Psychology 4102 (Carey)
Sample Test 1

1) The "father of Behavior Genetics" who introduced the use of twins to examine the roles of inheritance and environment was
a) Aristotle
b) Hippocrates
c) Mendel
d) Galton
e) Darwin

2) By definition, a classical Mendelian cross must begin with two parental strains that are
a) heterozygous at all loci
b) homozygous at all loci
c) codominant at all loci
d) incompletely dominant at all loci
e) none of the above

3) The lac operon in bacteria is an example of
a) a frame shift mutation
b) DNA amplification
c) transpositional control
d) genetic regulation
e) a genetic marker

4) An example of a regulatory substance that initiates the transcription of genes is
a) a receptor molecule
b) some hormones
c) serotonin
d) phenylalanine hydroxylase
e) dopamine

5) Mitochondria are

a) organelles where protein synthesis occurs
b) the results of malarial infections
c) lipid storage vesicles
d) organelles containing extra nuclear DNA
e) located on the endoplasmic reticulum

6) In protein synthesis:
a) transcription follows translation
b) translation follows transcription
c) mRNA travels from nucleus to cytoplasm
d) a and c
e) b and c

7) Albinism I and Albinism II provide an example of
a) transcriptional delay
b) X-linked recessive disorders
c) X-linked dominant disorders
d) allelic heterogeneity
e) genetic heterogeneity

8) In the entire WORLD, the distribution of sickle cell anemia is most closely connected to

a) geography
b) African ancestry
c) ecology
d) fava beans
e) race

9) In the UNITED STATES, the distribution of sickle cell amenia is most closely connected to
a) geography
b) African ancestry
c) ecology
d) fava beans
e) race

10) The first known attempt to theorize about inheritance was done by

a) Mendel
b) Darwin
c) Hippocrates
d) Galton
e) Aristotle

11) The intelligence deficit in phenylketonuria can be ameliorated by
a) environmental enrichment programs
b) family intervention
c) diet
d) medication
e) enzyme replacement therapy

12) The human genome contains about how many base pairs?
a) 3,000,000
b) 30,000,000
c) 300,000,000
d) 3,000,000,000
e) 3,000,000,000,000

13) With regard to the ABO blood system, an individual with an AB genotype MUST have the following phenotype

a) A
b) AB
d) BB
e) the phenotype cannot be determined from this information

14) The gene defect for both HuntingtonÌs Disease and Fragile-X syndrome consists of
a) a major deletion of an important segment of a gene
b) a mispairing of base pairs
c) a series of repeated nucleotide sequences
d) a metabolic block
e) a set of unknown genes at the present time

15) The most common Mendelian disorder in the US among individuals with European ancestry is
a) PKU
b) HuntingtonÌs Disease
c) Albinism
d) Cystic Fibrosis
e) Sickle Cell Anemia

16) Suppose that a Mendelian cross is done for a plant. Flower color is the phenotype and the parental strains are red and white. Gene action is co-dominant, so the heterozygote is pink. What proportions are expected in the F2?

a) 100% pink
b) 75% red, 25% white
c) 33% red, 33% pink, 33% white
d) 25% red, 50% pink, 25% white
e) 64% red, 32% pink, 4% white

17) The scientist who developed a theory similar to Darwin's but never achieved the same recognition due in part to his own integrity was
a) Lamarck
b) Wallace
c) Lyell
d) Linnaeus
e) Galton

18) A central contribution made to the field of genetics by early cell biology (i.e., 1800's cell biology) was
a) rediscovery of Mendel
b) identification of chromosomes as the carrier of genetic material
c) identification of DNA as the carrier of genetic material
d) notion of segregation
e) concept of independent assortment

19) In a classic Mendelian cross, the F1 generation is
a) codominant at all loci
b) homozygous at all loci
c) incompletely dominant at all loci
d) heterozygous at all loci
e) none of the above

20) The fact that phenylalanine and serine are each coded for by more than one codon tells us that the genetic code is
a) redundant
b) universal
c) complicated
d) nonrepetitive
e) mistake-ridden

21) Studies of the developmental trajectories of Ïintelligence in infant and toddler twins suggests that
a) there is an overwhelming influence from the family environment
b) there is hardly any genetic control
c) there is heritability of the spurts and lags of a developmental profile
d) the genetic control is virtually total
e) final intelligence level is genetic but the pathway to the final level is environmental

22) The promoter region of a gene (as in the operon)
a) regulates the mitochondria
b) codes for a regulatory protein
c) is where transcription begins
d) codes for a promoter protein
e) controls the expression of enzymes

23) RNA is synthesized from the DNA template during
a) translation-1
b) translation-2
c) transportation
d) editing
e) transcription

24) What is NOT true about phenylketonuria (PKU)
a) PKU illustrates how one gene can influence more than one behavior
b) PKU leads to extreme drawfism
c) low phenylalanine diet can decrease the chances of mental retardation
d) the metabolic problem is caused by the inactivity of phenylalanine hydroxylase
e) routine screening programs have been established to identify PKU infants at birth

BRIEFLY define the following terms: (3 points each)
1) Buck vs Bell case-

2) amino acid-

3) polypeptide chain

4) enzyme

Define each term and give a BEHAVIORAL example of each. (3 points each)
1) pleiotropy

2) variable expressivity-

Give the nucleotides of DNA and RNA, showing which nucleotides pair with which. Please give the full names, not the letters. (6 points)

Briefly describe Sheri Berenbaum's research. What did she find concerning the toy preference of CAH females? (6 points)

Hemophilia is an X-linked recessive disorder. Suppose a male afflicted with this disorder mates with a female who is a carrier of this disorder. Give the genotypes, phenotypes, and their expected frequencies among their male and female offspring. (8 points)