MERLIN - Multipoint Engine for Rapid Likelihood Inference (c) 2000 - 2002 Goncalo Abecasis This document contains two sections: RESTRICTIONS ON USE and BRIEF INSTRUCTIONS. =========================================================================== RESTRICTIONS FOR USE OF THIS VERSION =========================================================================== DISCLAIMER ========== This is version of MERLIN is provided to you free of charge. It comes with no guarantees. If you report bugs and provide helpful comments, the next version will be better. BENCHMARKING ============ This version of Merlin still includes some debug code. We are hoping to gradually improve performance in future releases. DISTRIBUTION ============ The latest version of MERLIN is always available at: If you use MERLIN please register by e-mailing or filling out the web registration form. Redistribute of MERLIN in source or compiled formats is not allowed. ============================================================================ COMPILING AND INSTALLING MERLIN ============================================================================ Type make and follow instructions. ============================================================================ START OF BRIEF INSTRUCTIONS ============================================================================ A more detailed tutorial is available on the web at: A summary reference for all Merlin options is available at: INPUT FILES =========== Pedigree and data files can be in linkage or QTDT format. For detailed descriptions of these formats see and If you use QTDT format input files you will need a separate map file, which has the following 3-column format: CHROMOSOME MARKER POSITION 1 D1S123 134.0 The first column is the chromosome number (1-22), the second the marker name (as in the data file) and the third the marker position (in cM). Map files do not need to be sorted and include more (or less) markers than present in the data file. To specify input files use: >merlin -d datafile -p pedfile or >merlin -d datafile -p pedfile -m mapfile BASIC ANALYSES ============== Basic analysis can be requested on the command line, and include error checking (--error), information content (--info) and calculation of ibd and kinship matrices (--ibd and --kinship). LINKAGE ANALYSES ================ This version includes support for non-parametric linkage only. Non-parametric analysis are available through the NPL pairs (--pairs) and NPL all (--npl) scoring functions for affecteds only analyses and through two analogous distribution free functions for QTL (--qtl and --deviate, which assumes phenotypes are mean-centered around zero). The Kong and Cox function is used to convert non-parametric scores into LODs and calculate p-values. NOTE: Only informative families (eg. with multiple phenotyped individuals and marker data) are considered and this can result in slightly different Z-scores than those reported by Genehunter. To get identical Z-scores, remove uninformative pedigrees from you Genehunter analysis. VARIANCE COMPONENTS =================== For variance component linkage analyses, use the --vc option. As well as the estimated major gene effect at each chromosomal location, you will get an overall sample heritability. HAPLOTYPING =========== Haplotyping options include finding the best set of inheritance vectors (--best) or sampling one such set at random (--sample). Alternatively, all non-recombinant haplotypes can be listed by combining the --all and --zero options. To output founder haplotype graphs use the --founders option. For estimation of haplotype frequencies with fugue (ASHG 2001), you will want to list all possible sets of non-recombining founder haplotypes: > merlin -d datafile -p pedfile --zero --all --founders REDUCED RECOMBINATION ===================== In dense maps, the options --zero, --one, --two and --three limit the number of allowed recombinations between consecutive markers. For single point analysis use the --single option. SIMULATION ========== Marker genotypes can be simulated conditional on the observed missing data pattern and genetic map through the --simulate option. If the --save option is also used, the simulated pedigree will be output to a file. The simulation flags can be combined with any of the other analyses. Use the random seed option (-r seed) to select a different replicate. KINSHIP MATRIX PROBABILITIES ============================ For some types of linkage analysis it is desirable to estimate not only pair-wise IBD or kinship coefficients, but probabilities for individual IBD or kinship vectors. Merlin provides this capability with the --matrices option. The output file merlin.kmx includes all non-zero kinship vector probabilities at user specified analysis positions. These kinship vectors specify the kinship between every pair of individuals with alleles (i, j) and (k, l) as I(i == j) + I(i == k) + I(j == k) + I(j == l). To conserve space, relative pairs with invariant kinship coefficients (such as non-inbred parent-offspring pairs are not included in the output). CONTROLLING RESOURCE USAGE ========================== You can instruct Merlin not to tackle big pedigrees through the --bits and --megabytes options. In any case, Merlin will try to gracefully skip pedigrees when it runs out of memory. Note that on some 32-bit systems attempting to allocate blocks of > 2048MB will result in a crash. To avoid this problem, set --megabytes:2048 in the command line when analysing large pedigrees. For example, to automatically skip pedigrees with complexity greater than 16 bits use the --bits:16 option. To restrict gene flow tree memory allocation to 256 megabytes, use the --megabytes:256 option. It is often a good idea to set this number to the size of available physical memory (or perhaps a little larger). To reduce memory usage use the --swap option. HYBRID ANALYSES WITH SIMWALK2 ============================= These are implemented through a version of Dan Week's pedigree analysis swiss knife, Mega2, that is currently under development. ========================================================================= REFERENCE ========================================================================= GR Abecasis, SS Cherny, WOC Cookson and LR Cardon (2002) MERLIN - Rapid analysis of dense genetic maps using sparse gene flow trees. Nature Genetics 30:97-101 Goncalo Abecasis