! Rater Bias Model ! CBC data in US twins G1: model parameters Data Calc NGroups=3 Begin Matrices; X Lower 1 1 Free ! genetic path, a, to latent phenotype Y Lower 1 1 Free ! shared env path, c, to latent phenotype Z Lower 1 1 Free ! non-shared env path, e, to latent phenotype B Full 4 2 ! rater bias paths (betas) F Diag 4 4 ! residual specific variance ratings (Rm, Rf) S Diag 2 2 ! path, alpha, from latent phenotype to ! paternal rating, when the path from the ! latent phenotype to the maternal rating ! is set at 1.0 I Iden 2 2 ! an identity matrix for later use End Matrices; Specify B 4 0 ! parameter number 4 is the maternal bias path 4 0 0 5 ! parameter number 5 is the paternal bias path 0 5 Specify F 6 6 7 7 ! this specifies a residual (error) for the ! maternal ratings (parameter number 6), and ! a residual error for the paternal ratings ! (parameter number 7) Specify S 15 15 ! parameter number 15 is alpha Begin Algebra; A= X*X' ; ! these square the paths to give C= Y*Y' ; ! the corresponding variance E= Z*Z' ; ! components R= B*B' ; ! J= F*F' ; ! End Algebra; End G2: MZ boys twin pairs Data NInput_vars=4 NObservations=96 Labels morg_t1 morg_t2 farg_t1 farg_t2 CMatrix File=uscbcmzm.cov Matrices= Group 1 Covariances R+ J+ ((I_S)*(A+C+E | A+C _ A+C | A+C+E )*(I_S)') / ! ! ! In terms of the parameters in the model given in Figure 16.1, ! page 316 in Neale and Cardon, or Figure 11.1, page 173 in Neale and Maes, ! or in Figure 1, page 297, in ! Hewitt et al (1992) Analysis of parental ratings of children's ! behavior using LISREL, Behavior Genetics, 22:3, 293-317, ! this covariance matrix is: ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! Option RSidual End G3: DZ boys twin pairs Data NInput_vars=4 NObservations=102 Labels morg_t1 morg_t2 farg_t1 farg_t2 CMatrix File=uscbcdzm.cov Matrices= Group 1 H Full 1 1 Covariances R+ J+ ((I_S)*(A+C+E | H@A+C _ H@A+C | A+C+E )*(I_S)') / ! This covariance matrix is the same as that ! for the MZs, except that for the off diagonal ! components involving a2, the a2 terms are ! multiplied by 0.5 Matrix H .5 Option RSidual Option NDecimals = 4 Iterations = 200 End