATRIX P This is a SYMMETRIC matrix of order 1 by 1 1 1 2 MATRIX Q This is a SYMMETRIC matrix of order 1 by 1 1 1 4 MATRIX S This is a LOWER TRIANGULAR matrix of order 1 by 1 1 1 9 MATRIX T This is a computed FULL matrix of order 1 by 1 It has no free parameters specified MATRIX U This is a computed FULL matrix of order 1 by 1 It has no free parameters specified MATRIX V This is a computed FULL matrix of order 1 by 1 It has no free parameters specified MATRIX W This is a FULL matrix of order 1 by 1 1 1 6 MATRIX X This is a SYMMETRIC matrix of order 1 by 1 1 1 7 MATRIX Y This is a computed FULL matrix of order 1 by 8 It has no free parameters specified MATRIX Z This is a NULL matrix of order 1 by 1 GROUP NUMBER: 6 G6 - MZ Twins and parents MATRIX A This is a LOWER TRIANGULAR matrix of order 1 by 1 1 1 3 MATRIX D This is a FULL matrix of order 1 by 1 1 1 1 MATRIX E This is a LOWER TRIANGULAR matrix of order 1 by 1 1 1 5 MATRIX G This is a FULL matrix of order 1 by 1 1 1 10 MATRIX H This is a FULL matrix of order 1 by 1 It has no free parameters specified MATRIX I This is a computed FULL matrix of order 1 by 1 It has no free parameters specified MATRIX K This is a computed FULL matrix of order 1 by 1 It has no free parameters specified MATRIX L This is a computed FULL matrix of order 1 by 1 It has no free parameters specified MATRIX M This is a FULL matrix of order 1 by 1 It has no free parameters specified MATRIX N This is a LOWER TRIANGULAR matrix of order 1 by 1 1 1 8 MATRIX O This is a FULL matrix of order 1 by 1 It has no free parameters specified MATRIX P This is a SYMMETRIC matrix of order 1 by 1 1 1 2 MATRIX Q This is a SYMMETRIC matrix of order 1 by 1 1 1 4 MATRIX S This is a LOWER TRIANGULAR matrix of order 1 by 1 1 1 9 MATRIX T This is a computed FULL matrix of order 1 by 1 It has no free parameters specified MATRIX U This is a computed FULL matrix of order 1 by 1 It has no free parameters specified MATRIX V This is a computed FULL matrix of order 1 by 1 It has no free parameters specified MATRIX W This is a FULL matrix of order 1 by 1 1 1 6 MATRIX X This is a SYMMETRIC matrix of order 1 by 1 1 1 7 MATRIX Y This is a computed FULL matrix of order 1 by 8 It has no free parameters specified MATRIX Z This is a NULL matrix of order 1 by 1 GROUP NUMBER: 7 G6 - MZ Twins and parents MATRIX A This is a LOWER TRIANGULAR matrix of order 1 by 1 1 1 3 MATRIX D This is a FULL matrix of order 1 by 1 1 1 1 MATRIX E This is a LOWER TRIANGULAR matrix of order 1 by 1 1 1 5 MATRIX G This is a FULL matrix of order 1 by 1 1 1 10 MATRIX H This is a FULL matrix of order 1 by 1 It has no free parameters specified MATRIX I This is a computed FULL matrix of order 1 by 1 It has no free parameters specified MATRIX K This is a computed FULL matrix of order 1 by 1 It has no free parameters specified MATRIX L This is a computed FULL matrix of order 1 by 1 It has no free parameters specified MATRIX M This is a FULL matrix of order 1 by 1 It has no free parameters specified MATRIX N This is a LOWER TRIANGULAR matrix of order 1 by 1 1 1 8 MATRIX O This is a FULL matrix of order 1 by 1 It has no free parameters specified MATRIX P This is a SYMMETRIC matrix of order 1 by 1 1 1 2 MATRIX Q This is a SYMMETRIC matrix of order 1 by 1 1 1 4 MATRIX S This is a LOWER TRIANGULAR matrix of order 1 by 1 1 1 9 MATRIX T This is a computed FULL matrix of order 1 by 1 It has no free parameters specified MATRIX U This is a computed FULL matrix of order 1 by 1 It has no free parameters specified MATRIX V This is a computed FULL matrix of order 1 by 1 It has no free parameters specified MATRIX W This is a FULL matrix of order 1 by 1 1 1 6 MATRIX X This is a SYMMETRIC matrix of order 1 by 1 1 1 7 MATRIX Y This is a computed FULL matrix of order 1 by 8 It has no free parameters specified MATRIX Z This is a NULL matrix of order 1 by 1 GROUP NUMBER: 8 G7 - DZ twins and parents Rose Fear Factor 1 MATRIX A This is a LOWER TRIANGULAR matrix of order 1 by 1 1 1 3 MATRIX D This is a FULL matrix of order 1 by 1 1 1 1 MATRIX E This is a LOWER TRIANGULAR matrix of order 1 by 1 1 1 5 MATRIX G This is a FULL matrix of order 1 by 1 1 1 10 MATRIX H This is a FULL matrix of order 1 by 1 It has no free parameters specified MATRIX I This is a computed FULL matrix of order 1 by 1 It has no free parameters specified MATRIX K This is a computed FULL matrix of order 1 by 1 It has no free parameters specified MATRIX L This is a computed FULL matrix of order 1 by 1 It has no free parameters specified MATRIX M This is a FULL matrix of order 1 by 1 It has no free parameters specified MATRIX N This is a LOWER TRIANGULAR matrix of order 1 by 1 1 1 8 MATRIX O This is a FULL matrix of order 1 by 1 It has no free parameters specified MATRIX P This is a SYMMETRIC matrix of order 1 by 1 1 1 2 MATRIX Q This is a SYMMETRIC matrix of order 1 by 1 1 1 4 MATRIX S This is a LOWER TRIANGULAR matrix of order 1 by 1 1 1 9 MATRIX T This is a computed FULL matrix of order 1 by 1 It has no free parameters specified MATRIX U This is a computed FULL matrix of order 1 by 1 It has no free parameters specified MATRIX V This is a computed FULL matrix of order 1 by 1 It has no free parameters specified MATRIX W This is a FULL matrix of order 1 by 1 1 1 6 MATRIX X This is a SYMMETRIC matrix of order 1 by 1 1 1 7 MATRIX Y This is a computed FULL matrix of order 1 by 8 It has no free parameters specified MATRIX Z This is a NULL matrix of order 1 by 1 GROUP NUMBER: 9 G7 - DZ twins and parents Rose Fear Factor 1 MATRIX A This is a LOWER TRIANGULAR matrix of order 1 by 1 1 1 3 MATRIX D This is a FULL matrix of order 1 by 1 1 1 1 MATRIX E This is a LOWER TRIANGULAR matrix of order 1 by 1 1 1 5 MATRIX G This is a FULL matrix of order 1 by 1 1 1 10 MATRIX H This is a FULL matrix of order 1 by 1 It has no free parameters specified MATRIX I This is a computed FULL matrix of order 1 by 1 It has no free parameters specified MATRIX K This is a computed FULL matrix of order 1 by 1 It has no free parameters specified MATRIX L This is a computed FULL matrix of order 1 by 1 It has no free parameters specified MATRIX M This is a FULL matrix of order 1 by 1 It has no free parameters specified MATRIX N This is a LOWER TRIANGULAR matrix of order 1 by 1 1 1 8 MATRIX O This is a FULL matrix of order 1 by 1 It has no free parameters specified MATRIX P This is a SYMMETRIC matrix of order 1 by 1 1 1 2 MATRIX Q This is a SYMMETRIC matrix of order 1 by 1 1 1 4 MATRIX S This is a LOWER TRIANGULAR matrix of order 1 by 1 1 1 9 MATRIX T This is a computed FULL matrix of order 1 by 1 It has no free parameters specified MATRIX U This is a computed FULL matrix of order 1 by 1 It has no free parameters specified MATRIX V This is a computed FULL matrix of order 1 by 1 It has no free parameters specified MATRIX W This is a FULL matrix of order 1 by 1 1 1 6 MATRIX X This is a SYMMETRIC matrix of order 1 by 1 1 1 7 MATRIX Y This is a computed FULL matrix of order 1 by 8 It has no free parameters specified MATRIX Z This is a NULL matrix of order 1 by 1 GROUP NUMBER: 10 G7 - DZ twins and parents Rose Fear Factor 1 MATRIX A This is a LOWER TRIANGULAR matrix of order 1 by 1 1 1 3 MATRIX D This is a FULL matrix of order 1 by 1 1 1 1 MATRIX E This is a LOWER TRIANGULAR matrix of order 1 by 1 1 1 5 MATRIX G This is a FULL matrix of order 1 by 1 1 1 10 MATRIX H This is a FULL matrix of order 1 by 1 It has no free parameters specified MATRIX I This is a computed FULL matrix of order 1 by 1 It has no free parameters specified MATRIX K This is a computed FULL matrix of order 1 by 1 It has no free parameters specified MATRIX L This is a computed FULL matrix of order 1 by 1 It has no free parameters specified MATRIX M This is a FULL matrix of order 1 by 1 It has no free parameters specified MATRIX N This is a LOWER TRIANGULAR matrix of order 1 by 1 1 1 8 MATRIX O This is a FULL matrix of order 1 by 1 It has no free parameters specified MATRIX P This is a SYMMETRIC matrix of order 1 by 1 1 1 2 MATRIX Q This is a SYMMETRIC matrix of order 1 by 1 1 1 4 MATRIX S This is a LOWER TRIANGULAR matrix of order 1 by 1 1 1 9 MATRIX T This is a computed FULL matrix of order 1 by 1 It has no free parameters specified MATRIX U This is a computed FULL matrix of order 1 by 1 It has no free parameters specified MATRIX V This is a computed FULL matrix of order 1 by 1 It has no free parameters specified MATRIX W This is a FULL matrix of order 1 by 1 1 1 6 MATRIX X This is a SYMMETRIC matrix of order 1 by 1 1 1 7 MATRIX Y This is a computed FULL matrix of order 1 by 8 It has no free parameters specified MATRIX Z This is a NULL matrix of order 1 by 1 Mx starting optimization; number of parameters = 10 MX PARAMETER ESTIMATES GROUP NUMBER: 1 G1: Model parameters Estimates of matrix Y will be written to file: SI.txt Format to be used is: (7(F6.3,1x)) MATRIX A This is a LOWER TRIANGULAR matrix of order 1 by 1 1 1 0.80 MATRIX D This is a FULL matrix of order 1 by 1 1 1 -0.02 MATRIX E This is a LOWER TRIANGULAR matrix of order 1 by 1 1 1 0.54 MATRIX G This is a FULL matrix of order 1 by 1 1 1 -0.02 MATRIX H This is a FULL matrix of order 1 by 1 1 1 0.50 MATRIX I This is a computed FULL matrix of order 1 by 1 [=P*D*P] 1 1 -0.03 MATRIX K This is a computed FULL matrix of order 1 by 1 [=P*M+P*D*P*O+H*A*T+H*A*T*D*P] 1 1 0.30 MATRIX L This is a computed FULL matrix of order 1 by 1 [=P*O+P*D*P*M+H*A*T+H*A*T*D*P] 1 1 0.30 MATRIX M This is a FULL matrix of order 1 by 1 1 1 0.00 MATRIX N This is a LOWER TRIANGULAR matrix of order 1 by 1 1 1 0.00 MATRIX O This is a FULL matrix of order 1 by 1 1 1 0.00 MATRIX P This is a SYMMETRIC matrix of order 1 by 1 1 1 1.14 MATRIX Q This is a SYMMETRIC matrix of order 1 by 1 1 1 0.98 MATRIX S This is a LOWER TRIANGULAR matrix of order 1 by 1 1 1 0.48 MATRIX T This is a computed FULL matrix of order 1 by 1 [=Q*A+W] 1 1 0.78 MATRIX U This is a computed FULL matrix of order 1 by 1 [=A*Q*A+X+A*W+A*W+N*N+S*S] 1 1 0.85 MATRIX V This is a computed FULL matrix of order 1 by 1 [=A*A*(Q-H)+X+A*W+A*W+(H.H)*N*N+S*S] 1 1 0.53 MATRIX W This is a FULL matrix of order 1 by 1 1 1 0.00 MATRIX X This is a SYMMETRIC matrix of order 1 by 1 1 1 0.00 MATRIX Y This is a computed FULL matrix of order 1 by 8 [=P|A&Q|E*E'|N*N'|S*S'|X|W|I] 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 1 1.14 0.63 0.29 0.00 0.23 0.00 0.00 -0.03 MATRIX Z This is a NULL matrix of order 1 by 1 EXPECTED MATRIX of this CALCULATION group GROUP NUMBER: 2 G2: Phenotypic Variance Constraint MATRIX A This is a LOWER TRIANGULAR matrix of order 1 by 1 1 1 0.80 MATRIX D This is a FULL matrix of order 1 by 1 1 1 -0.02 MATRIX E This is a LOWER TRIANGULAR matrix of order 1 by 1 1 1 0.54 MATRIX G This is a FULL matrix of order 1 by 1 1 1 -0.02 MATRIX H This is a FULL matrix of order 1 by 1 1 1 0.50 MATRIX I This is a computed FULL matrix of order 1 by 1 [=P*D*P] 1 1 -0.03 MATRIX K This is a computed FULL matrix of order 1 by 1 [=P*M+P*D*P*O+H*A*T+H*A*T*D*P] 1 1 0.30 MATRIX L This is a computed FULL matrix of order 1 by 1 [=P*O+P*D*P*M+H*A*T+H*A*T*D*P] 1 1 0.30 MATRIX M This is a FULL matrix of order 1 by 1 1 1 0.00 MATRIX N This is a LOWER TRIANGULAR matrix of order 1 by 1 1 1 0.00 MATRIX O This is a FULL matrix of order 1 by 1 1 1 0.00 MATRIX P This is a SYMMETRIC matrix of order 1 by 1 1 1 1.14 MATRIX Q This is a SYMMETRIC matrix of order 1 by 1 1 1 0.98 MATRIX S This is a LOWER TRIANGULAR matrix of order 1 by 1 1 1 0.48 MATRIX T This is a computed FULL matrix of order 1 by 1 [=Q*A+W] 1 1 0.78 MATRIX U This is a computed FULL matrix of order 1 by 1 [=A*Q*A+X+A*W+A*W+N*N+S*S] 1 1 0.85 MATRIX V This is a computed FULL matrix of order 1 by 1 [=A*A*(Q-H)+X+A*W+A*W+(H.H)*N*N+S*S] 1 1 0.53 MATRIX W This is a FULL matrix of order 1 by 1 1 1 0.00 MATRIX X This is a SYMMETRIC matrix of order 1 by 1 1 1 0.00 MATRIX Y This is a computed FULL matrix of order 1 by 8 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 1 1.14 0.63 0.29 0.00 0.23 0.00 0.00 -0.03 MATRIX Z This is a NULL matrix of order 1 by 1 CONSTRAINT VALUES (should be near zero) 1 1 0.00 GROUP NUMBER: 3 G3: Genetic Constraint MATRIX A This is a LOWER TRIANGULAR matrix of order 1 by 1 1 1 0.80 MATRIX D This is a FULL matrix of order 1 by 1 1 1 -0.02 MATRIX E This is a LOWER TRIANGULAR matrix of order 1 by 1 1 1 0.54 MATRIX G This is a FULL matrix of order 1 by 1 1 1 -0.02 MATRIX H This is a FULL matrix of order 1 by 1 1 1 0.50 MATRIX I This is a computed FULL matrix of order 1 by 1 [=P*D*P] 1 1 -0.03 MATRIX K This is a computed FULL matrix of order 1 by 1 [=P*M+P*D*P*O+H*A*T+H*A*T*D*P] 1 1 0.30 MATRIX L This is a computed FULL matrix of order 1 by 1 [=P*O+P*D*P*M+H*A*T+H*A*T*D*P] 1 1 0.30 MATRIX M This is a FULL matrix of order 1 by 1 1 1 0.00 MATRIX N This is a LOWER TRIANGULAR matrix of order 1 by 1 1 1 0.00 MATRIX O This is a FULL matrix of order 1 by 1 1 1 0.00 MATRIX P This is a SYMMETRIC matrix of order 1 by 1 1 1 1.14 MATRIX Q This is a SYMMETRIC matrix of order 1 by 1 1 1 0.98 MATRIX S This is a LOWER TRIANGULAR matrix of order 1 by 1 1 1 0.48 MATRIX T This is a computed FULL matrix of order 1 by 1 [=Q*A+W] 1 1 0.78 MATRIX U This is a computed FULL matrix of order 1 by 1 [=A*Q*A+X+A*W+A*W+N*N+S*S] 1 1 0.85 MATRIX V This is a computed FULL matrix of order 1 by 1 [=A*A*(Q-H)+X+A*W+A*W+(H.H)*N*N+S*S] 1 1 0.53 MATRIX W This is a FULL matrix of order 1 by 1 1 1 0.00 MATRIX X This is a SYMMETRIC matrix of order 1 by 1 1 1 0.00 MATRIX Y This is a computed FULL matrix of order 1 by 8 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 1 1.14 0.63 0.29 0.00 0.23 0.00 0.00 -0.03 MATRIX Z This is a NULL matrix of order 1 by 1 CONSTRAINT VALUES (should be near zero) 1 1 0.00 GROUP NUMBER: 4 G4: A-F Constraint MATRIX A This is a LOWER TRIANGULAR matrix of order 1 by 1 1 1 0.80 MATRIX D This is a FULL matrix of order 1 by 1 1 1 -0.02 MATRIX E This is a LOWER TRIANGULAR matrix of order 1 by 1 1 1 0.54 MATRIX G This is a FULL matrix of order 1 by 1 1 1 -0.02 MATRIX H This is a FULL matrix of order 1 by 1 1 1 0.50 MATRIX I This is a computed FULL matrix of order 1 by 1 [=P*D*P] 1 1 -0.03 MATRIX K This is a computed FULL matrix of order 1 by 1 [=P*M+P*D*P*O+H*A*T+H*A*T*D*P] 1 1 0.30 MATRIX L This is a computed FULL matrix of order 1 by 1 [=P*O+P*D*P*M+H*A*T+H*A*T*D*P] 1 1 0.30 MATRIX M This is a FULL matrix of order 1 by 1 1 1 0.00 MATRIX N This is a LOWER TRIANGULAR matrix of order 1 by 1 1 1 0.00 MATRIX O This is a FULL matrix of order 1 by 1 1 1 0.00 MATRIX P This is a SYMMETRIC matrix of order 1 by 1 1 1 1.14 MATRIX Q This is a SYMMETRIC matrix of order 1 by 1 1 1 0.98 MATRIX S This is a LOWER TRIANGULAR matrix of order 1 by 1 1 1 0.48 MATRIX T This is a computed FULL matrix of order 1 by 1 [=Q*A+W] 1 1 0.78 MATRIX U This is a computed FULL matrix of order 1 by 1 [=A*Q*A+X+A*W+A*W+N*N+S*S] 1 1 0.85 MATRIX V This is a computed FULL matrix of order 1 by 1 [=A*A*(Q-H)+X+A*W+A*W+(H.H)*N*N+S*S] 1 1 0.53 MATRIX W This is a FULL matrix of order 1 by 1 1 1 0.00 MATRIX X This is a SYMMETRIC matrix of order 1 by 1 1 1 0.00 MATRIX Y This is a computed FULL matrix of order 1 by 8 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 1 1.14 0.63 0.29 0.00 0.23 0.00 0.00 -0.03 MATRIX Z This is a NULL matrix of order 1 by 1 CONSTRAINT VALUES (should be near zero) 1 1 0.00 GROUP NUMBER: 5 G5: Common Environment Constraint MATRIX A This is a LOWER TRIANGULAR matrix of order 1 by 1 1 1 0.80 MATRIX D This is a FULL matrix of order 1 by 1 1 1 -0.02 MATRIX E This is a LOWER TRIANGULAR matrix of order 1 by 1 1 1 0.54 MATRIX G This is a FULL matrix of order 1 by 1 1 1 -0.02 MATRIX H This is a FULL matrix of order 1 by 1 1 1 0.50 MATRIX I This is a computed FULL matrix of order 1 by 1 [=P*D*P] 1 1 -0.03 MATRIX K This is a computed FULL matrix of order 1 by 1 [=P*M+P*D*P*O+H*A*T+H*A*T*D*P] 1 1 0.30 MATRIX L This is a computed FULL matrix of order 1 by 1 [=P*O+P*D*P*M+H*A*T+H*A*T*D*P] 1 1 0.30 MATRIX M This is a FULL matrix of order 1 by 1 1 1 0.00 MATRIX N This is a LOWER TRIANGULAR matrix of order 1 by 1 1 1 0.00 MATRIX O This is a FULL matrix of order 1 by 1 1 1 0.00 MATRIX P This is a SYMMETRIC matrix of order 1 by 1 1 1 1.14 MATRIX Q This is a SYMMETRIC matrix of order 1 by 1 1 1 0.98 MATRIX S This is a LOWER TRIANGULAR matrix of order 1 by 1 1 1 0.48 MATRIX T This is a computed FULL matrix of order 1 by 1 [=Q*A+W] 1 1 0.78 MATRIX U This is a computed FULL matrix of order 1 by 1 [=A*Q*A+X+A*W+A*W+N*N+S*S] 1 1 0.85 MATRIX V This is a computed FULL matrix of order 1 by 1 [=A*A*(Q-H)+X+A*W+A*W+(H.H)*N*N+S*S] 1 1 0.53 MATRIX W This is a FULL matrix of order 1 by 1 1 1 0.00 MATRIX X This is a SYMMETRIC matrix of order 1 by 1 1 1 0.00 MATRIX Y This is a computed FULL matrix of order 1 by 8 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 1 1.14 0.63 0.29 0.00 0.23 0.00 0.00 -0.03 MATRIX Z This is a NULL matrix of order 1 by 1 CONSTRAINT VALUES (should be near zero) 1 1 0.00 GROUP NUMBER: 6 G6 - MZ Twins and parents MATRIX A This is a LOWER TRIANGULAR matrix of order 1 by 1 1 1 0.80 MATRIX D This is a FULL matrix of order 1 by 1 1 1 -0.02 MATRIX E This is a LOWER TRIANGULAR matrix of order 1 by 1 1 1 0.54 MATRIX G This is a FULL matrix of order 1 by 1 1 1 -0.02 MATRIX H This is a FULL matrix of order 1 by 1 1 1 0.50 MATRIX I This is a computed FULL matrix of order 1 by 1 [=P*D*P] 1 1 -0.03 MATRIX K This is a computed FULL matrix of order 1 by 1 [=P*M+P*D*P*O+H*A*T+H*A*T*D*P] 1 1 0.30 MATRIX L This is a computed FULL matrix of order 1 by 1 [=P*O+P*D*P*M+H*A*T+H*A*T*D*P] 1 1 0.30 MATRIX M This is a FULL matrix of order 1 by 1 1 1 0.00 MATRIX N This is a LOWER TRIANGULAR matrix of order 1 by 1 1 1 0.00 MATRIX O This is a FULL matrix of order 1 by 1 1 1 0.00 MATRIX P This is a SYMMETRIC matrix of order 1 by 1 1 1 1.14 MATRIX Q This is a SYMMETRIC matrix of order 1 by 1 1 1 0.98 MATRIX S This is a LOWER TRIANGULAR matrix of order 1 by 1 1 1 0.48 MATRIX T This is a computed FULL matrix of order 1 by 1 [=Q*A+W] 1 1 0.78 MATRIX U This is a computed FULL matrix of order 1 by 1 [=A*Q*A+X+A*W+A*W+N*N+S*S] 1 1 0.85 MATRIX V This is a computed FULL matrix of order 1 by 1 [=A*A*(Q-H)+X+A*W+A*W+(H.H)*N*N+S*S] 1 1 0.53 MATRIX W This is a FULL matrix of order 1 by 1 1 1 0.00 MATRIX X This is a SYMMETRIC matrix of order 1 by 1 1 1 0.00 MATRIX Y This is a computed FULL matrix of order 1 by 8 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 1 1.14 0.63 0.29 0.00 0.23 0.00 0.00 -0.03 MATRIX Z This is a NULL matrix of order 1 by 1 Vector of OBSERVED means PA MO T1 T2 Mean -0.01 -0.04 -0.08 -0.06 Vector of EXPECTED means PA MO T1 T2 Mean -0.02 -0.02 -0.02 -0.02 (OBSERVED MATRIX is nonexistent for raw data) EXPECTED COVARIANCE MATRIX PA MO T1 T2 PA 1.14 MO -0.03 1.14 T1 0.30 0.30 1.14 T2 0.30 0.30 0.85 1.14 Function value of this group: 3105.28 Where the fit function is -2 * Log-likelihood of raw data GROUP NUMBER: 7 G6 - MZ Twins and parents MATRIX A This is a LOWER TRIANGULAR matrix of order 1 by 1 1 1 0.80 MATRIX D This is a FULL matrix of order 1 by 1 1 1 -0.02 MATRIX E This is a LOWER TRIANGULAR matrix of order 1 by 1 1 1 0.54 MATRIX G This is a FULL matrix of order 1 by 1 1 1 -0.02 MATRIX H This is a FULL matrix of order 1 by 1 1 1 0.50 MATRIX I This is a computed FULL matrix of order 1 by 1 [=P*D*P] 1 1 -0.03 MATRIX K This is a computed FULL matrix of order 1 by 1 [=P*M+P*D*P*O+H*A*T+H*A*T*D*P] 1 1 0.30 MATRIX L This is a computed FULL matrix of order 1 by 1 [=P*O+P*D*P*M+H*A*T+H*A*T*D*P] 1 1 0.30 MATRIX M This is a FULL matrix of order 1 by 1 1 1 0.00 MATRIX N This is a LOWER TRIANGULAR matrix of order 1 by 1 1 1 0.00 MATRIX O This is a FULL matrix of order 1 by 1 1 1 0.00 MATRIX P This is a SYMMETRIC matrix of order 1 by 1 1 1 1.14 MATRIX Q This is a SYMMETRIC matrix of order 1 by 1 1 1 0.98 MATRIX S This is a LOWER TRIANGULAR matrix of order 1 by 1 1 1 0.48 MATRIX T This is a computed FULL matrix of order 1 by 1 [=Q*A+W] 1 1 0.78 MATRIX U This is a computed FULL matrix of order 1 by 1 [=A*Q*A+X+A*W+A*W+N*N+S*S] 1 1 0.85 MATRIX V This is a computed FULL matrix of order 1 by 1 [=A*A*(Q-H)+X+A*W+A*W+(H.H)*N*N+S*S] 1 1 0.53 MATRIX W This is a FULL matrix of order 1 by 1 1 1 0.00 MATRIX X This is a SYMMETRIC matrix of order 1 by 1 1 1 0.00 MATRIX Y This is a computed FULL matrix of order 1 by 8 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 1 1.14 0.63 0.29 0.00 0.23 0.00 0.00 -0.03 MATRIX Z This is a NULL matrix of order 1 by 1 Vector of OBSERVED means PA MO T1 T2 Mean -0.15 -0.03 -0.08 -0.02 Vector of EXPECTED means PA MO T1 T2 Mean -0.02 -0.02 -0.02 -0.02 (OBSERVED MATRIX is nonexistent for raw data) EXPECTED COVARIANCE MATRIX PA MO T1 T2 PA 1.14 MO -0.03 1.14 T1 0.30 0.30 1.14 T2 0.30 0.30 0.85 1.14 Function value of this group: 3439.13 Where the fit function is -2 * Log-likelihood of raw data GROUP NUMBER: 8 G7 - DZ twins and parents Rose Fear Factor 1 MATRIX A This is a LOWER TRIANGULAR matrix of order 1 by 1 1 1 0.80 MATRIX D This is a FULL matrix of order 1 by 1 1 1 -0.02 MATRIX E This is a LOWER TRIANGULAR matrix of order 1 by 1 1 1 0.54 MATRIX G This is a FULL matrix of order 1 by 1 1 1 -0.02 MATRIX H This is a FULL matrix of order 1 by 1 1 1 0.50 MATRIX I This is a computed FULL matrix of order 1 by 1 [=P*D*P] 1 1 -0.03 MATRIX K This is a computed FULL matrix of order 1 by 1 [=P*M+P*D*P*O+H*A*T+H*A*T*D*P] 1 1 0.30 MATRIX L This is a computed FULL matrix of order 1 by 1 [=P*O+P*D*P*M+H*A*T+H*A*T*D*P] 1 1 0.30 MATRIX M This is a FULL matrix of order 1 by 1 1 1 0.00 MATRIX N This is a LOWER TRIANGULAR matrix of order 1 by 1 1 1 0.00 MATRIX O This is a FULL matrix of order 1 by 1 1 1 0.00 MATRIX P This is a SYMMETRIC matrix of order 1 by 1 1 1 1.14 MATRIX Q This is a SYMMETRIC matrix of order 1 by 1 1 1 0.98 MATRIX S This is a LOWER TRIANGULAR matrix of order 1 by 1 1 1 0.48 MATRIX T This is a computed FULL matrix of order 1 by 1 [=Q*A+W] 1 1 0.78 MATRIX U This is a computed FULL matrix of order 1 by 1 [=A*Q*A+X+A*W+A*W+N*N+S*S] 1 1 0.85 MATRIX V This is a computed FULL matrix of order 1 by 1 [=A*A*(Q-H)+X+A*W+A*W+(H.H)*N*N+S*S] 1 1 0.53 MATRIX W This is a FULL matrix of order 1 by 1 1 1 0.00 MATRIX X This is a SYMMETRIC matrix of order 1 by 1 1 1 0.00 MATRIX Y This is a computed FULL matrix of order 1 by 8 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 1 1.14 0.63 0.29 0.00 0.23 0.00 0.00 -0.03 MATRIX Z This is a NULL matrix of order 1 by 1 Vector of OBSERVED means PA MO T1 T2 Mean 0.08 -0.06 0.04 -0.04 Vector of EXPECTED means PA MO T1 T2 Mean -0.02 -0.02 -0.02 -0.02 (OBSERVED MATRIX is nonexistent for raw data) EXPECTED COVARIANCE MATRIX PA MO T1 T2 PA 1.14 MO -0.03 1.14 T1 0.30 0.30 1.14 T2 0.30 0.30 0.53 1.14 Function value of this group: 2171.76 Where the fit function is -2 * Log-likelihood of raw data GROUP NUMBER: 9 G7 - DZ twins and parents Rose Fear Factor 1 MATRIX A This is a LOWER TRIANGULAR matrix of order 1 by 1 1 1 0.80 MATRIX D This is a FULL matrix of order 1 by 1 1 1 -0.02 MATRIX E This is a LOWER TRIANGULAR matrix of order 1 by 1 1 1 0.54 MATRIX G This is a FULL matrix of order 1 by 1 1 1 -0.02 MATRIX H This is a FULL matrix of order 1 by 1 1 1 0.50 MATRIX I This is a computed FULL matrix of order 1 by 1 [=P*D*P] 1 1 -0.03 MATRIX K This is a computed FULL matrix of order 1 by 1 [=P*M+P*D*P*O+H*A*T+H*A*T*D*P] 1 1 0.30 MATRIX L This is a computed FULL matrix of order 1 by 1 [=P*O+P*D*P*M+H*A*T+H*A*T*D*P] 1 1 0.30 MATRIX M This is a FULL matrix of order 1 by 1 1 1 0.00 MATRIX N This is a LOWER TRIANGULAR matrix of order 1 by 1 1 1 0.00 MATRIX O This is a FULL matrix of order 1 by 1 1 1 0.00 MATRIX P This is a SYMMETRIC matrix of order 1 by 1 1 1 1.14 MATRIX Q This is a SYMMETRIC matrix of order 1 by 1 1 1 0.98 MATRIX S This is a LOWER TRIANGULAR matrix of order 1 by 1 1 1 0.48 MATRIX T This is a computed FULL matrix of order 1 by 1 [=Q*A+W] 1 1 0.78 MATRIX U This is a computed FULL matrix of order 1 by 1 [=A*Q*A+X+A*W+A*W+N*N+S*S] 1 1 0.85 MATRIX V This is a computed FULL matrix of order 1 by 1 [=A*A*(Q-H)+X+A*W+A*W+(H.H)*N*N+S*S] 1 1 0.53 MATRIX W This is a FULL matrix of order 1 by 1 1 1 0.00 MATRIX X This is a SYMMETRIC matrix of order 1 by 1 1 1 0.00 MATRIX Y This is a computed FULL matrix of order 1 by 8 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 1 1.14 0.63 0.29 0.00 0.23 0.00 0.00 -0.03 MATRIX Z This is a NULL matrix of order 1 by 1 Vector of OBSERVED means PA MO T1 T2 Mean -0.02 0.03 0.01 0.03 Vector of EXPECTED means PA MO T1 T2 Mean -0.02 -0.02 -0.02 -0.02 (OBSERVED MATRIX is nonexistent for raw data) EXPECTED COVARIANCE MATRIX PA MO T1 T2 PA 1.14 MO -0.03 1.14 T1 0.30 0.30 1.14 T2 0.30 0.30 0.53 1.14 Function value of this group: 2152.58 Where the fit function is -2 * Log-likelihood of raw data GROUP NUMBER: 10 G7 - DZ twins and parents Rose Fear Factor 1 MATRIX A This is a LOWER TRIANGULAR matrix of order 1 by 1 1 1 0.80 MATRIX D This is a FULL matrix of order 1 by 1 1 1 -0.02 MATRIX E This is a LOWER TRIANGULAR matrix of order 1 by 1 1 1 0.54 MATRIX G This is a FULL matrix of order 1 by 1 1 1 -0.02 MATRIX H This is a FULL matrix of order 1 by 1 1 1 0.50 MATRIX I This is a computed FULL matrix of order 1 by 1 [=P*D*P] 1 1 -0.03 MATRIX K This is a computed FULL matrix of order 1 by 1 [=P*M+P*D*P*O+H*A*T+H*A*T*D*P] 1 1 0.30 MATRIX L This is a computed FULL matrix of order 1 by 1 [=P*O+P*D*P*M+H*A*T+H*A*T*D*P] 1 1 0.30 MATRIX M This is a FULL matrix of order 1 by 1 1 1 0.00 MATRIX N This is a LOWER TRIANGULAR matrix of order 1 by 1 1 1 0.00 MATRIX O This is a FULL matrix of order 1 by 1 1 1 0.00 MATRIX P This is a SYMMETRIC matrix of order 1 by 1 1 1 1.14 MATRIX Q This is a SYMMETRIC matrix of order 1 by 1 1 1 0.98 MATRIX S This is a LOWER TRIANGULAR matrix of order 1 by 1 1 1 0.48 MATRIX T This is a computed FULL matrix of order 1 by 1 [=Q*A+W] 1 1 0.78 MATRIX U This is a computed FULL matrix of order 1 by 1 [=A*Q*A+X+A*W+A*W+N*N+S*S] 1 1 0.85 MATRIX V This is a computed FULL matrix of order 1 by 1 [=A*A*(Q-H)+X+A*W+A*W+(H.H)*N*N+S*S] 1 1 0.53 MATRIX W This is a FULL matrix of order 1 by 1 1 1 0.00 MATRIX X This is a SYMMETRIC matrix of order 1 by 1 1 1 0.00 MATRIX Y This is a computed FULL matrix of order 1 by 8 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 1 1.14 0.63 0.29 0.00 0.23 0.00 0.00 -0.03 MATRIX Z This is a NULL matrix of order 1 by 1 Vector of OBSERVED means PA MO T1 T2 Mean -0.04 0.06 -0.01 -0.03 Vector of EXPECTED means PA MO T1 T2 Mean -0.02 -0.02 -0.02 -0.02 (OBSERVED MATRIX is nonexistent for raw data) EXPECTED COVARIANCE MATRIX PA MO T1 T2 PA 1.14 MO -0.03 1.14 T1 0.30 0.30 1.14 T2 0.30 0.30 0.53 1.14 Function value of this group: 4061.43 Where the fit function is -2 * Log-likelihood of raw data Your model has 10 estimated parameters and 5374 Observed statistics Observed statistics include 4 constraints. -2 times log-likelihood of data >>> 14930.185 Degrees of freedom >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> 5364 Akaike's Information Criterion >>>> 4202.185 Bayesian Information Criterion >>>>-12748.866 Sample size Adjusted BIC >>>> -4228.183 Deviance Information Criterion >>>> -7819.679 This problem used 3.4% of my workspace Task Time elapsed (DD:HH:MM:SS) Reading script & data 0: 0: 0: 0.55 Execution 0: 0: 0: 0.62 TOTAL 0: 0: 0: 1.17 Total number of warnings issued: 1 ______________________________________________________________________________ !SECOND RUN - CORRECT MODEL Multiple fit option in effect. The following MX script lines have been read: SYSTEM MV SI.TXT SI.FULL.TXT ! DROP PARAMETERS DROP D 1 1 1 ! ASSORTATIVE MATING !DROP S 1 1 1 ! SIBLING ENV !DROP A 1 1 1 ! ADDITIVE GENETICS DROP N 1 1 1 ! DOMINANCE DROP W 1 1 1 ! COV(A,F) DROP M 1 1 1 O 1 1 1 ! CULTURAL TRANSMISSION *** WARNING! *** This matrix element is already fixed! Drop command ignored so this command has been ignored Use value command to change values of fixed matrix elements *** WARNING! *** This matrix element is already fixed! Drop command ignored so this command has been ignored Use value command to change values of fixed matrix elements