!Submodels to test: !No covariance between slope and intercept !No genetic effect on intercept !No genetic effect on slope !No common environmental effect on intercept !No common environmental effect on slope !Best fitting model? (i.e., ACE, AE, CE, E?) ! SCRIPT NAME : lingrow.mx (jh) ! GOAL : To evaluate bivariate linear growth curve model for heritability estimation of latent variables: intercept and slope ! DATA : continuous ! INPUT : raw data ! UNI/BI/MULTI : uni (longitudinal observations) ! DATA-GROUPS : MZ, DZ-SS ! MEANS MODEL : grand mean, sex effect ! VARIANCE COVARIANCE MODEL(S) : 1.ACE , 2.ACE orthogonal, 3. AE, 4. ADE ! Downloading Mx software: ! Mx script's library: ! GenomEUtwin lingrow.mx ! ! Script for the analysis of (simulated) univariate ! continuous longitudinal twin data in wave representation. ! ! Model: Linear growthcurve model. ! Biometric model (ACE) for slopes and intercepts. #define NT 4 ! number of timepoints. #define NTX2 8 ! twice the number of timepoints. #define NF 2 ! number of factors. #define NFX2 4 ! twice the number of factors. #define NINPUT 11 ! number of input variables (4 variables for each twin, plus family id, sex, zygosity). GROUP #1 Initialization CALCULATION NG=3 BEGIN MATRICES; F FULL NT 2 FIXED ! matrix of factor loadings X LOWER 2 2 FREE ! cholesky factor for genetic (co)variance Y LOWER 2 2 FREE ! cholesky factor for variance due to shared covariance Z LOWER 2 2 FREE ! cholesky factor for variance due to non-shared environment V LOWER 2 2 FIXED ! cholesky factor for genetic dominant (co)variance L FULL 1 1 FREE ! residual variance. B Iden NT NT FIXED ! identity matrix J Iden NF NF FIXED ! identity matrix W Zero NT NT FIXED ! zero matrix H FULL 1 1 FIXED ! scalar = 1/2 I FULL 1 1 FIXED ! scalar = 1/4 Q FULL 2 1 FREE ! mean intercept & slope N FULL 1 NT FIXED ! Effect of covariate END MATRICES; MATRIX H .5 MATRIX I .25 MATRIX F 1 0 1 1 1 2 1 3 START -0.5 all st 0.2766 X(1,1) st -0.0033 X(2,1) st -0.0014 X(2,2) st 0.27152 Y(1,1) st -0.0032231 Y(2,1) st -0.000000007 Y(2,2) st 0.4301 Z(1,1) st -0.0052 Z(2,1) st 0.0011 Z(2,2) START 3.4923 Q(1,1) START -0.0028 Q(2,1) START 0.0582 L(1,1) BOUND -100 100 ALL !START 0.05 X(1,1) X(2,2) Y(1,1) Y(2,2) Z(1,1) Z(2,2) !START 0.05 X(2,1) Y(2,1) Z(2,1) BEGIN ALGEBRA; A = X*X'; C = Y*Y'; E = Z*Z'; D = V*V'; K =((J.(A + D + C + E))~*A)|((J.(A + D + C + E))~*C)|((J.(A + D + C + E))~*E); ! scaled covariance matrix M = A+D+C+E | A+D+C _ A+D+C | A+D+C+E; ! covariance matrix of intercept and slope for mz pair S = A+D+C+E | H@A+I@D+C _ H@A+I@D+C | A+D+C+E; ! covariance matrix of intercept and slope for dz pair G = (L*L')@B | W _ W | (L*L')@B; ! matrix of residual variance P = \stnd(A) | \stnd(E); END ALGEBRA; !INTERVAL ! K(1,1,1) K(1,2,2) K(1,1,3) K(1,2,4) K(1,1,5) K(1,2,6) !INTERVAL ! Q(1,1,1) Q(1,2,1) !INTERVAL ! N(1,1,1) N(1,1,2) N(1,1,3) N(1,1,4) !INTERVAL ! P(1,2,1) P(1,2,3) END GROUP #2 Mz twins DATA NI=NINPUT ! number of inputvariables REctangular file=example4.dat ! input file containing raw data LABELS pairid sex wave11 wave12 wave13 wave14 wave21 wave22 wave23 wave24 zygos Select if zygos = 1 ; ! mz's only for this group Select sex wave11 wave12 wave13 wave14 wave21 wave22 wave23 wave24 ; Definition sex; BEGIN MATRICES; F FULL NT NF =F1 M COMPUTED =M1 G COMPUTED =G1 Q FULL 2 1 =Q1 N FULL 1 NT =N1 ! Effect of covariate, female K FULL 1 1 I IDEN 2 2 U UNIT 1 2 END MATRICES; Specify K -1 MEANS (F*Q)' + K*N | (F*Q)'+ K*N ; COVARIANCE (I@F)&M + G ; OPTIONS RS END GROUP #3 Dz twins DATA NI=NINPUT REctangular file=example4.dat LABELS pairid sex wave11 wave12 wave13 wave14 wave21 wave22 wave23 wave24 zygos Select if zygos = 2 ; ! dz's only for this group Select sex wave11 wave12 wave13 wave14 wave21 wave22 wave23 wave24 ; Definition sex; BEGIN MATRICES; F FULL NT 2 =F1 D COMPUTED =S1 Q FULL 2 1 =Q1 G COMPUTED =G1 N FULL 1 NT =N1 ! Effect of covariate, female K FULL 1 1 H FULL 1 1 =H1 I IDEN 2 2 U UNIT 1 2 END MATRICES; Specify K -1 MEANS (F*Q)' + K*N | (F*Q)'+ K*N ; COVARIANCE (I@F)&D + G ; !Option TH=-2 Option jiggle !Option it=5000 OPTIONS MULTIPLE issat END !SAVE lingrow.mxs ! FIT submodels !GET lingrow.mxs !DROP @0 (certain pathways) !END