library(MASS) library(lattice) setwd("f:/valdar/ThursdayAfternoonAnimals/") source("leuven_library.R") #----------------------------------------------------------- # Looking at an F2 cross where the QTL is one of the markers #----------------------------------------------------------- # read marker data <- read.delim("f2.markers") head( # read genetic data using our function ped <- read.ped("f2.ped", marker.names =$name) head(ped) # test marker association of qtl to genotype # fit a model to a marker that's not the qtl fit <- lm(Phenotype ~ m1, data=ped) fit summary(fit) # test whether m1 ontributes significantly fit0 <- lm(Phenotype ~ 1, data=ped) fit0 # compare the two models anova(fit0, fit) # a short cut to doing this is to just give anova() the bigger model anova(fit) # fit a linear model, store the results in fit, look at the results fit <- lm(Phenotype ~ q1, data=ped) an <- anova(fit) an # extract the pvalue from the anova table pval <- an["q1", "Pr(>F)"] pval # work out the logP logP <- -log10(pval) logP # work out the logP for all markers and store the results in a # table "chrom.scan" scan.markers(Phenotype ~ MARKER, data=ped, chrom.scan <- scan.markers(Phenotype ~ MARKER, data=ped, chrom.scan plot(logP ~ cM, data=chrom.scan, type="o") #------------------------------ # what should be our threshold? #------------------------------ # pval = 0.05? simple.threshold <- -log10(0.05) abline(h=simple.threshold, col="red") # bonferroni correct pval = 0.05 / number of markers bonferroni.threshold <- -log10(0.05/21) abline(h=bonferroni.threshold, col="blue") # Best way is to calculate threshold by permutation: # randomly shuffle the phenotype values of the animals # and redo the chromosome scan. Do this many times # to work out what logP value is exceeded 0.05 or less of the time. # The sample() function shuffles a sequence, eg, x <- c(1,2,3,4,5) sample(x) sample(x) sample(x) # make a copy of ped data perm.ped <- ped # shuffle the phenotypes so many animals have other animals phenotypes perm.ped$Phenotype <- sample(ped$Phenotype) # rescan perm.scan <- scan.markers(Phenotype ~ MARKER, data=perm.ped, perm.scan # all the numbers look quite low # the maximum is... max(perm.scan$logP) # do this many times, eg, 200 num.permutations <- 200 max.logPs <- numeric(num.permutations) for (i in 1:num.permutations) { # permutation step perm.ped$Phenotype <- sample(ped$Phenotype) perm.scan <- scan.markers(Phenotype ~ MARKER, data=perm.ped, max.logPs[i] <- max(perm.scan$logP) # show progress by printing output for each permutation cat("Permuting ", i, "/", num.permutations, ": max=", max.logPs[i], "\n") flush.console() } # calculate the logP that is exceeded only 0.05 of the time # (should be about 2.2) threshold <- quantile(max.logPs, 0.95) threshold abline(h=threshold, col="green") # look at the distribution of max logPs obtained in the permutations hist(max.logPs, col="gray") abline(v=c(simple.threshold, bonferroni.threshold, threshold), col=c("red", "blue", "green")) # they exceed the simple uncorrected threshold almost half the time! #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- # F12 designs (AILs) #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- # F12 with 1 qtl markers.f12 <- read.delim("f12.markers") ped.f12 <- read.ped("f12.ped", markers.f12$name) chrom.scan <- scan.markers(Phenotype ~ MARKER, data=ped.f12, head(chrom.scan) threshold <- 2.22 plot.chrom.scan(chrom.scan, threshold=threshold) #----------------------------------------- # Stop and look at results: how many QTLs? #----------------------------------------- # find the maximum marker chrom.scan[which.max(chrom.scan$logP),] # draw it on the graph abline(v=72.0) #-------------------- # STOP HERE AND WAIT FOR EXPLANATION # # fit two markers separately anova(lm(Phenotype ~ m32, data=ped.f12)) anova(lm(Phenotype ~ m37, data=ped.f12)) # fit m32 conditional on m37 # (ie, fit m37 first, then see if m32 adds anything more) fit0 <- lm(Phenotype ~ m37, data=ped.f12) fit1 <- lm(Phenotype ~ m37 + m32, data=ped.f12) anova(fit0, fit1) # or more simply anova(fit1) # redo the scan conditioning on the top marker chrom.scan <- scan.markers(Phenotype ~ m37 + MARKER, h0=Phenotype ~ m37, data=ped.f12, plot.chrom.scan(chrom.scan, col="red", add=TRUE) #--------------------------------------------------------------- # Stop and look at results: why has the second peak disappeared? #--------------------------------------------------------------- # F12 with two QTLs markers.f12a <- read.delim("f12_twoqtls.markers") ped.f12a <- read.ped("f12_twoqtls.ped", markers.f12a$name) chrom.scan <- scan.markers(Phenotype ~ MARKER, data=ped.f12a, plot.chrom.scan(chrom.scan, threshold=threshold) # find the maximum peak and condition on it chrom.scan[which.max(chrom.scan$logP),] abline(v=72.0) chrom.scan <- scan.markers(Phenotype ~ m37 + MARKER, h0=Phenotype ~ m37, data=ped.f12a, plot.chrom.scan(chrom.scan, col="red", add=TRUE) #------------------------- # Stop and look at results #------------------------- # Q: how can you test whether there are further QTLs? chrom.scan[which.max(chrom.scan$logP),] abline(v=56.0) chrom.scan <- scan.markers(Phenotype ~ m37 + m29 + MARKER, h0=Phenotype ~ m37 + m29, data=ped.f12a, plot.chrom.scan(chrom.scan, col="blue", add=TRUE) # Q: how many QTLs are there?