To install unix mx on your system, we recommend copying the files bmx mx mxt
and mxh to the directory /usr/local/bin, which should be in the user's
path.  Change directory to the one containing the uncompressed files, and

cp *mx* /usr/local/bin

Make sure that the files have execute permission, which should be
preserved in the tar file.  They should be:

-rwxr-xr-x   1 root     system       112 Aug 21 21:20 /usr/local/bin/bmx*
-rwxr-xr-x   1 root     system     24576 Oct  7 12:31 /usr/local/bin/mx*
-rwxr-xr-x   1 root     system   2162688 Oct  7 12:31 /usr/local/bin/mxh*
-rwxr-xr-x   1 root     system   2211840 Oct  7 12:31 /usr/local/bin/mxt*

File sizes and dates will vary according to installation and version

If you are not the unix system administrator, and can't persuade them that
it would be wonderful and would save disk space to have one central
installation that everyone can use, you can install the files in a
directory of your own and make sure that that directory is in your path. 

To test the program, first make your session aware of the new programs
by issuing the command


then run an example from the website:
by downloading the file and issuing the command:

mx < >quicktst.mxo

which should return output that looks like:

Html output would be produced by the command
mxh < >quicktst.htm

Users with the Mx GUI should be able to use Mx on the unix server from
within the graphical interface, as long as they have an account on the
unix machine.

If you run into problems that neither you nor your local unix guru can
solve (problems with Mx installation that is!) please email us at: or
