Objective: Calculate
IBD for a sib-pair
the effects of allele frequency on IBD
Consider two siblings homozygous for a ‘1’ allele with
frequency p = f(‘1’). Parental
genotypes are missing.

IBD Expectation For p = 0.5 and 0.9,
Likelihood IBD Distribution 
Probability [P(2), P(1), P(0)]
2 ¼ p2 .0625 _.2025 __.444_ _.277__ _.666 .527__
1 ½ p3 .0625 _.3645 __.444_ _.499__
0 ¼ p4 .0156
_.1640 __.111_ _.152__
SUM .1406 _.731
do these values come from?
- The
expected frequencies come are unique to this pedigree constellation. First, note that for any marker, the
expected allele sharing probabilities are ¼, ½, and ¼ for 0, 1 and 2
alleles IBD. These are just
expected (null) sharing probabilities for any sibling pair at any marker
on any chromosome (except sex chromosomes). It is these values that give us the expectation of sharing
50% of our genes on average with our siblings. Second, the ‘likelihood’ we describe is
really the probability of observing genotype ‘11’ in both sibs, given each
IBD level. Consider the case of
IBD = 0. The probability of
observing the two homozygous genotypes given that they are IBD zero is the
same as observing the ‘11’ genotype independently in the two
siblings: p2 * p2
= p4. Thus, in this
case the total expectation is the null probability above (1/4) times the
probability of observing the genotypes given they are IBD 0 = ¼*p4. For the case of IBD = 2, note that once
we assume that the sibs share both alleles, knowing the first allele in
each sibling tells us that the other sib must have that same allele. Thus, we don’t really need to even
consider the second sibling, since we know that his genotype is the same
as the first sibling (because of the conditioning on IBD = 2). The probability in this case is
therefore ¼ * p2; ie., the null probability times the frequency
of observing genotype ‘11’ in the first sibling. Finally, for the case of IBD = 1, consider the genotype of
the first sibling, which is ‘11’.
We know that this occurs with frequency p2, and, since
the sibs share exactly one allele IBD, the second sibling must have a copy
of allele ‘1’, which occurs with frequency, p. The overall probability is therefore ¼ * p2 * p =
¼ p3.
- The
probability columns P(0), P(1) and P(2) are simply standardizations of the
‘likelihoods; ie., the ‘likelihood’ value divided by the sum for the given
allele frequency. For example,
.444 = .0625/(.0625+.0625+.0156).
- The
are simply the expected proportion of alleles shared IBD. For example, in the case of the .9
frequency, we have .152*(0/2) + .499*(1/2) + .277*(2/2) = .527. Thus, average allele sharing is easily
calculable from the IBD distribution [P(2) + .5*P(1)]; conversely, the IBD
distribution is not uniquely defined from the average IBD allele