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Sham PC, Purcell S, Cherny SS, Abecasis GR. Powerful regression-based quantitative-trait linkage analysis of general pedigrees. Am J Hum Genet. 71(2):238-53, 2002
Slagboom PE, Meulenbelt I. Organisation of the human genome and our tools for identifying disease genes. Biol Psychol. 61, 11-31, 2002
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Terwilliger, J. D., and Göring, H. H. H. Gene mapping in the 20th and 21st centuries: statistical methods, data analysis, and experimental design. Hum Biol, 72(1); 63-132, 2000
Van den Oord EJ, Snieder H. Including measured genotypes in statistical models to study the interplay of multiple factors affecting complex traits. Behav Genet. 32, 1-22, 2002
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***** Vink JM, Boomsma DI, Gene finding strategies, Biological Psychology, 61, 53-71, 2002
Visscher PM, Hopper JL. Power of regression and maximum likelihood methods to map QTL from sib-pair and DZ twin data. Ann Hum Genet. 65(Pt 6):583-601, 2001
Vogler G.P., Tang W., Nelson T.L., Hofer S.M., Grant J.D., Tarantino L.M., Fernandez J.R., A multivariate model for the analysis of sibship covariance structure using marker information and multiple quantitative traits, Genetic Epidemiology, 14, 921-926, 1997
Zhang W, Collins A, Abecasis GR, Cardon LR, Morton NE. Mapping quantitative effects of oligogenes by allelic association. Ann Hum Genet. 66(Pt 3):211-21, 2002
Balding DJ, Bishop M, Cannings C (Eds). Handbook of Statistical Genetics. Chichester: John Wiley & Sons, Ltd. 2001
Ewens WJ, Grant GR. Statistical methods in bioinformatics. New York: Springer Verlag. 2001
***** Falconer DS, Mackay TFC, Introduction to Quantitative Genetics (4rd ed.), Longman, London, 1996
Khoury MJ, Beaty TH, Cohen BH, Fundamentals of Genetic Epidemiology, Oxford: Oxford University Press, 1993
Lange K, Mathematical and Statistical Methods for Genetic Analysis, Springer-Verlag, New-York, 1997
Lynch M, Walsh B, Genetics and Analysis of Quantitative Traits, Sinauer Associates, Inc., Sunderland, MA, 1998
Neale MC, Cardon LR, Methodology for Genetic Studies of Twins and Families (NATO ASI Series D: Behavioural and Social Sciences-Vol. 67), Kluwer Academic Publishers B.V., Dordrecht, The Netherlands, 1992
Ott, J, Analysis of Human Genetic Linkage. Revised Edition, The John Hopkins University Press, Baltimore, 1991
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Sham P, Bishop M (Eds), Analysis of Multifactorial Disease. BIOS Scientific Publishers, Oxford, 2000
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Weiss KM, Genetic Variation and Human Disease. Principles and Evolutionary Approaches, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, 1993
See also: http://linkage.rockefeller.edu/bib/asso/