1 |
2 |
3 |
4 |
4 PAR | 5 |
6 |
6S |
Achievement Motivation (reference) |
1 | people should be more involved with their work | X | |||||||
2 | I rarely set difficult standards | X | |||||||
3 | I enjoy difficult work | X | |||||||
4 | I have rarely done extra studying for work | X | |||||||
5 | I work just hard enough to get by | X | |||||||
6 | I would work hard rather or not had to earn a living | X | |||||||
7 | I don't let work get in the way of what I want to do | X | |||||||
8 | my goal is to do more than anyone else | X | |||||||
9 | in work I seldom do more than necessary | X | |||||||
10 | I set goals that are difficult to reach | X | |||||||
11 | I seldom thought of as a hard worker | X | |||||||
12 | as a child, I worked a long time for things I earned | X | |||||||
13 | doesn't matter if I become one of the best in my field | X | |||||||
14 | I don't mind working while others are having fun | X | |||||||
15 | I'm not certain what I want to do or how to go about it | X | |||||||
Attitudes about Marriage and Family Life (reference) |
16 | married people are happier than those who aren't married | X | X | X | X | ||||
17 | it's alright for a couple to live together without planning to get married | X | X | X | X | ||||
18 | there are few good or happy marriages these days | X | X | X | X | ||||
19 | young people should not have sex before marriage | X | X | X | X | ||||
20 | when there are children in the family, parents should stay together even if they don't get along | X | X | X | X | ||||
21 | divorce is the best solution when a couple can't work out problems | X | X | X | X | ||||
22 | a young couple should not live together unless they are married | X | X | X | X | ||||
23 | it's better for a couple to get married than to be single | X | X | X | X | ||||
24 | premarital sex is alright for a couple planning to get married | X | X | X | X | ||||
25 | there are more advantages to being single than to being married | X | X | X | X | ||||
Attitudes about Abortion (reference) |
26 | abortion alright if pregnancy endangered woman's health | X | X | X | |||||
27 | abortion alright if the woman was not married | X | X | X | |||||
28 | abortion alright if couple couldn't afford children | X | X | X | |||||
29 | abortion alright if they didn't want more children | X | X | X | |||||
30 | abortion alright if woman had a reasons to believe child was deformed | X | X | X | |||||
31 | abortion alright if pregnancy was not planned | X | X | X | |||||
32 | abortion alright if pregnancy due to rape | X | X | X | |||||
33 | subject volunteers own experience on abortion | X | X | X | |||||
Adoption Attitudes and Issues |
34 | is subject adopted | X | |||||||
35 | parents would love me more as their birth child | X | |||||||
36 | I like that I am adopted | X | |||||||
37 | being adopted makes me feel angry | X | |||||||
38 | I feel unwanted | X | |||||||
39 | being adopted makes me feel loved | X | |||||||
40 | it hurts knowing I was adopted | X | |||||||
41 | I wish people didn't know I was adopted | X | |||||||
42 | I feel like I don't belong to anyone | X | |||||||
43 | I feel proud that my parents adopted me | X | |||||||
44 | I wish I lived with my birthparents | X | |||||||
45 | would you like to adopt a child | X | |||||||
46 | contact with birthmother | X | |||||||
47 | who initiated contact | X | |||||||
48 | how communicated with mother | X | |||||||
49 | last communication with mother | X | |||||||
50 | times contacted mother | X | |||||||
51 | contact with birthfather | X | |||||||
52 | who initiated contact | X | |||||||
53 | how communicated with father | X | |||||||
54 | last communication with father | X | |||||||
55 | times contacted father | X | |||||||
56 | contact with other birth relatives | X | |||||||
57 | who initiated contact | X | |||||||
58 | how communicated with birth relative | X | |||||||
59 | last communicated with birth relative | X | |||||||
60 | times communicated with birth relative | X | |||||||
Social Attitudes (reference) |
61 | feelings about capital punishment | X | |||||||
62 | feelings about astrology | X | |||||||
63 | feelings about X-rated movies | X | |||||||
64 | feelings about modern art | X | |||||||
65 | feelings about women's liberation | X | |||||||
66 | feelings about foreign aid | X | |||||||
67 | feelings about federal housing | X | |||||||
68 | feelings about democrats | X | |||||||
69 | feelingss about military drill | X | |||||||
70 | feelings about the draft | X | |||||||
71 | feelings about abortion | X | |||||||
72 | feelings about property tax | X | |||||||
73 | feelings about gay rights | X | |||||||
74 | feelings about liberals | X | |||||||
75 | feelings about integration | X | |||||||
76 | feelings about capitalism | X | |||||||
77 | feelings about segregation | X | |||||||
78 | feelings about the religious right | X | |||||||
79 | feelings about passivism | X | |||||||
80 | feelings about censorship | X | |||||||
81 | feelings about nuclear power | X | |||||||
82 | feelings about living together | X | |||||||
83 | feelings about republicans | X | |||||||
84 | feelings about divorce | X | |||||||
85 | feelings about school prayer | X | |||||||
86 | feelings about unions | X | |||||||
87 | feelings about socialism | X | |||||||
88 | feelings about school busing | X | |||||||
Social Obligations (reference) |
89 | current contribution to welfare and well being of other people | X | X | ||||||
90 | future contribution to welfare and well being of other people in ten years | X | X | ||||||
91 | obligation serving on jury | X | X | ||||||
92 | obligation keeping informed about national and new and public issues | X | X | ||||||
93 | obligation testifying in court about an accident witnessed | X | X | ||||||
94 | obligation to vote in local and national elections | X | X | ||||||
95 | obligation to do more than most people on the job | X | X | ||||||
96 | obligation to work hard even if you don't like or respect your employer or supervisor | X | X | ||||||
97 | obligation to pay more for health care so everyone has access to health care | X | X | ||||||
98 | obligation to volunteer time or money to social causes | X | X | ||||||
99 | obligation to collect contributions for heart or cancer research if asked to do so | X | X | ||||||
100 | obligation to vote for a law that would help others worse off than you, but increases your taxes | X | X | ||||||
101 | hours per month volunteering for hospital, nursing home, or other health care oriented volunteer work | X | X | X | |||||
102 | hours per month volunteering for school or other youth-centered volunteer work | X | X | X | |||||
103 | hours per month volunteering for political organizations or causes | X | X | X | |||||
104 | hours per month volunteering for other organizations, causes, or charities | X | X | X | |||||
Right-Wing Authoritarianism (reference) |
105 | laws have to be strictly enforced if we are to preserve our way of life | X | X | X | |||||
106 | people should pay less attention to the bible and other traditional forms of religious guidance, and instead develop their own personal standards of what is moral and immoral | X | X | X | |||||
107 | women should always remember the promise they make in marriage ceremony to obey their husbands | X | X | X | |||||
108 | our customs and national heritage are the things that have made us great, and certain people should be made to show greater respect for them | X | X | X | |||||
109 | capital punishment should be completely abolished | X | X | X | |||||
110 | national anthems, flags, and the glorification of one's country should be de-emphasized to promote the brotherhood of all men | X | X | X | |||||
111 | the facts of crime, sexual immorality, and the recent public disorders all show that we have to crack down harder on deviant groups and troublemakers if we are going to save our moral standards and preserve law and order | X | X | X | |||||
112 | a lot of our society's rules regarding modesty and sexual behavior are just customs which are not necessarily any better or holier than those which other peoples follow | X | X | X | |||||
113 | our prisons are a shocking disgrace. Criminals are unfortunate people who deserve much better care instead of so much punishment | X | X | X | |||||
114 | obedience and respect for authority are the most important virtues children should learn | X | X | X | |||||
115 | organizations like the army and the priesthood have a pretty unhealthy effect upon men because they require strict obedience of commands from supervisors | X | X | X | |||||
116 | one good way to teach certain people right from wrong is to give them a good strict punishment when they get out of line | X | X | X | |||||
117 | youngsters should be taught to refuse to fight in a war unless they themselves agree the war is just and necessary | X | X | X | |||||
118 | it may be considered old-fashioned by some, but having a decent respectable appearance is still the mark of a gentleman and, especially, a lady | X | X | X | |||||
119 | in these troubled times laws have to be enforced without mercy, especially when dealing with the agitators and revolutionaries who are stirring things | X | X | X | |||||
120 | atheists and others who have rebelled against the established religions are no doubt every bit as good and virtuous as those who attend church regularly | X | X | X | |||||
121 | young people sometimes get rebellious ideas, but as they grow up they ought to get over them and settle down | X | X | X | |||||
122 | rules about being "well mannered" and respectable are chains from the past that we should question very thoroughly before accepting | X | X | X | |||||
123 | the courts are right in being easy on drug offenders. Punishment would not do any good in cases like these | X | X | X | |||||
124 | if a child starts becoming a little unconventional, parents should see to it that he returns to the normal ways expected by society | X | X | X | |||||
125 | being kind to loafers and criminals will only encourage them to take advantage of your weaknesses, so its best to use a firm, tough hand when dealing with them | X | X | X | |||||
126 | a "woman's place" should be where ever she wants it to be. The days when women are submissive to their husbands and social conventions belong strictly in the past | X | X | X | |||||
127 | homosexuals are just as good and virtuous as anybody else, and there is nothing wrong with being one | X | X | X | |||||
128 | its one thing to question and doubt someone during an election campaign, but once a man becomes leader of our country we owe him our greatest support and loyalty | X | X | X |
Personal and Social Issues: NNSD 1 |
Motivation |
Variable Name |
Type |
Digits in Code |
Formula |
Range |
Variable Label |
AM1 | NUM STR | 1 | 1=true, 2=false | 1 or 2 | people should be more involved with their work |
AM2 | NUM STR | 1 | 1=true, 2=false | 1 or 2 | I rarely set difficult standards |
AM3 | NUM STR | 1 | 1=true, 2=false | 1 or 2 | I enjoy difficult work |
AM4 | NUM STR | 1 | 1=true, 2=false | 1 or 2 | I have rarely done extra studying for work |
AM5 | NUM STR | 1 | 1=true, 2=false | 1 or 2 | I work just hard enough to get by |
AM6 | NUM STR | 1 | 1=true, 2=false | 1 or 2 | I would work hard rather or not had to earn a living |
AM7 | NUM STR | 1 | 1=true, 2=false | 1 or 2 | I don't let work get in the way of what I want to do |
AM8 | NUM STR | 1 | 1=true, 2=false | 1 or 2 | my goal is to do more than anyone else |
AM9 | NUM STR | 1 | 1=true, 2=false | 1 or 2 | in work I seldom do more than necessary |
AM10 | NUM STR | 1 | 1=true, 2=false | 1 or 2 | I set goals that are difficult to reach |
AM11 | NUM STR | 1 | 1=true, 2=false | 1 or 2 | I seldom thought of as a hard worker |
AM12 | NUM STR | 1 | 1=true, 2=false | 1 or 2 | as a child, I worked a long time for things I earned |
AM13 | NUM STR | 1 | 1=true, 2=false | 1 or 2 | doesn't matter if I become one of the best in my field |
AM14 | NUM STR | 1 | 1=true, 2=false | 1 or 2 | I don't mind working while others are having fun |
AM15 | NUM STR | 1 | 1=true, 2=false | 1 or 2 | I'm not certain what I want to do or how to go about it |
Attitudes about Marriage |
Variable Name |
Type |
Digits in Code |
Formula |
Range |
Variable Label |
MARATT1 | NUM STR | 1 | 1=strongly agree, 2=somewhat agree, 3=somewhat disagree, 4=strongly disagree | 1 to 4 | married people are happier than those who aren't married |
MARATT2 | NUM STR | 1 | 1=strongly agree, 2=somewhat agree, 3=somewhat disagree, 4=strongly disagree | 1 to 4 | it's alright for a couple to live together without planning to get married |
MARATT3 | NUM STR | 1 | 1=strongly agree, 2=somewhat agree, 3=somewhat disagree, 4=strongly disagree | 1 to 4 | there are few good or happy marriages these days |
MARATT4 | NUM STR | 1 | 1=strongly agree, 2=somewhat agree, 3=somewhat disagree, 4=strongly disagree | 1 to 4 | young people should not have sex before marriage |
MARATT5 | NUM STR | 1 | 1=strongly agree, 2=somewhat agree, 3=somewhat disagree, 4=strongly disagree | 1 to 4 | when there are children in the family, parents should stay together even if they don't get along |
MARATT6 | NUM STR | 1 | 1=strongly agree, 2=somewhat agree, 3=somewhat disagree, 4=strongly disagree | 1 to 4 | divorce is the best solution when a couple can't work out problems |
MARATT7 | NUM STR | 1 | 1=strongly agree, 2=somewhat agree, 3=somewhat disagree, 4=strongly disagree | 1 to 4 | a young couple should not live together unless they are married |
MARATT8 | NUM STR | 1 | 1=strongly agree, 2=somewhat agree, 3=somewhat disagree, 4=strongly disagree | 1 to 4 | it's better for a couple to get married than to be single |
MARATT9 | NUM STR | 1 | 1=strongly agree, 2=somewhat agree, 3=somewhat disagree, 4=strongly disagree | 1 to 4 | premarital sex is alright for a couple planning to get married |
MARATT10 | NUM STR | 1 | 1=strongly agree, 2=somewhat agree, 3=somewhat disagree, 4=strongly disagree | 1 to 4 | there are more advantages to being single than to being married |
Attitudes about Abortion |
Variable Name |
Type |
Digits in Code |
Formula |
Range |
Variable Label |
ABOATT1 | NUM STR | 1 | 1=yes, 2=no | 1 or 2 | abortion alright if pregnancy endangered woman's health |
ABOATT2 | NUM STR | 1 | 1=yes, 2=no | 1 or 2 | abortion alright if the woman was not married |
ABOATT3 | NUM STR | 1 | 1=yes, 2=no | 1 or 2 | abortion alright if couple couldn't afford children |
ABOATT4 | NUM STR | 1 | 1=yes, 2=no | 1 or 2 | abortion alright if they didn't want more children |
ABOATT5 | NUM STR | 1 | 1=yes, 2=no | 1 or 2 | abortion alright if woman had a reasons to believe child was deformed |
ABOATT6 | NUM STR | 1 | 1=yes, 2=no | 1 or 2 | abortion alright if pregnancy was not planned |
ABOATT7 | NUM STR | 1 | 1=yes, 2=no | 1 or 2 | abortion alright if pregnancy due to rape |
ABOATT8 | TEXT | subject's verbatim response | subject volunteers own experience on abortion | ||
Personal and Social Issues: NNSD2 |
Adoption issues |
Variable Name |
Type |
Digits in Code |
Formula |
Range |
Variable Label |
ADOPTT | NUM STR | 1 | 1=yes, 2=no | 1 or 2 | is subject adopted |
ADOPT1 | NUM STR | 1 | 1=not true, 2=seldom true, 3=sometimes true, 4=often true, 5=always true | 1 to 4 | parents would love me more as their birth child |
ADOPT2 | NUM STR | 1 | 1=not true, 2=seldom true, 3=sometimes true, 4=often true, 5=always true | 1 to 4 | I like that I am adopted |
ADOPT3 | NUM STR | 1 | 1=not true, 2=seldom true, 3=sometimes true, 4=often true, 5=always true | 1 to 4 | being adopted makes me feel angry |
ADOPT4 | NUM STR | 1 | 1=not true, 2=seldom true, 3=sometimes true, 4=often true, 5=always true | 1 to 4 | I feel unwanted |
ADOPT5 | NUM STR | 1 | 1=not true, 2=seldom true, 3=sometimes true, 4=often true, 5=always true | 1 to 4 | being adopted makes me feel loved |
ADOPT6 | NUM STR | 1 | 1=not true, 2=seldom true, 3=sometimes true, 4=often true, 5=always true | 1 to 4 | it hurts knowing I was adopted |
ADOPT7 | NUM STR | 1 | 1=not true, 2=seldom true, 3=sometimes true, 4=often true, 5=always true | 1 to 4 | I wish people didn't know I was adopted |
ADOPT8 | NUM STR | 1 | 1=not true, 2=seldom true, 3=sometimes true, 4=often true, 5=always true | 1 to 4 | I feel like I don't belong to anyone |
ADOPT9 | NUM STR | 1 | 1=not true, 2=seldom true, 3=sometimes true, 4=often true, 5=always true | 1 to 4 | I feel proud that my parents adopted me |
ADOPT10 | NUM STR | 1 | 1=not true, 2=seldom true, 3=sometimes true, 4=often true, 5=always true | 1 to 4 | I wish I lived with my birthparents |
ADOPT11 | NUM STR | 1 | 1=yes definitely, 2=yes probably, 3=not sure, 4=probably not, 5=definitely not | 1 to 5 | would you like to adopt a child |
ADOPT12A | NUM STR | 1 | 1=yes, 2=tried but failed to contact, 3=no | 1 to 3 | contact with birthmother |
ADOPT12B | NUM STR | 1 | 1=self, 2=birthmother, 3=other (specify) | 1 to 3 | who initiated contact |
ADOPT12C | NUM STR | 1 | 1=in person, 2=by telephone, 3=by e-mail, 4=by letter | 1 to 4 | how communicated with mother |
ADOPT12D | NUM STR | 1 | 1=in the last week, 2=in the last month, 3=in the last six months, 4=in the past year, 5=more than a year ago | 1 to 5 | last communication with mother |
ADOPT12E | NUM STR | 1 | 1=one time, 2=several times, 3=yearly, 4=more than yearly | 1 to 4 | times contacted mother |
ADOPT13A | NUM STR | 1 | 1=yes, 2=tried but failed to contact, 3=no | 1 to 3 | contact with birthfather |
ADOPT13B | NUM STR | 1 | 1=self, 2=birthfather, 3=other (specify) | 1 to 3 | who initiated contact |
ADOPT13C | NUM STR | 1 | 1=in person, 2=by telephone, 3=by e-mail, 4=by letter | 1 to 4 | how communicated with father |
ADOPT13D | NUM STR | 1 | 1=in the last week, 2=in the last month, 3=in the last six months, 4=in the past year, 5=more than a year ago | 1 to 5 | last communication with father |
ADOPT13E | NUM STR | 1 | 1=one time, 2=several times, 3=yearly, 4=more than yearly | 1 to 4 | times contacted father |
ADOPT14A | NUM STR | 1 | 1=yes, 2=tried but failed to contact, 3=no | 1 to 3 | contact with other birth relatives |
ADOPT14B | NUM STR | 1 | 1=self, 2=birth relative, 3=other (specify) | 1 to 3 | who initiated contact |
ADOPT14C | NUM STR | 1 | 1=in person, 2=by telephone, 3=by e-mail, 4=by letter | 1 to 4 | how communicated with birth relative |
ADOPT14D | NUM STR | 1 | 1=in the last week, 2=in the last month, 3=in the last six months, 4=in the past year, 5=more than a year ago | 1 to 5 | last communicated with birth relative |
ADOPT14E | NUM STR | 1 | 1=one time, 2=several times, 3=yearly, 4=more than yearly | 1 to 4 | times communicated with birth relative |
Attitudes about Marriage |
Variable Name |
Type |
Digits in Code |
Formula |
Range |
Variable Label |
MARATT1 | NUM STR | 1 | 1=strongly agree, 2=somewhat agree, 3=somewhat disagree, 4=strongly disagree | 1 to 4 | married people are happier than those who aren't married |
MARATT2 | NUM STR | 1 | 1=strongly agree, 2=somewhat agree, 3=somewhat disagree, 4=strongly disagree | 1 to 4 | it's alright for a couple to live together without planning to get married |
MARATT3 | NUM STR | 1 | 1=strongly agree, 2=somewhat agree, 3=somewhat disagree, 4=strongly disagree | 1 to 4 | there are few good or happy marriages these days |
MARATT4 | NUM STR | 1 | 1=strongly agree, 2=somewhat agree, 3=somewhat disagree, 4=strongly disagree | 1 to 4 | young people should not have sex before marriage |
MARATT5 | NUM STR | 1 | 1=strongly agree, 2=somewhat agree, 3=somewhat disagree, 4=strongly disagree | 1 to 4 | when there are children in the family, parents should stay together even if they don't get along |
MARATT6 | NUM STR | 1 | 1=strongly agree, 2=somewhat agree, 3=somewhat disagree, 4=strongly disagree | 1 to 4 | divorce is the best solution when a couple can't work out problems |
MARATT7 | NUM STR | 1 | 1=strongly agree, 2=somewhat agree, 3=somewhat disagree, 4=strongly disagree | 1 to 4 | a young couple should not live together unless they are married |
MARATT8 | NUM STR | 1 | 1=strongly agree, 2=somewhat agree, 3=somewhat disagree, 4=strongly disagree | 1 to 4 | it's better for a couple to get married than to be single |
MARATT9 | NUM STR | 1 | 1=strongly agree, 2=somewhat agree, 3=somewhat disagree, 4=strongly disagree | 1 to 4 | premarital sex is alright for a couple planning to get married |
MARATT10 | NUM STR | 1 | 1=strongly agree, 2=somewhat agree, 3=somewhat disagree, 4=strongly disagree | 1 to 4 | there are more advantages to being single than to being married |
Attitudes about Abortion |
Variable Name |
Type |
Digits in Code |
Formula |
Range |
Variable Label |
ABOATT1 | NUM STR | 1 | 1=yes, 2=no | 1 or 2 | abortion alright if pregnancy endangered woman's health |
ABOATT2 | NUM STR | 1 | 1=yes, 2=no | 1 or 2 | abortion alright if the woman was not married |
ABOATT3 | NUM STR | 1 | 1=yes, 2=no | 1 or 2 | abortion alright if couple couldn't afford children |
ABOATT4 | NUM STR | 1 | 1=yes, 2=no | 1 or 2 | abortion alright if they didn't want more children |
ABOATT5 | NUM STR | 1 | 1=yes, 2=no | 1 or 2 | abortion alright if woman had a reason to believe child was deformed |
ABOATT6 | NUM STR | 1 | 1=yes, 2=no | 1 or 2 | abortion alright if pregnancy was not planned |
ABOATT7 | NUM STR | 1 | 1=yes, 2=no | 1 or 2 | abortion alright if pregnancy due to rape |
ABOATT8 | TEXT | subject's verbatim response | subject volunteers own experience on abortion | ||
Social Attitudes |
Variable Name |
Type |
Digits in Code |
Formula |
Range |
Variable Label |
SOCATT1 | NUM STR | 1 | 1=strongly agree, 2=somewhat agree, 3=no opinion, 4=somewhat disagree, 5=strongly disagree, 6=don't understand | 1 to 6 | feelings about capital punishment |
SOCATT2 | NUM STR | 1 | 1=strongly agree, 2=somewhat agree, 3=no opinion, 4=somewhat disagree, 5=strongly disagree, 6=don't understand | 1 to 6 | feelings about astrology |
SOCATT3 | NUM STR | 1 | 1=strongly agree, 2=somewhat agree, 3=no opinion, 4=somewhat disagree, 5=strongly disagree, 6=don't understand | 1 to 6 | feelings about X-rated movies |
SOCATT4 | NUM STR | 1 | 1=strongly agree, 2=somewhat agree, 3=no opinion, 4=somewhat disagree, 5=strongly disagree, 6=don't understand | 1 to 6 | feelings about modern art |
SOCATT5 | NUM STR | 1 | 1=strongly agree, 2=somewhat agree, 3=no opinion, 4=somewhat disagree, 5=strongly disagree, 6=don't understand | 1 to 6 | feelings about women's liberation |
SOCATT6 | NUM STR | 1 | 1=strongly agree, 2=somewhat agree, 3=no opinion, 4=somewhat disagree, 5=strongly disagree, 6=don't understand | 1 to 6 | feelings about foreign aid |
SOCATT7 | NUM STR | 1 | 1=strongly agree, 2=somewhat agree, 3=no opinion, 4=somewhat disagree, 5=strongly disagree, 6=don't understand | 1 to 6 | feelings about federal housing |
SOCATT8 | NUM STR | 1 | 1=strongly agree, 2=somewhat agree, 3=no opinion, 4=somewhat disagree, 5=strongly disagree, 6=don't understand | 1 to 6 | feelings about democrats |
SOCATT9 | NUM STR | 1 | 1=strongly agree, 2=somewhat agree, 3=no opinion, 4=somewhat disagree, 5=strongly disagree, 6=don't understand | 1 to 6 | feelingss about military drill |
SOCATT10 | NUM STR | 1 | 1=strongly agree, 2=somewhat agree, 3=no opinion, 4=somewhat disagree, 5=strongly disagree, 6=don't understand | 1 to 6 | feelings about the draft |
SOCATT11 | NUM STR | 1 | 1=strongly agree, 2=somewhat agree, 3=no opinion, 4=somewhat disagree, 5=strongly disagree, 6=don't understand | 1 to 6 | feelings about abortion |
SOCATT12 | NUM STR | 1 | 1=strongly agree, 2=somewhat agree, 3=no opinion, 4=somewhat disagree, 5=strongly disagree, 6=don't understand | 1 to 6 | feelings about property tax |
SOCATT13 | NUM STR | 1 | 1=strongly agree, 2=somewhat agree, 3=no opinion, 4=somewhat disagree, 5=strongly disagree, 6=don't understand | 1 to 6 | feelings about gay rights |
SOCATT14 | NUM STR | 1 | 1=strongly agree, 2=somewhat agree, 3=no opinion, 4=somewhat disagree, 5=strongly disagree, 6=don't understand | 1 to 6 | feelings about liberals |
SOCATT15 | NUM STR | 1 | 1=strongly agree, 2=somewhat agree, 3=no opinion, 4=somewhat disagree, 5=strongly disagree, 6=don't understand | 1 to 6 | feelings about integration |
SOCATT16 | NUM STR | 1 | 1=strongly agree, 2=somewhat agree, 3=no opinion, 4=somewhat disagree, 5=strongly disagree, 6=don't understand | 1 to 6 | feelings about capitalism |
SOCATT17 | NUM STR | 1 | 1=strongly agree, 2=somewhat agree, 3=no opinion, 4=somewhat disagree, 5=strongly disagree, 6=don't understand | 1 to 6 | feelings about segregation |
SOCATT18 | NUM STR | 1 | 1=strongly agree, 2=somewhat agree, 3=no opinion, 4=somewhat disagree, 5=strongly disagree, 6=don't understand | 1 to 6 | feelings about the religious right |
SOCATT19 | NUM STR | 1 | 1=strongly agree, 2=somewhat agree, 3=no opinion, 4=somewhat disagree, 5=strongly disagree, 6=don't understand | 1 to 6 | feelings about passivism |
SOCATT20 | NUM STR | 1 | 1=strongly agree, 2=somewhat agree, 3=no opinion, 4=somewhat disagree, 5=strongly disagree, 6=don't understand | 1 to 6 | feelings about censorship |
SOCATT21 | NUM STR | 1 | 1=strongly agree, 2=somewhat agree, 3=no opinion, 4=somewhat disagree, 5=strongly disagree, 6=don't understand | 1 to 6 | feelings about nuclear power |
SOCATT22 | NUM STR | 1 | 1=strongly agree, 2=somewhat agree, 3=no opinion, 4=somewhat disagree, 5=strongly disagree, 6=don't understand | 1 to 6 | feelings about living together |
SOCATT23 | NUM STR | 1 | 1=strongly agree, 2=somewhat agree, 3=no opinion, 4=somewhat disagree, 5=strongly disagree, 6=don't understand | 1 to 6 | feelings about republicans |
SOCATT24 | NUM STR | 1 | 1=strongly agree, 2=somewhat agree, 3=no opinion, 4=somewhat disagree, 5=strongly disagree, 6=don't understand | 1 to 6 | feelings about divorce |
SOCATT25 | NUM STR | 1 | 1=strongly agree, 2=somewhat agree, 3=no opinion, 4=somewhat disagree, 5=strongly disagree, 6=don't understand | 1 to 6 | feelings about school prayer |
SOCATT26 | NUM STR | 1 | 1=strongly agree, 2=somewhat agree, 3=no opinion, 4=somewhat disagree, 5=strongly disagree, 6=don't understand | 1 to 6 | feelings about unions |
SOCATT27 | NUM STR | 1 | 1=strongly agree, 2=somewhat agree, 3=no opinion, 4=somewhat disagree, 5=strongly disagree, 6=don't understand | 1 to 6 | feelings about socialism |
SOCATT28 | NUM STR | 1 | 1=strongly agree, 2=somewhat agree, 3=no opinion, 4=somewhat disagree, 5=strongly disagree, 6=don't understand | 1 to 6 | feelings about school busing |
Personal and Social Issues: NNSD3 |
Attitudes toward Marriage |
Variable Name |
Type |
Digits in Code |
Formula |
Range |
Variable Label |
MARATT1 | NUM STR | 1 | 1=strongly agree, 2=somewhat agree, 3=somewhat disagree, 4=strongly disagree | 1 to 4 | married people are happier than those who aren't married |
MARATT2 | NUM STR | 1 | 1=strongly agree, 2=somewhat agree, 3=somewhat disagree, 4=strongly disagree | 1 to 4 | it's alright for a couple to live together without planning to get married |
MARATT3 | NUM STR | 1 | 1=strongly agree, 2=somewhat agree, 3=somewhat disagree, 4=strongly disagree | 1 to 4 | there are few good or happy marriages these days |
MARATT4 | NUM STR | 1 | 1=strongly agree, 2=somewhat agree, 3=somewhat disagree, 4=strongly disagree | 1 to 4 | young people should not have sex before marriage |
MARATT5 | NUM STR | 1 | 1=strongly agree, 2=somewhat agree, 3=somewhat disagree, 4=strongly disagree | 1 to 4 | when there are children in the family, parents should stay together even if they don't get along |
MARATT6 | NUM STR | 1 | 1=strongly agree, 2=somewhat agree, 3=somewhat disagree, 4=strongly disagree | 1 to 4 | divorce is the best solution when a couple can't work out problems |
MARATT7 | NUM STR | 1 | 1=strongly agree, 2=somewhat agree, 3=somewhat disagree, 4=strongly disagree | 1 to 4 | a young couple should not live together unless they are married |
MARATT8 | NUM STR | 1 | 1=strongly agree, 2=somewhat agree, 3=somewhat disagree, 4=strongly disagree | 1 to 4 | it's better for a couple to get married than to be single |
MARATT9 | NUM STR | 1 | 1=strongly agree, 2=somewhat agree, 3=somewhat disagree, 4=strongly disagree | 1 to 4 | premarital sex is alright for a couple planning to get married |
MARATT10 | NUM STR | 1 | 1=strongly agree, 2=somewhat agree, 3=somewhat disagree, 4=strongly disagree | 1 to 4 | there are more advantages to being single than to being married |
Social Obligation |
Variable Name |
Type |
Digits in Code |
Formula |
Range |
Variable Label |
ATCE1NOW | NUM STR | 1 | 1=none at all, 2=not very much, 3=somewhat, 4=very much | 1 to 4 | current contribution to welfare and well being of other people |
ATCE2THN | NUM STR | 1 | 1=none at all, 2=not very much, 3=somewhat, 4=very much | 1 to 4 | future contribution to welfare and well being of other people in ten years |
ATCE1 | NUM STR | 1 | 1=none at all, 2=not very much, 3=somewhat, 4=very much | 1 to 4 | obligation serving on jury |
ATCE2 | NUM STR | 1 | 1=none at all, 2=not very much, 3=somewhat, 4=very much | 1 to 4 | obligation keeping informed about national and new and public issues |
ATCE3 | NUM STR | 1 | 1=none at all, 2=not very much, 3=somewhat, 4=very much | 1 to 4 | obligation testifying in court about an accident witnessed |
ATCE4 | NUM STR | 1 | 1=none at all, 2=not very much, 3=somewhat, 4=very much | 1 to 4 | obligation to vote in local and national elections |
ATCE5 | NUM STR | 1 | 1=none at all, 2=not very much, 3=somewhat, 4=very much | 1 to 4 | obligation to do more than most people on the job |
ATCE6 | NUM STR | 1 | 1=none at all, 2=not very much, 3=somewhat, 4=very much | 1 to 4 | obligation to work hard even if you don't like or respect your employer or supervisor |
ATCE7 | NUM STR | 1 | 1=none at all, 2=not very much, 3=somewhat, 4=very much | 1 to 4 | obligation to pay more for health care so everyone has access to health care |
ATCE8 | NUM STR | 1 | 1=none at all, 2=not very much, 3=somewhat, 4=very much | 1 to 4 | obligation to volunteer time or money to social causes |
ATCE9 | NUM STR | 1 | 1=none at all, 2=not very much, 3=somewhat, 4=very much | 1 to 4 | obligation to collect contributions for heart or cancer research if asked to do so |
ATCE10 | NUM STR | 1 | 1=none at all, 2=not very much, 3=somewhat, 4=very much | 1 to 4 | obligation to vote for a law that would help others worse off than you, but increases your taxes |
ATCEVOL1 | NUM STR | 3 | hours per month as a three-digit number | 000 to 999 | hours per month volunteering for hospital, nursing home, or other health care oriented volunteer work |
ATCEVOL2 | NUM STR | 3 | hours per month as a three-digit number | 000 to 999 | hours per month volunteering for school or other youth-centered volunteer work |
ATCEVOL3 | NUM STR | 3 | hours per month as a three-digit number | 000 to 999 | hours per month volunteering for political organizations or causes |
ATCEVOL4 | NUM STR | 3 | hours per month as a three-digit number | 000 to 999 | hours per month volunteering for other organizations, causes, or charities |
Authoritarianism |
Variable Name |
Type |
Digits in Code |
Formula |
Range |
Variable Label |
RWA1 | NUM STR | 1 | 1=strongly agree, 2=somewhat agree, 3=somewhat disagree, 4=strongly disagree | 1 to 4 | laws have to be strictly enforced if we are to preserve our way of life |
RWA2 | NUM STR | 1 | 1=strongly agree, 2=somewhat agree, 3=somewhat disagree, 4=strongly disagree | 1 to 4 | people should pay less attention to the bible and other traditional forms of religious guidance, and instead develop their own personal standards of what is moral and immoral |
RWA3 | NUM STR | 1 | 1=strongly agree, 2=somewhat agree, 3=somewhat disagree, 4=strongly disagree | 1 to 4 | women should always remember the promise they make in marriage ceremony to obey their husbands |
RWA4 | NUM STR | 1 | 1=strongly agree, 2=somewhat agree, 3=somewhat disagree, 4=strongly disagree | 1 to 4 | our customs and national heritage are the things that have made us great, and certain people should be made to show greater respect for them |
RWA5 | NUM STR | 1 | 1=strongly agree, 2=somewhat agree, 3=somewhat disagree, 4=strongly disagree | 1 to 4 | capital punishment should be completely abolished |
RWA6 | NUM STR | 1 | 1=strongly agree, 2=somewhat agree, 3=somewhat disagree, 4=strongly disagree | 1 to 4 | national anthems, flags, and the glorification of one's country should be de-emphasized to promote the brotherhood of all men |
RWA7 | NUM STR | 1 | 1=strongly agree, 2=somewhat agree, 3=somewhat disagree, 4=strongly disagree | 1 to 4 | the facts of crime, sexual immorality, and the recent public disorders all show that we have to crack down harder on deviant groups and troublemakers if we are going to save our moral standards and preserve law and order |
RWA8 | NUM STR | 1 | 1=strongly agree, 2=somewhat agree, 3=somewhat disagree, 4=strongly disagree | 1 to 4 | a lot of our society's rules regarding modesty and sexual behavior are just customs which are not necessarily any better or holier than those which other peoples follow |
RWA9 | NUM STR | 1 | 1=strongly agree, 2=somewhat agree, 3=somewhat disagree, 4=strongly disagree | 1 to 4 | our prisons are a shocking disgrace. Criminals are unfortunate people who deserve much better care instead of so much punishment |
RWA10 | NUM STR | 1 | 1=strongly agree, 2=somewhat agree, 3=somewhat disagree, 4=strongly disagree | 1 to 4 | obedience and respect for authority are the most important virtues children should learn |
RWA11 | NUM STR | 1 | 1=strongly agree, 2=somewhat agree, 3=somewhat disagree, 4=strongly disagree | 1 to 4 | organizations like the army and the priesthood have a pretty unhealthy effect upon men because they require strict obedience of commands from supervisors |
RWA12 | NUM STR | 1 | 1=strongly agree, 2=somewhat agree, 3=somewhat disagree, 4=strongly disagree | 1 to 4 | one good way to teach certain people right from wrong is to give them a good strict punishment when they get out of line |
RWA13 | NUM STR | 1 | 1=strongly agree, 2=somewhat agree, 3=somewhat disagree, 4=strongly disagree | 1 to 4 | youngsters should be taught to refuse to fight in a war unless they themselves agree the war is just and necessary |
RWA14 | NUM STR | 1 | 1=strongly agree, 2=somewhat agree, 3=somewhat disagree, 4=strongly disagree | 1 to 4 | it may be considered old-fashioned by some, but having a decent respectable appearance is still the mark of a gentleman and, especially, a lady |
RWA15 | NUM STR | 1 | 1=strongly agree, 2=somewhat agree, 3=somewhat disagree, 4=strongly disagree | 1 to 4 | in these troubled times laws have to be enforced without mercy, especially when dealing with the agitators and revolutionaries who are stirring things |
RWA16 | NUM STR | 1 | 1=strongly agree, 2=somewhat agree, 3=somewhat disagree, 4=strongly disagree | 1 to 4 | atheists and others who have rebelled against the established religions are no doubt every bit as good and virtuous as those who attend church regularly |
RWA17 | NUM STR | 1 | 1=strongly agree, 2=somewhat agree, 3=somewhat disagree, 4=strongly disagree | 1 to 4 | young people sometimes get rebellious ideas, but as they grow up they ought to get over them and settle down |
RWA18 | NUM STR | 1 | 1=strongly agree, 2=somewhat agree, 3=somewhat disagree, 4=strongly disagree | 1 to 4 | rules about being "well mannered" and respectable are chains from the past that we should question very thoroughly before accepting |
RWA19 | NUM STR | 1 | 1=strongly agree, 2=somewhat agree, 3=somewhat disagree, 4=strongly disagree | 1 to 4 | the courts are right in being easy on drug offenders. Punishment would not do any good in cases like these |
RWA20 | NUM STR | 1 | 1=strongly agree, 2=somewhat agree, 3=somewhat disagree, 4=strongly disagree | 1 to 4 | if a child starts becoming a little unconventional, parents should see to it that he returns to the normal ways expected by society |
RWA21 | NUM STR | 1 | 1=strongly agree, 2=somewhat agree, 3=somewhat disagree, 4=strongly disagree | 1 to 4 | being kind to loafers and criminals will only encourage them to take advantage of your weaknesses, so its best to use a firm, tough hand when dealing with them |
RWA22 | NUM STR | 1 | 1=strongly agree, 2=somewhat agree, 3=somewhat disagree, 4=strongly disagree | 1 to 4 | a "woman's place" should be where ever she wants it to be. The days when women are submissive to their husbands and social conventions belong strictly in the past |
RWA23 | NUM STR | 1 | 1=strongly agree, 2=somewhat agree, 3=somewhat disagree, 4=strongly disagree | 1 to 4 | homosexuals are just as good and virtuous as anybody else, and there is nothing wrong with being one |
RWA24 | NUM STR | 1 | 1=strongly agree, 2=somewhat agree, 3=somewhat disagree, 4=strongly disagree | 1 to 4 | its one thing to question and doubt someone during an election campaign, but once a man becomes leader of our country we owe him our greatest support and loyalty |
Personal and Social Issues: NNSD4PAR |
Attitudes about Marriage |
Variable Name |
Type |
Digits in Code |
Formula |
Range |
Variable Label |
MARATT1 | NUM STR | 1 | 1=strongly agree, 2=somewhat agree, 3=somewhat disagree, 4=strongly disagree | 1 to 4 | married people are happier than those who aren't married |
MARATT2 | NUM STR | 1 | 1=strongly agree, 2=somewhat agree, 3=somewhat disagree, 4=strongly disagree | 1 to 4 | it's alright for a couple to live together without planning to get married |
MARATT3 | NUM STR | 1 | 1=strongly agree, 2=somewhat agree, 3=somewhat disagree, 4=strongly disagree | 1 to 4 | there are few good or happy marriages these days |
MARATT4 | NUM STR | 1 | 1=strongly agree, 2=somewhat agree, 3=somewhat disagree, 4=strongly disagree | 1 to 4 | young people should not have sex before marriage |
MARATT5 | NUM STR | 1 | 1=strongly agree, 2=somewhat agree, 3=somewhat disagree, 4=strongly disagree | 1 to 4 | when there are children in the family, parents should stay together even if they don't get along |
MARATT6 | NUM STR | 1 | 1=strongly agree, 2=somewhat agree, 3=somewhat disagree, 4=strongly disagree | 1 to 4 | divorce is the best solution when a couple can't work out problems |
MARATT7 | NUM STR | 1 | 1=strongly agree, 2=somewhat agree, 3=somewhat disagree, 4=strongly disagree | 1 to 4 | a young couple should not live together unless they are married |
MARATT8 | NUM STR | 1 | 1=strongly agree, 2=somewhat agree, 3=somewhat disagree, 4=strongly disagree | 1 to 4 | it's better for a couple to get married than to be single |
MARATT9 | NUM STR | 1 | 1=strongly agree, 2=somewhat agree, 3=somewhat disagree, 4=strongly disagree | 1 to 4 | premarital sex is alright for a couple planning to get married |
MARATT10 | NUM STR | 1 | 1=strongly agree, 2=somewhat agree, 3=somewhat disagree, 4=strongly disagree | 1 to 4 | there are more advantages to being single than to being married |
Attitudes about Abortion |
Variable Name |
Type |
Digits in Code |
Formula |
Range |
Variable Label |
ABOATT2 | NUM STR | 1 | 1=yes, 2=no | 1 or 2 | abortion alright if the woman was not married |
ABOATT3 | NUM STR | 1 | 1=yes, 2=no | 1 or 2 | abortion alright if couple couldn't afford children |
ABOATT4 | NUM STR | 1 | 1=yes, 2=no | 1 or 2 | abortion alright if they didn't want more children |
ABOATT5 | NUM STR | 1 | 1=yes, 2=no | 1 or 2 | abortion alright if woman had a reason to believe child was deformed |
ABOATT6 | NUM STR | 1 | 1=yes, 2=no | 1 or 2 | abortion alright if pregnancy was not planned |
ABOATT7 | NUM STR | 1 | 1=yes, 2=no | 1 or 2 | abortion alright if pregnancy due to rape |
ABOATT8 | TEXT | subject's verbatim response | subject volunteers own experience on abortion | ||
Authoritarianism |
Variable Name |
Type |
Digits in Code |
Formula |
Range |
Variable Label |
RWA1 | NUM STR | 1 | 1=strongly agree, 2=somewhat agree, 3=somewhat disagree, 4=strongly disagree | 1 to 4 | laws have to be strictly enforced if we are to preserve our way of life |
RWA2 | NUM STR | 1 | 1=strongly agree, 2=somewhat agree, 3=somewhat disagree, 4=strongly disagree | 1 to 4 | people should pay less attention to the bible and other traditional forms of religious guidance, and instead develop their own personal standards of what is moral and immoral |
RWA3 | NUM STR | 1 | 1=strongly agree, 2=somewhat agree, 3=somewhat disagree, 4=strongly disagree | 1 to 4 | women should always remember the promise they make in marriage ceremony to obey their husbands |
RWA4 | NUM STR | 1 | 1=strongly agree, 2=somewhat agree, 3=somewhat disagree, 4=strongly disagree | 1 to 4 | our customs and national heritage are the things that have made us great, and certain people should be made to show greater respect for them |
RWA5 | NUM STR | 1 | 1=strongly agree, 2=somewhat agree, 3=somewhat disagree, 4=strongly disagree | 1 to 4 | capital punishment should be completely abolished |
RWA6 | NUM STR | 1 | 1=strongly agree, 2=somewhat agree, 3=somewhat disagree, 4=strongly disagree | 1 to 4 | national anthems, flags, and the glorification of one's country should be de-emphasized to promote the brotherhood of all men |
RWA7 | NUM STR | 1 | 1=strongly agree, 2=somewhat agree, 3=somewhat disagree, 4=strongly disagree | 1 to 4 | the facts of crime, sexual immorality, and the recent public disorders all show that we have to crack down harder on deviant groups and troublemakers if we are going to save our moral standards and preserve law and order |
RWA8 | NUM STR | 1 | 1=strongly agree, 2=somewhat agree, 3=somewhat disagree, 4=strongly disagree | 1 to 4 | a lot of our society's rules regarding modesty and sexual behavior are just customs which are not necessarily any better or holier than those which other peoples follow |
RWA9 | NUM STR | 1 | 1=strongly agree, 2=somewhat agree, 3=somewhat disagree, 4=strongly disagree | 1 to 4 | our prisons are a shocking disgrace. Criminals are unfortunate people who deserve much better care instead of so much punishment |
RWA10 | NUM STR | 1 | 1=strongly agree, 2=somewhat agree, 3=somewhat disagree, 4=strongly disagree | 1 to 4 | obedience and respect for authority are the most important virtues children should learn |
RWA11 | NUM STR | 1 | 1=strongly agree, 2=somewhat agree, 3=somewhat disagree, 4=strongly disagree | 1 to 4 | organizations like the army and the priesthood have a pretty unhealthy effect upon men because they require strict obedience of commands from supervisors |
RWA12 | NUM STR | 1 | 1=strongly agree, 2=somewhat agree, 3=somewhat disagree, 4=strongly disagree | 1 to 4 | one good way to teach certain people right from wrong is to give them a good strict punishment when they get out of line |
RWA13 | NUM STR | 1 | 1=strongly agree, 2=somewhat agree, 3=somewhat disagree, 4=strongly disagree | 1 to 4 | youngsters should be taught to refuse to fight in a war unless they themselves agree the war is just and necessary |
RWA14 | NUM STR | 1 | 1=strongly agree, 2=somewhat agree, 3=somewhat disagree, 4=strongly disagree | 1 to 4 | it may be considered old-fashioned by some, but having a decent respectable appearance is still the mark of a gentleman and, especially, a lady |
RWA15 | NUM STR | 1 | 1=strongly agree, 2=somewhat agree, 3=somewhat disagree, 4=strongly disagree | 1 to 4 | in these troubled times laws have to be enforced without mercy, especially when dealing with the agitators and revolutionaries who are stirring things |
RWA16 | NUM STR | 1 | 1=strongly agree, 2=somewhat agree, 3=somewhat disagree, 4=strongly disagree | 1 to 4 | atheists and others who have rebelled against the established religions are no doubt every bit as good and virtuous as those who attend church regularly |
RWA17 | NUM STR | 1 | 1=strongly agree, 2=somewhat agree, 3=somewhat disagree, 4=strongly disagree | 1 to 4 | young people sometimes get rebellious ideas, but as they grow up they ought to get over them and settle down |
RWA18 | NUM STR | 1 | 1=strongly agree, 2=somewhat agree, 3=somewhat disagree, 4=strongly disagree | 1 to 4 | rules about being "well mannered" and respectable are chains from the past that we should question very thoroughly before accepting |
RWA19 | NUM STR | 1 | 1=strongly agree, 2=somewhat agree, 3=somewhat disagree, 4=strongly disagree | 1 to 4 | the courts are right in being easy on drug offenders. Punishment would not do any good in cases like these |
RWA20 | NUM STR | 1 | 1=strongly agree, 2=somewhat agree, 3=somewhat disagree, 4=strongly disagree | 1 to 4 | if a child starts becoming a little unconventional, parents should see to it that he returns to the normal ways expected by society |
RWA21 | NUM STR | 1 | 1=strongly agree, 2=somewhat agree, 3=somewhat disagree, 4=strongly disagree | 1 to 4 | being kind to loafers and criminals will only encourage them to take advantage of your weaknesses, so its best to use a firm, tough hand when dealing with them |
RWA22 | NUM STR | 1 | 1=strongly agree, 2=somewhat agree, 3=somewhat disagree, 4=strongly disagree | 1 to 4 | a "woman's place" should be where ever she wants it to be. The days when women are submissive to their husbands and social conventions belong strictly in the past |
RWA23 | NUM STR | 1 | 1=strongly agree, 2=somewhat agree, 3=somewhat disagree, 4=strongly disagree | 1 to 4 | homosexuals are just as good and virtuous as anybody else, and there is nothing wrong with being one |
RWA24 | NUM STR | 1 | 1=strongly agree, 2=somewhat agree, 3=somewhat disagree, 4=strongly disagree | 1 to 4 | its one thing to question and doubt someone during an election campaign, but once a man becomes leader of our country we owe him our greatest support and loyalty |
Social Obligation |
Variable Name |
Type |
Digits in Code |
Formula |
Range |
Variable Label |
ATCE1NOW | NUM STR | 1 | 1=none at all, 2=not very much, 3=somewhat, 4=very much | 1 to 4 | current contribution to welfare and well being of other people |
ATCE2THN | NUM STR | 1 | 1=none at all, 2=not very much, 3=somewhat, 4=very much | 1 to 4 | future contribution to welfare and well being of other people in ten years |
ATCE1 | NUM STR | 1 | 1=none at all, 2=not very much, 3=somewhat, 4=very much | 1 to 4 | obligation serving on jury |
ATCE2 | NUM STR | 1 | 1=none at all, 2=not very much, 3=somewhat, 4=very much | 1 to 4 | obligation keeping informed about national and new and public issues |
ATCE3 | NUM STR | 1 | 1=none at all, 2=not very much, 3=somewhat, 4=very much | 1 to 4 | obligation testifying in court about an accident witnessed |
ATCE4 | NUM STR | 1 | 1=none at all, 2=not very much, 3=somewhat, 4=very much | 1 to 4 | obligation to vote in local and national elections |
ATCE5 | NUM STR | 1 | 1=none at all, 2=not very much, 3=somewhat, 4=very much | 1 to 4 | obligation to do more than most people on the job |
ATCE6 | NUM STR | 1 | 1=none at all, 2=not very much, 3=somewhat, 4=very much | 1 to 4 | obligation to work hard even if you don't like or respect your employer or supervisor |
ATCE7 | NUM STR | 1 | 1=none at all, 2=not very much, 3=somewhat, 4=very much | 1 to 4 | obligation to pay more for health care so everyone has access to health care |
ATCE8 | NUM STR | 1 | 1=none at all, 2=not very much, 3=somewhat, 4=very much | 1 to 4 | obligation to volunteer time or money to social causes |
ATCE9 | NUM STR | 1 | 1=none at all, 2=not very much, 3=somewhat, 4=very much | 1 to 4 | obligation to collect contributions for heart or cancer research if asked to do so |
ATCE10 | NUM STR | 1 | 1=none at all, 2=not very much, 3=somewhat, 4=very much | 1 to 4 | obligation to vote for a law that would help others worse off than you, but increases your taxes |
ATCEVOL1 | NUM STR | 3 | hours per month as a three-digit number | 000 to 999 | hours per month volunteering for hospital, nursing home, or other health care oriented volunteer work |
ATCEVOL2 | NUM STR | 3 | hours per month as a three-digit number | 000 to 999 | hours per month volunteering for school or other youth-centered volunteer work |
ATCEVOL3 | NUM STR | 3 | hours per month as a three-digit number | 000 to 999 | hours per month volunteering for political organizations or causes |
ATCEVOL4 | NUM STR | 3 | hours per month as a three-digit number | 000 to 999 | hours per month volunteering for other organizations, causes, or charities |
Personal and Social Issues: NNSD5 |
Obligation (abbreviated) |
Variable Name |
Type |
Digits in Code |
Formula |
Range |
Variable Label |
ATCEVOL1 | NUM STR | 3 | hours per month as a three-digit number | 000 to 999 | hours per month volunteering for hospital, nursing home, or other health care oriented volunteer work |
ATCEVOL2 | NUM STR | 3 | hours per month as a three-digit number | 000 to 999 | hours per month volunteering for school or other youth-centered volunteer work |
ATCEVOL3 | NUM STR | 3 | hours per month as a three-digit number | 000 to 999 | hours per month volunteering for political organizations or causes |
ATCEVOL4 | NUM STR | 3 | hours per month as a three-digit number | 000 to 999 | hours per month volunteering for other organizations, causes, or charities |
Authoritarianism |
Variable Name |
Type |
Digits in Code |
Formula |
Range |
Variable Label |
RWA1 | NUM STR | 1 | 1=strongly agree, 2=somewhat agree, 3=somewhat disagree, 4=strongly disagree | 1 to 4 | laws have to be strictly enforced if we are to preserve our way of life |
RWA2 | NUM STR | 1 | 1=strongly agree, 2=somewhat agree, 3=somewhat disagree, 4=strongly disagree | 1 to 4 | people should pay less attention to the bible and other traditional forms of religious guidance, and instead develop their own personal standards of what is moral and immoral |
RWA3 | NUM STR | 1 | 1=strongly agree, 2=somewhat agree, 3=somewhat disagree, 4=strongly disagree | 1 to 4 | women should always remember the promise they make in marriage ceremony to obey their husbands |
RWA4 | NUM STR | 1 | 1=strongly agree, 2=somewhat agree, 3=somewhat disagree, 4=strongly disagree | 1 to 4 | our customs and national heritage are the things that have made us great, and certain people should be made to show greater respect for them |
RWA5 | NUM STR | 1 | 1=strongly agree, 2=somewhat agree, 3=somewhat disagree, 4=strongly disagree | 1 to 4 | capital punishment should be completely abolished |
RWA6 | NUM STR | 1 | 1=strongly agree, 2=somewhat agree, 3=somewhat disagree, 4=strongly disagree | 1 to 4 | national anthems, flags, and the glorification of one's country should be de-emphasized to promote the brotherhood of all men |
RWA7 | NUM STR | 1 | 1=strongly agree, 2=somewhat agree, 3=somewhat disagree, 4=strongly disagree | 1 to 4 | the facts of crime, sexual immorality, and the recent public disorders all show that we have to crack down harder on deviant groups and troublemakers if we are going to save our moral standards and preserve law and order |
RWA8 | NUM STR | 1 | 1=strongly agree, 2=somewhat agree, 3=somewhat disagree, 4=strongly disagree | 1 to 4 | a lot of our society's rules regarding modesty and sexual behavior are just customs which are not necessarily any better or holier than those which other peoples follow |
RWA9 | NUM STR | 1 | 1=strongly agree, 2=somewhat agree, 3=somewhat disagree, 4=strongly disagree | 1 to 4 | our prisons are a shocking disgrace. Criminals are unfortunate people who deserve much better care instead of so much punishment |
RWA10 | NUM STR | 1 | 1=strongly agree, 2=somewhat agree, 3=somewhat disagree, 4=strongly disagree | 1 to 4 | obedience and respect for authority are the most important virtues children should learn |
RWA11 | NUM STR | 1 | 1=strongly agree, 2=somewhat agree, 3=somewhat disagree, 4=strongly disagree | 1 to 4 | organizations like the army and the priesthood have a pretty unhealthy effect upon men because they require strict obedience of commands from supervisors |
RWA12 | NUM STR | 1 | 1=strongly agree, 2=somewhat agree, 3=somewhat disagree, 4=strongly disagree | 1 to 4 | one good way to teach certain people right from wrong is to give them a good strict punishment when they get out of line |
RWA13 | NUM STR | 1 | 1=strongly agree, 2=somewhat agree, 3=somewhat disagree, 4=strongly disagree | 1 to 4 | youngsters should be taught to refuse to fight in a war unless they themselves agree the war is just and necessary |
RWA14 | NUM STR | 1 | 1=strongly agree, 2=somewhat agree, 3=somewhat disagree, 4=strongly disagree | 1 to 4 | it may be considered old-fashioned by some, but having a decent respectable appearance is still the mark of a gentleman and, especially, a lady |
RWA15 | NUM STR | 1 | 1=strongly agree, 2=somewhat agree, 3=somewhat disagree, 4=strongly disagree | 1 to 4 | in these troubled times laws have to be enforced without mercy, especially when dealing with the agitators and revolutionaries who are stirring things |
RWA16 | NUM STR | 1 | 1=strongly agree, 2=somewhat agree, 3=somewhat disagree, 4=strongly disagree | 1 to 4 | atheists and others who have rebelled against the established religions are no doubt every bit as good and virtuous as those who attend church regularly |
RWA17 | NUM STR | 1 | 1=strongly agree, 2=somewhat agree, 3=somewhat disagree, 4=strongly disagree | 1 to 4 | young people sometimes get rebellious ideas, but as they grow up they ought to get over them and settle down |
RWA18 | NUM STR | 1 | 1=strongly agree, 2=somewhat agree, 3=somewhat disagree, 4=strongly disagree | 1 to 4 | rules about being "well mannered" and respectable are chains from the past that we should question very thoroughly before accepting |
RWA19 | NUM STR | 1 | 1=strongly agree, 2=somewhat agree, 3=somewhat disagree, 4=strongly disagree | 1 to 4 | the courts are right in being easy on drug offenders. Punishment would not do any good in cases like these |
RWA20 | NUM STR | 1 | 1=strongly agree, 2=somewhat agree, 3=somewhat disagree, 4=strongly disagree | 1 to 4 | if a child starts becoming a little unconventional, parents should see to it that he returns to the normal ways expected by society |
RWA21 | NUM STR | 1 | 1=strongly agree, 2=somewhat agree, 3=somewhat disagree, 4=strongly disagree | 1 to 4 | being kind to loafers and criminals will only encourage them to take advantage of your weaknesses, so its best to use a firm, tough hand when dealing with them |
RWA22 | NUM STR | 1 | 1=strongly agree, 2=somewhat agree, 3=somewhat disagree, 4=strongly disagree | 1 to 4 | a "woman's place" should be where ever she wants it to be. The days when women are submissive to their husbands and social conventions belong strictly in the past |
RWA23 | NUM STR | 1 | 1=strongly agree, 2=somewhat agree, 3=somewhat disagree, 4=strongly disagree | 1 to 4 | homosexuals are just as good and virtuous as anybody else, and there is nothing wrong with being one |
RWA24 | NUM STR | 1 | 1=strongly agree, 2=somewhat agree, 3=somewhat disagree, 4=strongly disagree | 1 to 4 | its one thing to question and doubt someone during an election campaign, but once a man becomes leader of our country we owe him our greatest support and loyalty |