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Qualifications for Certification

All students wishing to become certified must complete the pretest. The pretest is used to evaluate Unix system administration skills.

Over-qualified students

Those completing the pretest with a score of "over-qualified", the first time the pretest is taken, become qualified to move directly to the certification exam.

Qualified students

Those completing the pretest with a score of "qualified", the first time the pretest is taken, have two options. They can elect to become a registered student and proceed through the class. Upon completion of the course they will be qualified to take the final exam. Alternatively, they may elect to pursue at least six months of self study. After which they may re-take the pretest in an attempt to qualified for the final exam.

Other students

Students not scoring in the ranges mentioned above should review the document "What to Expect & How to Prepare." Also the on-line course, Unix system administration independent learning (USAIL), can be taken.

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