library(MASS) library(lattice) source("boulder_library.R") #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- # F12 designs (AILs) #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- # F12 with 1 qtl markers.f12 <- read.delim("f12.markers") ped.f12 <- read.ped("f12.ped", markers.f12$name) chrom.scan <- scan.markers(Phenotype ~ MARKER, data=ped.f12, head(chrom.scan) # do this if there is time max.logPs <- permute.scan.markers(perms=100, Phenotype ~ MARKER, data=ped.f12, threshold <- quantile(max.logPs, 1 - 0.05) # or if not... # threshold <- 2.22 plot.chrom.scan(chrom.scan, threshold=threshold) # find the maximum marker chrom.scan[which.max(chrom.scan$logP),] # draw it on the graph abline(v=72.0) # redo the scan conditioning on the top marker chrom.scan <- scan.markers(Phenotype ~ m37 + MARKER, h0=Phenotype ~ m37, data=ped.f12, plot.chrom.scan(chrom.scan, col="red", add=TRUE) # Q: why has the second peak disappered? # F12 with two QTLs markers.f12a <- read.delim("f12_twoqtls.markers") ped.f12a <- read.ped("f12_twoqtls.ped", markers.f12a$name) chrom.scan <- scan.markers(Phenotype ~ MARKER, data=ped.f12a, plot.chrom.scan(chrom.scan, threshold=threshold) # find the maximum peak and condition on it chrom.scan[which.max(chrom.scan$logP),] abline(v=72.0) chrom.scan <- scan.markers(Phenotype ~ m37 + MARKER, h0=Phenotype ~ m37, data=ped.f12a, plot.chrom.scan(chrom.scan, col="red", add=TRUE) # Q: how can you test whether there are further QTLs? chrom.scan[which.max(chrom.scan$logP),] abline(v=56.0) chrom.scan <- scan.markers(Phenotype ~ m37 + m29 + MARKER, h0=Phenotype ~ m37 + m29, data=ped.f12a, plot.chrom.scan(chrom.scan, col="blue", add=TRUE) # Q: how many QTLs are there?