** Mx startup successful ** !@human; **MX-PC 1.63h** Job started on 03/05/08 at 16:32:33 #DEFINE NVAR 3 ! N DEPENDENT VARIABLES PER INDIVIDUAL #DEFINE NTHRESH 2 ! MAXIMUM NUMBER OF THRESHOLDS The following MX script lines were read for group 1 G1: SINGLETON (NON-PAIR) DATA DATA NINPUT_VARS=5 NGROUPS=2 ! NUMBER OF VARIABLES PER FAMILY ORDINAL FILE=ORD.DAT ! READ RAW DATA Ordinal data read initiated Note: Maximum ordinal/rectangular record length is: 1000 NOTE: Rectangular file contained 1000 records with data that contained a total of 5000 observations LABELS ID DEPRESSION ANXIETY STRESS SEX SELECT DEPRESSION ANXIETY STRESS ; BEGIN MATRICES; NOTE: Selection yields 1000 data vectors for analysis NOTE: Vectors contain a total of 3000 observations T FULL NTHRESH NVAR FREE ! THRESHOLDS L LOWER NTHRESH NTHRESH ! FOR ADDING UP THRESHOLDS F FULL NVAR 1 FREE ! FACTOR LOADINGS R DIAG NVAR NVAR FREE ! RESIDUAL VARIANCE END MATRICES; BEGIN ALGEBRA; C=F*F'+R*R' ; END ALGEBRA; VALUE 1 L 1 1 TO L NTHRESH NTHRESH SP T 100 101 102 0 103 104 ! START VALUES START -1 T 1 1 T 1 2 T 1 3 START 1 T 2 2 T 2 3 START .5 F 1 1 F 2 1 F 3 1 START .5 R 1 1 R 2 2 R 3 3 !SETTING THE 1ST THRESHOLD TO BE NEGATIVE AS LESS THAN 50% IN THE 0 CATEGORY BOUND -4 0 T 1 1 T 1 2 T 1 3 !SETTING THE 2ND THRESHOLD TO BE POSSITIVE FOR ANXIETY AND STRESS BOUND 0.01 4 T 2 2 T 2 3 THRESHOLDSS L*T ; ! THRESHOLDSS MODEL COVARIANCES C ; ! VARIANCE/COVARIANCE MODEL END The following MX script lines were read for group 2 STANDARDIZE CONSTRAINT BEGIN MATRICES = GROUP 1 ; U UNIT 1 3 !TO CONSTRAIN THE TOTAL VARIANCE OF THE 3 VARIABLES END MATRICES ; BEGIN ALGEBRA; V = \D2V(C) ; !EXTRACT THE VARIANCE S = F | \D2V(R)' ; ! SUMMARY MATRIX CONTAINING STANDARDISED FACTOR LOADINGS END ALGEBRA; CONSTRAINT V=U ; !CONSTRAIN THE VARIANCE END Summary of VL file data for group 1 DEPRESSION ANXIETY STRESS Code 1.0000 2.0000 3.0000 Number 1000.0000 1000.0000 1000.0000 Mean 0.8880 0.9840 1.0040 Variance 0.0995 0.2897 0.5120 Minimum 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 Maximum 1.0000 2.0000 2.0000 PARAMETER SPECIFICATIONS GROUP NUMBER: 1 G1: Singleton (non-pair) data MATRIX C This is a computed FULL matrix of order 3 by 3 It has no free parameters specified MATRIX F This is a FULL matrix of order 3 by 1 1 1 7 2 8 3 9 MATRIX L This is a LOWER TRIANGULAR matrix of order 2 by 2 It has no free parameters specified MATRIX R This is a DIAGONAL matrix of order 3 by 3 1 2 3 1 10 2 0 11 3 0 0 12 MATRIX T This is a FULL matrix of order 2 by 3 1 2 3 1 100 101 102 2 0 103 104 GROUP NUMBER: 2 Standardize MATRIX C This is a computed FULL matrix of order 3 by 3 It has no free parameters specified MATRIX F This is a FULL matrix of order 3 by 1 1 1 7 2 8 3 9 MATRIX L This is a LOWER TRIANGULAR matrix of order 2 by 2 It has no free parameters specified MATRIX R This is a DIAGONAL matrix of order 3 by 3 1 2 3 1 10 2 0 11 3 0 0 12 MATRIX S This is a computed FULL matrix of order 3 by 2 It has no free parameters specified MATRIX T This is a FULL matrix of order 2 by 3 1 2 3 1 100 101 102 2 0 103 104 MATRIX U This is a UNIT matrix of order 1 by 3 MATRIX V This is a computed FULL matrix of order 1 by 3 It has no free parameters specified Mx starting optimization; number of parameters = 11 MX PARAMETER ESTIMATES GROUP NUMBER: 1 G1: Singleton (non-pair) data MATRIX C This is a computed FULL matrix of order 3 by 3 [=F*F'+R*R'] 1 2 3 1 1.0000 0.5545 0.4986 2 0.5545 1.0000 0.3450 3 0.4986 0.3450 1.0000 MATRIX F This is a FULL matrix of order 3 by 1 1 1 0.8952 2 0.6194 3 0.5570 MATRIX L This is a LOWER TRIANGULAR matrix of order 2 by 2 1 2 1 1.0000 2 1.0000 1.0000 MATRIX R This is a DIAGONAL matrix of order 3 by 3 1 2 3 1 0.4457 2 0.0000 0.7850 3 0.0000 0.0000 0.8305 MATRIX T This is a FULL matrix of order 2 by 3 1 2 3 1 -1.2184 -1.0247 -0.6628 2 0.0000 2.1196 1.3128 GROUP NUMBER: 2 Standardize MATRIX C This is a computed FULL matrix of order 3 by 3 [=F*F'+R*R'] 1 2 3 1 1.0000 0.5545 0.4986 2 0.5545 1.0000 0.3450 3 0.4986 0.3450 1.0000 MATRIX F This is a FULL matrix of order 3 by 1 1 1 0.8952 2 0.6194 3 0.5570 MATRIX L This is a LOWER TRIANGULAR matrix of order 2 by 2 1 2 1 1.0000 2 1.0000 1.0000 MATRIX R This is a DIAGONAL matrix of order 3 by 3 1 2 3 1 0.4457 2 0.0000 0.7850 3 0.0000 0.0000 0.8305 MATRIX S This is a computed FULL matrix of order 3 by 2 [=F|\D2V(R)'] 1 2 1 0.8952 0.4457 2 0.6194 0.7850 3 0.5570 0.8305 MATRIX T This is a FULL matrix of order 2 by 3 1 2 3 1 -1.2184 -1.0247 -0.6628 2 0.0000 2.1196 1.3128 MATRIX U This is a UNIT matrix of order 1 by 3 MATRIX V This is a computed FULL matrix of order 1 by 3 [=\D2V(C)] 1 2 3 1 1.0000 1.0000 1.0000 Your model has 11 estimated parameters and 3003 Observed statistics Observed statistics include 3 constraints. -2 times log-likelihood of data >>> 4198.202 Degrees of freedom >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> 2992 Akaike's Information Criterion >>>> -1785.798 Bayesian Information Criterion >>>> -8234.901 Sample size Adjusted BIC >>>> -3483.521 Deviance Information Criterion >>>> -5485.437 This problem used 0.0% of my workspace Task Time elapsed (DD:HH:MM:SS) Reading script & data 0: 0: 0: 0.47 Execution 0: 0: 0: 0.84 TOTAL 0: 0: 0: 1.31 Total number of warnings issued: 0 ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________