Home Bayley Scales of Mental Development at 14 Months

Description of Test: This test consists of tasks representative of problem solving skills, fine motor coordination, and expressive and receptive vocabulary. (Bayley, N., (1976). Manual for the Bayley Scales of Infant Development. New York: Psychological Corporation.)  To see the description of how the Bayley Mental Development Scale was administered from the MALTS procedure document, move there.  To see the form on which the data was recorded, click on the appropriate image below:

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	  Bayley Form First page of
	  Bayley Form
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Second page of form

Variable Names:  Variables from this test have the prefix V1BAY. The data set has 790 test subjects and 100 variables. Data were collected as part of a home visit of 14 month old twins. The variables include: Interviewer ID Number, Test Date, Birth Date, Age (split into years, month, days), Raw Score, Mental Development Index, Age Equivalent, and Bayley Items 74-163. The last variable is a comments field.  Move there to move to the complete list of variable names from this database.

Cleaning:  The data have been examined for discrepancies between the stated age and a calculated age (test date - birth date). The data have also been examined to ensure that the values of the variables are within range.

Composites:  There are no computed composites in this data set. The Bayley Raw Score is converted into a Mental Development Index score and an Age Equivalent based on information in the Manual.

Complete List of Variable Names: 
Index of variable names and their labels
Variable Label
V1BAYIVR 14M Bay: Interviewer
V1BAYTDT 14M Bay: Test Date
V1BAYBDT 14M Bay: Birth Date
V1BAYAYR 14M Bay: Age- Years
V1BAYAMO 14M Bay: Age- Months
V1BAYADA 14M Bay: Age- Days
V1BAYRAW 14M Bay: Raw Score
V1BAYMDI 14M Bay: Mental Development Index
V1BAYAEQ 14M Bay: Age Equivalent in months
V1BAY74 14M Bay: Item 74-Attends to scribbling
V1BAY75 14M Bay: Item 75-Looks for fallen spoon
V1BAY76 14M Bay: Item 76-Playful response to mirror
V1BAY77 14M Bay: Item 77-Retains 2 of 3 cubes offered
V1BAY78 14M Bay: Item 78-Manipulates bell: interest in detail
V1BAY79 14M Bay: Item 79-Vocalizes 4 different syllables
V1BAY80 14M Bay: Item 80-Pulls string adaptively: secures ring
V1BAY81 14M Bay: Item 81-Cooperates in games
V1BAY82 14M Bay: Item 82-Attempts to secure 3 cubes
V1BAY83 14M Bay: Item 83-Rings bell purposively
V1BAY84 14M Bay: Item 84-Listens selectively to familiar words
V1BAY85 14M Bay: Item 85-Says 'da-da' or equivalent
V1BAY86 14M Bay: Item 86-Uncovers toy
V1BAY87 14M Bay: Item 87-Fingers holes in peg board
V1BAY88 14M Bay: Item 88-Picks up cup: secures cube
V1BAY89 14M Bay: Item 89-Responds to verbal request
V1BAY90 14M Bay: Item 90-Puts cube in cup on command
V1BAY91 14M Bay: Item 91-Looks for contents of box
V1BAY92 14M Bay: Item 92-Stirs with spoon in imitation
V1BAY93 14M Bay: Item 93-Looks at pictures in book
V1BAY94 14M Bay: Item 94-Inhibits on comand
V1BAY95 14M Bay: Item 95-Attempts to imitate scribble
V1BAY96 14M Bay: Item 96-Unwraps cube
V1BAY97 14M Bay: Item 97-Repeats performance laughed at
V1BAY98 14M Bay: Item 98-Holds crayon adaptively
V1BAY99 14M Bay: Item 99-Pushes car along
V1BAY100 14M Bay: Item 100-Puts 3 or more cubes in cup
V1BAY101 14M Bay: Item 101-Jabbers expressively
V1BAY102 14M Bay: Item 102-Uncovers blue box
V1BAY103 14M Bay: Item 103-Turns pages of book
V1BAY104 14M Bay: Item 104-Pats whistle doll, in imitation
V1BAY105 14M Bay: Item 105-Dangles ring by string
V1BAY106 14M Bay: Item 106-Imitates words
V1BAY107 14M Bay: Item 107-Puts books in box (6 of 8)
V1BAY108 14M Bay: Item 108-Places 1 peg repeatedly
V1BAY109 14M Bay: Item 109-Removes pellet from bottle
V1BAY110 14M Bay: Item 110-Blue board: places 1 round block
V1BAY111 14M Bay: Item 111-Builds tower of 2 cubes
V1BAY112 14M Bay: Item 112-Spontaneous scribble
V1BAY113 14M Bay: Item 113-Says 2 words
V1BAY114 14M Bay: Item 114-Puts 9 cubes in cup
V1BAY115 14M Bay: Item 115-Closes round box
V1BAY116 14M Bay: Item 116-Uses gestures to make wants known
V1BAY117 14M Bay: Item 117-Shows shoes or other clothing or own toy
V1BAY118 14M Bay: Item 118-Pegs placed in 70 seconds
V1BAY119 14M Bay: Item 119-Builds tower of 3 cubes
V1BAY120 14M Bay: Item 120-Pink board: places round block
V1BAY121 14M Bay: Item 121-Buue board: places 2 round blocks
V1BAY122 14M Bay: Item 122-Attains toy with stick
V1BAY123 14M Bay: Item 123-Pegs placed in 42 seconds
V1BAY124 14M Bay: Item 124-Names 1 object
V1BAY125 14M Bay: Item 125-Imitates crayon stroke
V1BAY126 14M Bay: Item 126-Follows directions, doll
V1BAY127 14M Bay: Item 127-Uses words to make wants known
V1BAY128 14M Bay: Item 128-Points to parts of doll
V1BAY129 14M Bay: Item 129-Blue board: places 2 round and 2 square blocks
V1BAY130 14M Bay: Item 130-Names 1 picture
V1BAY131 14M Bay: Item 131-Finds 2 objects
V1BAY132 14M Bay: Item 132-Points to 3 pictures
V1BAY133 14M Bay: Item 133-Broken doll: mends marginally
V1BAY134 14M Bay: Item 134-Pegs placed in 30 seconds
V1BAY135 14M Bay: Item 135-Differentiates scribble from stroke
V1BAY136 14M Bay: Item 136-Sentence of 2 words
V1BAY137 14M Bay: Item 137-Pink board: complete
V1BAY138 14M Bay: Item 138-Names 2 objects
V1BAY139 14M Bay: Item 139-Points to 5 pictures
V1BAY140 14M Bay: Item 140-Broken doll: mends approximately
V1BAY141 14M Bay: Item 141-Names 3 pictures
V1BAY142 14M Bay: Item 142-Blue board: places 6 blocks
V1BAY143 14M Bay: Item 143-Builds tower of 6 cubes
V1BAY144 14M Bay: Item 144-Discriminates 2: cup, plate, box
V1BAY145 14M Bay: Item 145-Names watch, 4th picture
V1BAY146 14M Bay: Item 146-Names 3 objects
V1BAY147 14M Bay: Item 147-Imitates strokes: vertical and horizontal
V1BAY148 14M Bay: Item 148-Points to 7 pictures
V1BAY149 14M Bay: Item 149-Names 5 pictures
V1BAY150 14M Bay: Item 150-Names watch, 2nd picture
V1BAY151 14M Bay: Item 151-Pink  board: reversed
V1BAY152 14M Bay: Item 152-Discriminates 3: cup, plate, box
V1BAY153 14M Bay: Item 153-Boken doll: mends exactly
V1BAY154 14M Bay: Item 154-Train of cubes
V1BAY155 14M Bay: Item 155-Blue board: completes in 150 seconds
V1BAY156 14M Bay: Item 156-Pegs placed in 22 seconds
V1BAY157 14M Bay: Item 157-Folds paper
V1BAY158 14M Bay: Item 158-Understands 2 prepositions
V1BAY159 14M Bay: Item 159-Blue board: completes in 90 seconds
V1BAY160 14M Bay: Item 160-Blue board: completes in 60 seconds
V1BAY161 14M Bay: Item 161-Builods tower of  cubes
V1BAY162 14M Bay: Item 162-Concept of one
V1BAY163 14M Bay: Item 163-Undrstands 3 prepositions
V1BAYCOM 14M Bay: Comments
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Procedure Description:

Bayley Scales of Infant Development (Mental Development Scales) and Sequenced Inventory of Communication Development

These two assessments were integrated into one procedure at 14, 20, and 24 months, a more natural and more efficient presentation for children of these ages. The Bayley consists of many tasks representative of problem solving, fine motor coordination, and expressive and receptive vocabulary. Mothers were told that the children’s best performance may depend on either her close proximity or, conversely, her absence during this assessment. Examiners proceeded with each child until a baseline and ceiling of the child’s abilities was obtained. Children who became distressed were permitted to complete testing while sitting on their mother’s lap. The Bayley Scales assessed each child’s level of general cognitive development as compared with other children of the same age.

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