Pat Tedesco
Institute for Behavioral Genetics
Campus Box 447
University of Colorado at Boulder
Boulder, CO 80309-0447
Phone 303-492-2929
Fax 303-492-8063
email: tedesco@Colorado.EDU
Research Interests:
Mortality Studies in C.
We are assessing age-specific mortality in large
populations (~100,000 animals) of C.elegans. Currently we have
looked at a wild type strain (~600,000 animals), an age-1 strain
(~500,000 animals), and a clk-1 strain (~200,000 animals). We
are comparing mortality kinetics of the above strains in an attempt
to determine how genotype affects specific aspects of longevity.
Experimental reproducibility is surprisingly good given the inherent difficulties of these assays. All strains show an early
exponential mortality rate with a later plateau phase. There are
some subtle differences in the age-specific mortality rates of the
different strains. More generally, age-1 animals live longer than
wild type and show lower mortality rates at all ages. Clk-1 animals
have a mortality curve that is intermediate to that of the wild type
and age-1 strains.
Probing DNA Chips
We are hoping to use DNA array
technology to identify genes of interest in mutant or
environmentally stressed C.elegans. The DNA chip we are using was
developed by Stuart Kim and contains a selected population of C.elegans genes. Five sets of once selected mRNAs were sent to the
lab. Four sets were age-1 versus wild type animals. One set
was heat shocked versus unshocked animals. Expression profiles were
obtained from all sets of animals and certain genes were over or
underexpressed in the experimental animals. In summary the chips
seem to be working, are reproducible, and we await with anticipation
the new generation chips which will represent almost the entire C.
elegans genome.