**MX-PC 1.63h** Job started on 03/07/06 at 14:28:11 ! ESTIMATE MEANS AND VARIANCES - SATURATED MODEL ! OZ BMI DATA The following MX script lines were read for group 1 #NGROUPS 5 Note: #NGroup set number of groups to 5 #DEFINE NVAR2 2 TITLE 1: MZF DATA #INCLUDE OZBMI2.DAT Note: Opening #include file 1 ozbmi2.dat DATA NINPUT=13 RECTANGULAR FILE=OZBMI2.REC Rectangular continuous data read initiated Note: Maximum ordinal/rectangular record length is: 1000 NOTE: Rectangular file contained 3808 records with data that contained a total of 48661 observations LABELS FAM AGECAT AGE ZYG PART WT1 WT2 HT1 HT2 HTWT1 HTWT2 BMI1 BMI2 Note: Closing #include file 1 SELECT IF ZYG =1 NOTE: Select if yields 1232 data vectors for analysis NOTE: Vectors contain a total of 15797 observations SELECT IF AGECAT =1 NOTE: Select if yields 569 data vectors for analysis NOTE: Vectors contain a total of 7272 observations SELECT BMI1 BMI2 ; BEGIN MATRICES = GROUP 1; NOTE: Selection yields 566 data vectors for analysis NOTE: Vectors contain a total of 1100 observations M FULL 1 NVAR2 FREE X SYMM NVAR2 NVAR2 FREE END MATRICES; START 20 M 1 1 - M 1 NVAR2 START 1 X 1 1 X 2 2 MEANS M; COVARIANCE X; OPTIONS RSIDUALS END The following MX script lines were read for group 2 TITLE 2: DZF DATA #INCLUDE OZBMI2.DAT Note: Opening #include file 1 ozbmi2.dat DATA NINPUT=13 RECTANGULAR FILE=OZBMI2.REC Rectangular continuous data read initiated Note: Maximum ordinal/rectangular record length is: 1000 NOTE: Rectangular file contained 3808 records with data that contained a total of 48661 observations LABELS FAM AGECAT AGE ZYG PART WT1 WT2 HT1 HT2 HTWT1 HTWT2 BMI1 BMI2 Note: Closing #include file 1 SELECT IF ZYG =3 NOTE: Select if yields 751 data vectors for analysis NOTE: Vectors contain a total of 9618 observations SELECT IF AGECAT =1 NOTE: Select if yields 351 data vectors for analysis NOTE: Vectors contain a total of 4483 observations SELECT BMI1 BMI2 ; BEGIN MATRICES; NOTE: Selection yields 349 data vectors for analysis NOTE: Vectors contain a total of 677 observations M FULL 1 NVAR2 FREE X SYMM NVAR2 NVAR2 FREE END MATRICES; START 20 M 1 1 - M 1 NVAR2 START 1 X 1 1 X 2 2 MEANS M; COVARIANCE X; OPTIONS RSIDUALS END The following MX script lines were read for group 3 TITLE 3: MZM DATA #INCLUDE OZBMI2.DAT Note: Opening #include file 1 ozbmi2.dat DATA NINPUT=13 RECTANGULAR FILE=OZBMI2.REC Rectangular continuous data read initiated Note: Maximum ordinal/rectangular record length is: 1000 NOTE: Rectangular file contained 3808 records with data that contained a total of 48661 observations LABELS FAM AGECAT AGE ZYG PART WT1 WT2 HT1 HT2 HTWT1 HTWT2 BMI1 BMI2 Note: Closing #include file 1 SELECT IF ZYG =2 NOTE: Select if yields 567 data vectors for analysis NOTE: Vectors contain a total of 7243 observations SELECT IF AGECAT =1 NOTE: Select if yields 273 data vectors for analysis NOTE: Vectors contain a total of 3469 observations SELECT BMI1 BMI2 ; BEGIN MATRICES = GROUP 1; NOTE: Selection yields 272 data vectors for analysis NOTE: Vectors contain a total of 523 observations M FULL 1 NVAR2 FREE *** WARNING! *** Matrix was previously defined for this group. Mx will redefine X SYMM NVAR2 NVAR2 FREE *** WARNING! *** Matrix was previously defined for this group. Mx will redefine END MATRICES; START 20 M 1 1 - M 1 NVAR2 START 1 X 1 1 X 2 2 MEANS M; COVARIANCE X; OPTIONS RSIDUALS END The following MX script lines were read for group 4 TITLE 4: DZM DATA #INCLUDE OZBMI2.DAT Note: Opening #include file 1 ozbmi2.dat DATA NINPUT=13 RECTANGULAR FILE=OZBMI2.REC Rectangular continuous data read initiated Note: Maximum ordinal/rectangular record length is: 1000 NOTE: Rectangular file contained 3808 records with data that contained a total of 48661 observations LABELS FAM AGECAT AGE ZYG PART WT1 WT2 HT1 HT2 HTWT1 HTWT2 BMI1 BMI2 Note: Closing #include file 1 SELECT IF ZYG =4 NOTE: Select if yields 352 data vectors for analysis NOTE: Vectors contain a total of 4464 observations SELECT IF AGECAT =1 NOTE: Select if yields 206 data vectors for analysis NOTE: Vectors contain a total of 2595 observations SELECT BMI1 BMI2 ; BEGIN MATRICES; NOTE: Selection yields 203 data vectors for analysis NOTE: Vectors contain a total of 387 observations M FULL 1 NVAR2 FREE X SYMM NVAR2 NVAR2 FREE END MATRICES; START 20 M 1 1 - M 1 NVAR2 START 1 X 1 1 X 2 2 MEANS M; COVARIANCE X; OPTIONS RSIDUALS END The following MX script lines were read for group 5 TITLE 5: DZO DATA #INCLUDE OZBMI2.DAT Note: Opening #include file 1 ozbmi2.dat DATA NINPUT=13 RECTANGULAR FILE=OZBMI2.REC Rectangular continuous data read initiated Note: Maximum ordinal/rectangular record length is: 1000 NOTE: Rectangular file contained 3808 records with data that contained a total of 48661 observations LABELS FAM AGECAT AGE ZYG PART WT1 WT2 HT1 HT2 HTWT1 HTWT2 BMI1 BMI2 Note: Closing #include file 1 SELECT IF ZYG =5 NOTE: Select if yields 906 data vectors for analysis NOTE: Vectors contain a total of 11539 observations SELECT IF AGECAT =1 NOTE: Select if yields 510 data vectors for analysis NOTE: Vectors contain a total of 6467 observations SELECT BMI1 BMI2 ; BEGIN MATRICES; NOTE: Selection yields 507 data vectors for analysis NOTE: Vectors contain a total of 971 observations M FULL 1 NVAR2 FREE X SYMM NVAR2 NVAR2 FREE END MATRICES; START 20 M 1 1 - M 1 NVAR2 START 1 X 1 1 X 2 2 MEANS M; COVARIANCE X; OPTIONS RSIDUALS END Summary of VL file data for group 1 BMI1 BMI2 Code 1.0000 2.0000 Number 550.0000 550.0000 Mean 21.3533 21.3389 Variance 0.7274 0.7905 Minimum 18.1125 19.3835 Maximum 25.5347 26.5016 Summary of VL file data for group 2 BMI1 BMI2 Code 1.0000 2.0000 Number 339.0000 338.0000 Mean 21.4481 21.4567 Variance 0.7702 0.8222 Minimum 18.9794 19.2262 Maximum 25.3704 26.8383 Summary of VL file data for group 3 BMI1 BMI2 Code 1.0000 2.0000 Number 261.0000 262.0000 Mean 21.6211 21.6262 Variance 0.5863 0.5659 Minimum 19.2638 19.7719 Maximum 23.6588 23.8362 Summary of VL file data for group 4 BMI1 BMI2 Code 1.0000 2.0000 Number 191.0000 196.0000 Mean 21.7920 21.7580 Variance 0.7048 0.7980 Minimum 19.6939 19.8223 Maximum 24.4494 26.0152 Summary of VL file data for group 5 BMI1 BMI2 Code 1.0000 2.0000 Number 482.0000 489.0000 Mean 21.3656 21.7547 Variance 0.6796 0.6262 Minimum 19.4150 19.4636 Maximum 24.2670 24.6930 PARAMETER SPECIFICATIONS GROUP NUMBER: 1 Title 1: MZf data MATRIX M This is a FULL matrix of order 1 by 2 1 2 1 1 2 MATRIX X This is a SYMMETRIC matrix of order 2 by 2 1 2 1 3 2 4 5 GROUP NUMBER: 2 Title 2: DZf data MATRIX M This is a FULL matrix of order 1 by 2 1 2 1 6 7 MATRIX X This is a SYMMETRIC matrix of order 2 by 2 1 2 1 8 2 9 10 GROUP NUMBER: 3 Title 3: MZm data MATRIX M This is a FULL matrix of order 1 by 2 1 2 1 11 12 MATRIX X This is a SYMMETRIC matrix of order 2 by 2 1 2 1 13 2 14 15 GROUP NUMBER: 4 Title 4: DZm data MATRIX M This is a FULL matrix of order 1 by 2 1 2 1 16 17 MATRIX X This is a SYMMETRIC matrix of order 2 by 2 1 2 1 18 2 19 20 GROUP NUMBER: 5 Title 5: DZo data MATRIX M This is a FULL matrix of order 1 by 2 1 2 1 21 22 MATRIX X This is a SYMMETRIC matrix of order 2 by 2 1 2 1 23 2 24 25 Mx starting optimization; number of parameters = 25 MX PARAMETER ESTIMATES GROUP NUMBER: 1 Title 1: MZf data MATRIX M This is a FULL matrix of order 1 by 2 1 2 1 21.3444 21.3490 MATRIX X This is a SYMMETRIC matrix of order 2 by 2 1 2 1 0.7277 2 0.5917 0.7932 Vector of OBSERVED means BMI1 BMI2 Mean 21.3533 21.3389 Vector of EXPECTED means BMI1 BMI2 Mean 21.3444 21.3490 (OBSERVED MATRIX is nonexistent for raw data) EXPECTED COVARIANCE MATRIX BMI1 BMI2 BMI1 0.7277 BMI2 0.5917 0.7932 Function value of this group: 2321.4119 Where the fit function is -2 * Log-likelihood of raw data GROUP NUMBER: 2 Title 2: DZf data MATRIX M This is a FULL matrix of order 1 by 2 1 2 1 21.4475 21.4578 MATRIX X This is a SYMMETRIC matrix of order 2 by 2 1 2 1 0.7692 2 0.2400 0.8216 Vector of OBSERVED means BMI1 BMI2 Mean 21.4481 21.4567 Vector of EXPECTED means BMI1 BMI2 Mean 21.4475 21.4578 (OBSERVED MATRIX is nonexistent for raw data) EXPECTED COVARIANCE MATRIX BMI1 BMI2 BMI1 0.7692 BMI2 0.2400 0.8216 Function value of this group: 1734.5227 Where the fit function is -2 * Log-likelihood of raw data GROUP NUMBER: 3 Title 3: MZm data MATRIX M This is a FULL matrix of order 1 by 2 1 2 1 21.6124 21.6238 MATRIX X This is a SYMMETRIC matrix of order 2 by 2 1 2 1 0.5859 2 0.4389 0.5614 Vector of OBSERVED means BMI1 BMI2 Mean 21.6211 21.6262 Vector of EXPECTED means BMI1 BMI2 Mean 21.6124 21.6238 (OBSERVED MATRIX is nonexistent for raw data) EXPECTED COVARIANCE MATRIX BMI1 BMI2 BMI1 0.5859 BMI2 0.4389 0.5614 Function value of this group: 972.3101 Where the fit function is -2 * Log-likelihood of raw data GROUP NUMBER: 4 Title 4: DZm data MATRIX M This is a FULL matrix of order 1 by 2 1 2 1 21.7889 21.7530 MATRIX X This is a SYMMETRIC matrix of order 2 by 2 1 2 1 0.7035 2 0.2355 0.7969 Vector of OBSERVED means BMI1 BMI2 Mean 21.7920 21.7580 Vector of EXPECTED means BMI1 BMI2 Mean 21.7889 21.7530 (OBSERVED MATRIX is nonexistent for raw data) EXPECTED COVARIANCE MATRIX BMI1 BMI2 BMI1 0.7035 BMI2 0.2355 0.7969 Function value of this group: 967.4140 Where the fit function is -2 * Log-likelihood of raw data GROUP NUMBER: 5 Title 5: DZo data MATRIX M This is a FULL matrix of order 1 by 2 1 2 1 21.3690 21.7534 MATRIX X This is a SYMMETRIC matrix of order 2 by 2 1 2 1 0.6793 2 0.1511 0.6261 Vector of OBSERVED means BMI1 BMI2 Mean 21.3656 21.7547 Vector of EXPECTED means BMI1 BMI2 Mean 21.3690 21.7534 (OBSERVED MATRIX is nonexistent for raw data) EXPECTED COVARIANCE MATRIX BMI1 BMI2 BMI1 0.6793 BMI2 0.1511 0.6261 Function value of this group: 2314.6490 Where the fit function is -2 * Log-likelihood of raw data Your model has 25 estimated parameters and 3658 Observed statistics -2 times log-likelihood of data >>> 8310.308 Degrees of freedom >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> 3633 Akaike's Information Criterion >>>> 1044.308 Bayesian Information Criterion >>>> -9555.841 Sample size Adjusted BIC >>>> -3784.820 Deviance Information Criterion >>>> -6217.337 This problem used 27.3% of my workspace Task Time elapsed (DD:HH:MM:SS) Reading script & data 0: 0: 0:15.23 Execution 0: 0: 0:-8.86 TOTAL 0: 0: 0: 6.37 Total number of warnings issued: 2 ______________________________________________________________________________