Answers(use lower case y for yes) Questions n Are there multiple indicators for one of the subject (=y) variables? 2 Number of (latent) subject variables Total number of indicators for latent subject variables 2 Number of subjects in largest family n Are there variables (=x) that are identical for all subjects in the family? Are there multiple indicators for one of the family variables? Number of (latent) family variables Total number of indicators for latent family variables 2 Number of dummy variables for genotypes y Do you want to specify stratification effects? 5 Number of dummy variables for family types y Do the subject variables have causal effects on each other? BETA y GENETIC: means of subject variables? ALPHA GENETIC: causal relations between subject variables? BETA GENETIC: causal effect of family on subject variables? GAMMA GENETIC: residual (co)variances of subject variables? PSI(y) GENETIC: intercepts of subject indicator variables? NU(y) GENETIC: factor loadings subject indicator variables? LAMBDA(y) GENETIC: measurement errors subject indicator variables? THETA(y) y STRATIFICATION: means of subject variables? ALPHA STRATIFICATION: causal relations between subject variables? BETA STRATIFICATION: causal effect of family on subject variables? GAMMA STRATIFICATION: residual (co)variances of subject variables? PSI(y) STRATIFICATION: intercepts of subject indicator variables? NU(y) STRATIFICATION: factor loadings subject indicator variables? LAMBDA(y) STRATIFICATION: measurement errors subject indicator variables? THETA(y) STRATIFICATION: (co)variances of family variables? PSI(x) STRATIFICATION: intercepts family indicator variables? NU(x) STRATIFICATION: factor loadings family indicator variables? LAMBDA(x) STRATIFICATION: measurement errors family indicator variables? THETA(x) FINALLY...STRATIFICATION: covariances between family members? C Name of file with your data? (DOS name) test.dat Name of the file for the Mx script? (DOS name)