Mr. James Lees
(Cli)pper Street
Moss End
Feb 4, 1844
Dear Mother and father
I write these lines to you hoping to find you all in good health as it leaves me at present thank God for it. I started from Newcastle at a 11 clock and we had a very bad passage the sea was breaking over the vessel and the passengers were all put below and in a snowstorm about 10 at night we [were] very near on the rocks at the Farne Islands. We arrived at Leith at 8 in the morning being 8 hours behind time. We arrived at Glasgow on Thursday night and got to Moss End on Friday and I think it is the last place that God made for I have not got a good opinion of it but the proof of the pudding will be in the eating. I am going to put the train in on Monday morning and start on Wednesday to roll. I have not a good opinion of the place. There is 4 puddling furnaces a hammer forge rolls [?] and the mill is of the end of them. I would advise every one to stop away. The refinery is the best it is [does?] a good job. They have plenty of blast. They promise me very fair. They have months pays and there is what they call a store or Tomey shop which you can have any thing meat Drink and clothing. I have got the best lodging in the place except Mr. Lewice [Lewis?]. The Houses are very bad there is no floors to them. I am stopping at a Staffordshire man's. The shingler [?] and John Duncan is lodging with me. It is a very bad place to lodge they are more like pig's sties. The eating is very good. There is good ale at 5 pence per bottle whisky 4 pence per gill. The scotch people very ding [?]. The place is very pleasant. The country is very cold. Snow is a yard deep in roads which makes the place look worse than it Does. So keep up your hearts up. I hope it will be better than expectations. And now Dear father [and] mother you must make your selves content where you are yet for if I get sixpence you shall [have] half [?]. Give my kind love to William Hallock [?] and tell him I shall write to him soon and to W. T. James. Kind love to all inquiring [?] friends. Give my love to Mary Lavrick and James to your [?] lass [?] and to my Dear brothers James and John and accept the same from [your] Dutiful and loving son
Thomas Lees
Write soon
Direct to Thomas Lees
Moss End Iron Works
Near Hollytown
Near Glasgow
Bless you all
Give my kind love to W. Havice [?]
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