** Mx startup successful ** **MX-PC 1.66b** Job started on 03/04/08 at 16:04:57 ! SCRIPT FOR UNIVARIATE ACE MODEL ! VARIABLE: AGE OF SMOKING ONSET. ! CATEGORIES = NON-SMOKER | SMOKER AFTER 18 YEARS | SMOKER BEFORE/AT 18 YEARS ! THE AGE AT ONSET VARIABLE HAS 3 SMOKING CATEGORIES, 2 THRESHOLDS PER VARIABLE, 2 FOR TWIN1 AND 2 FOR TWIN2 ! EQUALITY IN THRESHOLDS ARE TESTED ! THRESHOLD MODEL 2X2 : (THRESHOLDS TWIN1, THRESHOLDS TWIN2) #DEFINE NVAR 1 ! NUMBER OF VARIABLES PER TWIN #DEFINE NVARX2 2 ! NUMBER OF VARIABLES X NUMBER OF TWINS #DEFINE NTHRESH 2 ! NUMBER OF THRESHOLDS The following MX script lines were read for group 1 #NGROUPS 4 Note: #NGroup set number of groups to 4 G1: PARAMETERS FOR THE GENETIC MODEL CALCULATION BEGIN MATRICES; X LOW NVAR NVAR FREE ! ADDITIVE GENETIC PATH COEFFICIENT Y LOW NVAR NVAR FREE ! SHARED ENVIRONMENTAL PATH COEFFICIENT Z LOW NVAR NVAR FREE ! UNIQUE ENVIRONMENTAL PATH COEFFICIENT END MATRICES; BEGIN ALGEBRA; A=X*X' ; ! ADDITIVE GENETIC VARIANCE (PATH X SQUARED) C=Y*Y' ; ! SHARED ENVIRONMENTAL VARIANCE(PATH Y SQUARED) E=Z*Z' ; ! UNIQUE ENVIRONMENTAL VARIANCE(PATH Z SQUARED) END ALGEBRA; START .6 X 1 1 Y 1 1 Z 1 1 ! STARTING VALUES FOR X, Y, Z INTERVAL @95 A 1 1 C 1 1 E 1 1 ! INTERVALS FOR MALE H2, C2 AND C2 END The following MX script lines were read for group 2 G2: DATA AND MODEL FOR MZM PAIRS DATA NINPUT_VARS=3 MISSING=. NOTE: Missing value *string* set to '.' ORDINAL FILE=SMK_PRAC.ORD Ordinal data read initiated Note: Maximum ordinal/rectangular record length is: 1000 Note: It be increased by maxrec= parameter on the data line. NOTE: Rectangular file contained 1731 records with data that contained a total of 4796 observations and 1 records where all data were missing LABELS ZYG AGEON_T1 AGEON_T2 SELECT IF ZYG = 2 NOTE: Select if yields 984 data vectors for analysis NOTE: Vectors contain a total of 2760 observations SELECT AGEON_T1 AGEON_T2 / MATRICES = GROUP 1 NOTE: Selection yields 984 data vectors for analysis NOTE: Vectors contain a total of 1776 observations T FULL NTHRESH NVARX2 FREE ! THRESH TW1, THRESH TW2 L LOWER NTHRESH NTHRESH END MATRICES; VALUE 1 L 1 1 TO L NTHRESH NTHRESH ! INITIALIZE L COVARIANCE !PREDICTED CORRELATION MATRIX FOR MZM ( A + C + E | A + C _ A + C | A + C + E ) / THRESHOLDS L*T / !THRESHOLD MODEL TO ENSURE T1>T2>T3 ETC....... START .2 T 1 1 T 1 2 ! STARTING VALUES FOR THE THRESHOLDS START .2 T 2 1 T 2 2 BOUND 0.01 1 T 1 1 T 1 2 BOUND 0.1 5 T 2 1 T 2 2 OPTION RS END The following MX script lines were read for group 3 G3: DATA AND MODEL FOR DZM PAIRS DATA NINPUT_VARS=3 MISSING=. NOTE: Missing value *string* set to '.' ORDINAL FILE=SMK_PRAC.ORD Ordinal data read initiated Note: Maximum ordinal/rectangular record length is: 1000 Note: It be increased by maxrec= parameter on the data line. NOTE: Rectangular file contained 1731 records with data that contained a total of 4796 observations and 1 records where all data were missing LABELS ZYG AGEON_T1 AGEON_T2 SELECT IF ZYG = 4 NOTE: Select if yields 747 data vectors for analysis NOTE: Vectors contain a total of 2036 observations SELECT AGEON_T1 AGEON_T2 / MATRICES = GROUP 1 NOTE: Selection yields 747 data vectors for analysis NOTE: Vectors contain a total of 1289 observations T FULL NTHRESH NVARX2 FREE ! THRESH TW1, THRESH TW2 L LOWER NTHRESH NTHRESH = L2 H FULL 1 1 ! .5 END MATRICES; COVARIANCE ! PREDICTED CORRELATION MATRIX FOR DZM ( A + C + E | H@A + C _ H@A + C | A + C + E ) / THRESHOLDS L*T / ! THRESHOLD MODEL START .2 T 1 1 T 1 2 ! STARTING VALUES FOR THE THRESHOLDS START .2 T 2 1 T 2 2 BOUND 0.01 1 T 1 1 T 1 2 BOUND 0.1 5 T 2 1 T 2 2 MA H .5 OPTION RS END The following MX script lines were read for group 4 G4: CONSTRAIN VARIANCES OF OBSERVED VARIABLES TO 1 CONSTRAINT MATRICES = GROUP 1 I UNIT 1 1 CO A+C+E= I / OPTION JIGGLE OPTION FUNC=1.E-10 ! FUNCTION PRECISION IS LESS THAN USUAL ! EQUATE STATEMENTS FOR THRESHOLDS EQ T 2 1 1 T 2 1 2 T 3 1 1 T 3 1 2 ! EQUATE 1ST THRESHOLD ACROSS TWINS AND ZYGOSITY EQ T 2 2 1 T 2 2 2 T 3 2 1 T 3 2 2 ! EQUATE INCREMENT ACROSS TWINS AND ZYGOSITY END Summary of VL file data for group 2 AGEON_T1 AGEON_T2 Code 1.0000 2.0000 Number 891.0000 885.0000 Mean 0.8294 0.8136 Variance 0.8845 0.8816 Minimum 0.0000 0.0000 Maximum 2.0000 2.0000 Summary of VL file data for group 3 AGEON_T1 AGEON_T2 Code 1.0000 2.0000 Number 661.0000 628.0000 Mean 0.8911 0.8631 Variance 0.9049 0.9016 Minimum 0.0000 0.0000 Maximum 2.0000 2.0000 PARAMETER SPECIFICATIONS GROUP NUMBER: 1 G1: Parameters for the Genetic model MATRIX A This is a computed FULL matrix of order 1 by 1 It has no free parameters specified MATRIX C This is a computed FULL matrix of order 1 by 1 It has no free parameters specified MATRIX E This is a computed FULL matrix of order 1 by 1 It has no free parameters specified MATRIX X This is a LOWER TRIANGULAR matrix of order 1 by 1 1 1 1 MATRIX Y This is a LOWER TRIANGULAR matrix of order 1 by 1 1 1 2 MATRIX Z This is a LOWER TRIANGULAR matrix of order 1 by 1 1 1 3 GROUP NUMBER: 2 G2: Data and model for MZM pairs MATRIX A This is a computed FULL matrix of order 1 by 1 It has no free parameters specified MATRIX C This is a computed FULL matrix of order 1 by 1 It has no free parameters specified MATRIX E This is a computed FULL matrix of order 1 by 1 It has no free parameters specified MATRIX L This is a LOWER TRIANGULAR matrix of order 2 by 2 It has no free parameters specified MATRIX T This is a FULL matrix of order 2 by 2 1 2 1 4 4 2 6 6 MATRIX X This is a LOWER TRIANGULAR matrix of order 1 by 1 1 1 1 MATRIX Y This is a LOWER TRIANGULAR matrix of order 1 by 1 1 1 2 MATRIX Z This is a LOWER TRIANGULAR matrix of order 1 by 1 1 1 3 GROUP NUMBER: 3 G3: Data and model for DZM pairs MATRIX A This is a computed FULL matrix of order 1 by 1 It has no free parameters specified MATRIX C This is a computed FULL matrix of order 1 by 1 It has no free parameters specified MATRIX E This is a computed FULL matrix of order 1 by 1 It has no free parameters specified MATRIX H This is a FULL matrix of order 1 by 1 It has no free parameters specified MATRIX L This is a LOWER TRIANGULAR matrix of order 2 by 2 It has no free parameters specified MATRIX T This is a FULL matrix of order 2 by 2 1 2 1 4 4 2 6 6 MATRIX X This is a LOWER TRIANGULAR matrix of order 1 by 1 1 1 1 MATRIX Y This is a LOWER TRIANGULAR matrix of order 1 by 1 1 1 2 MATRIX Z This is a LOWER TRIANGULAR matrix of order 1 by 1 1 1 3 GROUP NUMBER: 4 G4: CONSTRAIN VARIANCES OF OBSERVED VARIABLES TO 1 MATRIX A This is a computed FULL matrix of order 1 by 1 It has no free parameters specified MATRIX C This is a computed FULL matrix of order 1 by 1 It has no free parameters specified MATRIX E This is a computed FULL matrix of order 1 by 1 It has no free parameters specified MATRIX I This is a UNIT matrix of order 1 by 1 MATRIX X This is a LOWER TRIANGULAR matrix of order 1 by 1 1 1 1 MATRIX Y This is a LOWER TRIANGULAR matrix of order 1 by 1 1 1 2 MATRIX Z This is a LOWER TRIANGULAR matrix of order 1 by 1 1 1 3 Jiggling parameter estimates... Mx starting optimization; number of parameters = 5 MX PARAMETER ESTIMATES GROUP NUMBER: 1 G1: Parameters for the Genetic model MATRIX A This is a computed FULL matrix of order 1 by 1 [=X*X'] 1 1 0.5254 MATRIX C This is a computed FULL matrix of order 1 by 1 [=Y*Y'] 1 1 0.2862 MATRIX E This is a computed FULL matrix of order 1 by 1 [=Z*Z'] 1 1 0.1884 MATRIX X This is a LOWER TRIANGULAR matrix of order 1 by 1 1 1 0.7249 MATRIX Y This is a LOWER TRIANGULAR matrix of order 1 by 1 1 1 0.5349 MATRIX Z This is a LOWER TRIANGULAR matrix of order 1 by 1 1 1 0.4341 GROUP NUMBER: 2 G2: Data and model for MZM pairs MATRIX A This is a computed FULL matrix of order 1 by 1 [=X*X'] 1 1 0.5254 MATRIX C This is a computed FULL matrix of order 1 by 1 [=Y*Y'] 1 1 0.2862 MATRIX E This is a computed FULL matrix of order 1 by 1 [=Z*Z'] 1 1 0.1884 MATRIX L This is a LOWER TRIANGULAR matrix of order 2 by 2 1 2 1 1.0000 2 1.0000 1.0000 MATRIX T This is a FULL matrix of order 2 by 2 1 2 1 0.0744 0.0744 2 0.2134 0.2134 MATRIX X This is a LOWER TRIANGULAR matrix of order 1 by 1 1 1 0.7249 MATRIX Y This is a LOWER TRIANGULAR matrix of order 1 by 1 1 1 0.5349 MATRIX Z This is a LOWER TRIANGULAR matrix of order 1 by 1 1 1 0.4341 Matrix of EXPECTED thresholds AGEON_T1AGEON_T2 Threshold 1 0.0744 0.0744 Threshold 2 0.2877 0.2877 (OBSERVED MATRIX is nonexistent for raw data) EXPECTED COVARIANCE MATRIX AGEON_T1 AGEON_T2 AGEON_T1 1.0000 AGEON_T2 0.8116 1.0000 Function value of this group: 2871.3846 Where the fit function is -2 * Log-likelihood of raw ordinal GROUP NUMBER: 3 G3: Data and model for DZM pairs MATRIX A This is a computed FULL matrix of order 1 by 1 [=X*X'] 1 1 0.5254 MATRIX C This is a computed FULL matrix of order 1 by 1 [=Y*Y'] 1 1 0.2862 MATRIX E This is a computed FULL matrix of order 1 by 1 [=Z*Z'] 1 1 0.1884 MATRIX H This is a FULL matrix of order 1 by 1 1 1 0.5000 MATRIX L This is a LOWER TRIANGULAR matrix of order 2 by 2 1 2 1 1.0000 2 1.0000 1.0000 MATRIX T This is a FULL matrix of order 2 by 2 1 2 1 0.0744 0.0744 2 0.2134 0.2134 MATRIX X This is a LOWER TRIANGULAR matrix of order 1 by 1 1 1 0.7249 MATRIX Y This is a LOWER TRIANGULAR matrix of order 1 by 1 1 1 0.5349 MATRIX Z This is a LOWER TRIANGULAR matrix of order 1 by 1 1 1 0.4341 Matrix of EXPECTED thresholds AGEON_T1AGEON_T2 Threshold 1 0.0744 0.0744 Threshold 2 0.2877 0.2877 (OBSERVED MATRIX is nonexistent for raw data) EXPECTED COVARIANCE MATRIX AGEON_T1 AGEON_T2 AGEON_T1 1.0000 AGEON_T2 0.5489 1.0000 Function value of this group: 2259.2436 Where the fit function is -2 * Log-likelihood of raw ordinal GROUP NUMBER: 4 G4: CONSTRAIN VARIANCES OF OBSERVED VARIABLES TO 1 MATRIX A This is a computed FULL matrix of order 1 by 1 [=X*X'] 1 1 0.5254 MATRIX C This is a computed FULL matrix of order 1 by 1 [=Y*Y'] 1 1 0.2862 MATRIX E This is a computed FULL matrix of order 1 by 1 [=Z*Z'] 1 1 0.1884 MATRIX I This is a UNIT matrix of order 1 by 1 MATRIX X This is a LOWER TRIANGULAR matrix of order 1 by 1 1 1 0.7249 MATRIX Y This is a LOWER TRIANGULAR matrix of order 1 by 1 1 1 0.5349 MATRIX Z This is a LOWER TRIANGULAR matrix of order 1 by 1 1 1 0.4341 Your model has 5 estimated parameters and 3066 Observed statistics Observed statistics include 1 constraints. -2 times log-likelihood of data >>> 5130.628 Degrees of freedom >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> 3061 Akaike's Information Criterion >>>> -991.372 Bayesian Information Criterion >>>> -8846.790 Sample size Adjusted BIC >>>> -3984.546 Deviance Information Criterion >>>> -6033.919 3 Confidence intervals requested in group 1 Matrix Element Int. Estimate Lower Upper Lfail Ufail A 1 1 1 95.0 0.5254 0.3278 0.7391 0 0 0 0 C 1 1 1 95.0 0.2862 0.0846 0.4659 0 0 0 0 E 1 1 1 95.0 0.1884 0.1476 0.2376 6 1 0 1 This problem used 1.6% of my workspace Task Time elapsed (DD:HH:MM:SS) Reading script & data 0: 0: 0: 0.71 Execution 0: 0: 0: 2.19 TOTAL 0: 0: 0: 2.90 Total number of warnings issued: 0 ______________________________________________________________________________