! Genetic Simplex (autoregressive) Model ! Australian alcohol challenge data, assessed in 1979 ! bac=blood alcohol concentration ! 2nd, 3rd, 4th, and 6th assessments after challenge dose ! Grant et al., 1999, Behavior Genetics #define NVAR 4 G1: Genetic structure Data Calc NGroups=3 Begin Matrices; X Diag NVAR NVAR Free ! genetic innovations Y Diag NVAR NVAR Fixed ! common environmental innovations Z Diag NVAR NVAR Free ! unique environmental innovations U Diag NVAR NVAR Free ! measurement error variances N Lower NVAR NVAR Free ! genetic transmissions O Lower NVAR NVAR Fixed ! common environmental transmissions P Lower NVAR NVAR Free ! unique environmental transmissions I Iden NVAR NVAR ! identity matrix H Full 1 1 ! genetic weight for DZs M Full 1 8 Free ! means End Matrices; Matrix H .5 Specify N 0 101 0 0 102 0 0 0 103 0 ! Specify O !this would be if the model had common environmental transmissions ! 0 ! 106 0 ! 0 107 0 ! 0 0 108 0 Specify P 0 111 0 0 112 0 0 0 113 0 Specify U 200 200 200 200 !note I've constrained these to be the same Begin Algebra; A = (I-N)~ & (X*X'); !variance components now a function of innovations and transmissions C = (I-O)~ & (Y*Y'); E = (I-P)~ & (Z*Z') + U*U'; End Algebra; End G2: Male MZ twin pairs Data NInput_vars=8 NObservations=43 Labels bac2_a bac3_a bac4_a bac6_a bac2_b bac3_b bac4_b bac6_b Rectangular File=bac_mzm4.dat Matrices = Group 1; Means M / Covariances A+C+E | A+C _ A+C | A+C+E / Start 10 x 1 1 z 1 1 z 3 3 Start 5 x 2 2 x 4 4 z 2 2 z 4 4 Start 1 x 3 3 Start 1 n 2 1 n 3 2 n 4 3 Start 0.5 p 2 1 p 3 2 p 4 3 Start 80 m 1 1 m 1 2 m 1 3 m 1 4 m 1 5 m 1 6 m 1 7 m 1 8 Start 0.5 u 1 1 u 2 2 u 3 3 u 4 4 BO 0.001 500 x(1,1) x(2,2) x(3,3) x(4,4) BO 0.001 500 z(1,1) z(2,2) z(3,3) z(4,4) BO 0.001 10 n(2,1) n(3,2) n(4,3) BO 0.001 10 p(2,1) p(3,2) p(4,3) !Interval x 1 1 x 2 2 x 3 3 x 4 4 !CIs around genetic innovations !Interval z 1 1 z 2 2 z 3 3 z 4 4 !CIs around E innovations !Interval n 2 1 n 3 2 n 4 3 !CIs around genetic transmissions !Interval p 2 1 p 3 2 p 4 3 !CIs around E transmissions !Interval u 1 1 !CIs around error variance End G3: Male DZ twin pairs Data NInput_vars=8 NObservations=37 Labels bac2_a bac3_a bac4_a bac6_a bac2_b bac3_b bac4_b bac6_b Rectangular File=bac_dzm4.dat Matrices = Group 1; Means M / Covariances A+C+E | H@A+C _ H@A+C | A+C+E / Option Multiple Issat End