MARCH 3-7, 2008

Provisional Course Schedule

Sunday 03-02-08
16.00 19.00 Welcome Reception, Boulder Creek Living Room
Monday 03-03-08
9.00 9.15 Introduction and welcome John Hewitt
9.15 10.00 Causes of human variation Dorret Boomsma
10.00 10.30 Introducing the computer system Jeff Lessem
11.00 12.30 Likelihood, Matrix algebra Mike Neale, David Evans
13.30 14.00 Path analysis Danielle Dick, Fruhling Rijsdijk
14.00 15.00 Mx and modeling for twin data Hermine Maes, Nick Martin
15.30 16.45 Univariate ACE model Nick Martin, Hermine Maes
16.45 17.00 Question time Faculty
17.30 19.00 Reception, Boulder Creek Living Room
Tuesday 03-04-08
8.00 9.00 Optional Mx Review Sarah Medland
9.00 10.30 Biometrical Genetics Manuel Ferreira, Stacey Cherny
11.00 12:30 Categorical data & Selected samples Fruhling Rijsdijk, Kate Morley
13.30 15.00 Testing for Heterogeneity (sex) Sarah Medland Hermine Maes
15.30 17.00 Moderating means & covariances  Dorret Boomsma, Nick Martin
17.30 19.00 Reception, Boulder Creek Living Room
Wednesday 03-05-08
8.00 9.00 Optional Matrix Algebra / Other Review Sarah Medland
9.00 10.30 Phenotypic factor analysis & IRT Gitta Lubke, Irene Rebollo
11.00 12.00 Multivariate & genetic analysis Kate Morley, Fruhling Rijsdijk
13.00 14.00 Genetic and environmental covariances Irene Rebollo Nathan Gillespie
14.30 16.45 Genetic and environmental factor analysis examples Nick Martin, Hermine Maes
16.45 17.00 Question time Faculty
Thursday 03-06-08
9.00 10.30 Developmental models Nathan Gillespie, Dorret Boomsma
11.00 12.30 Growth curves Gitta Lubke, Irene Rebollo, Mike Neale
13.30 15.00 Introduction to R  Will Valdar, Matt Keller
15.30 16.45 Power & sample size Ben Neale, Manuel Ferreira
16.45 17.00 Question time Faculty
Friday 03-07-08
9.00 10.30 Issues and assumptions in genetic epidemiology  Matt Keller, Sarah Medland, Hermine Maes
11.00 12.30 Genetic dominance and extended pedigrees Irene Rebollo, Matt Keller
13.30 14.30 QTL linkage analysis in Mx Sarah Medland, Stacey Cherny, Ben Neale
14.30 15.00 Association analysis David Evans, Ben Neale
15.30 16.30 QTL Studies: The Past, Present, and Future Nick Martin
18.00 Farewell Party (shuttles provided) hosted by John & Christina Hewitt

Daily: 10.30-11.00 break; 12.30-13.30 break; 15.00-15.30 break


John Hewitt, Jeff Lessem, Matt Keller
Institute for Behavioral Genetics, University of Colorado at Boulder

Nick Martin
Queensland Institute of Medical Research, Australia

Michael Neale (Academic Director), Hermine Maes, Sarah Medland, Nathan Gillespie, Danielle Dick
Virginia Institute for Psychiatric & Behavioral Genetics, Virginia Commonwealth University

Gitta Lubke 
Department of Psychology, University of Notre Dame

Kate Morley
Centre for Molecular, Environmental, Genetic and Analytic Epidemiology, University of Melbourne

David Evans
Department of Social Medicine, University of Bristol 

Fruhling Rijsdijk, Benjamin Neale
Institute of Psychiatry, King's College London, United Kingdom

Dorret Boomsma, Irene Rebollo
Dept of Biological Psychology, Vrije Universiteit, Amsterdam, Netherlands

Stacey Cherny
Department of Psychiatry and Genome Research Center, University of Hong Kong

Will Valdar
Wellcome Trust Centre for Human Genetics, University of Oxford, United Kingdom

Manuel Ferreira
Psychiatric and Neurodevelopmental Genetics Unit, Massachusetts General Hospital, Harvard Medical School