#DEFINE NVAR 5 ! number of observed variabels #DEFINE NFACT 1 ! number of 1st order factors #NGROUPS 1 G1: factor analysis #include mri-iq-all-twinA-5.dat BEGIN MATRICES ; P FULL NVAR NFACT free ; ! factor loadings D STAND NFACT NFACT fixed ; ! (no) correlations between factors U DIAG NVAR NVAR free ; ! subtest specific influences M Full 1 NVAR free ; ! means END MATRICES ; BEGIN ALGEBRA; C= P*D*P' +U*U' ; ! variance covariance matrix K=\stnd(C) ; END ALGEBRA; !exploratory factor analysis: if nfact = 2, one of the factor loadings has to be fixed to 0 to make it an identified model !fix P 1 2 ! !confirmatory factor analysis: specify a verbal and performal factor !SPECIFY P !101 0 !102 0 !103 0 !0 204 ! factor loadings on variables 4 and 5 have to be !0 204 ! equated to make model identified Means M / Covariances C / start .1 all start 8 M 1 1 - M 1 nvar start 1 P 1 1 - P nvar nfact start 1 U 1 1 - U nvar nvar OPTION RS Option sat= 2817.131,905 END