
Archive-name: mail/filtering-faq
Posting-frequency: approximately monthly
Last-modified: 18 April 1995

Current Hypertext Version:

  ________|                                                     |________
  \       |                  FILTERING MAIL FAQ                 |       /
   \      |  Copyright (c) 1994, 1995 Nancy McGough and others  |      /
   /      |_____________________________________________________|      \
  /___________)                                              (__________\


  0.0 Preliminaries
      0.1 Getting the Latest Version of this FAQ
          0.1.1 Hypertext
          0.1.2 Plain Text
      0.2 Terminology
      0.3 Notation
  1.0 Mail Folder Strategies
      1.1 Naming Incoming Mail Folders
      1.2 Reading Incoming Mail Folders
  2.0 Procmail
      2.1 Setting Up Procmail
          2.1.1 Is Procmail on Your System?
          2.1.2 Setting Up Procmail for Testing
          2.1.3 Testing
          2.1.4 Setting Up Procmail to Filter Mailing List Messages
      2.2 Troubleshooting Procmail
          2.2.1 General Strategies
          2.2.2 Alternate .forward files
      2.3 Explanation of Test Recipe
      2.4 Tracking Your Incoming Mail
      2.5 Procmail References
  3.0 Mailagent
      3.1 Setting Up Mailagent
      3.2 Tracking Your Incoming Mail
      3.3 How Safe Mailagent Processing Is?
      3.4 Locking Under Mailagent
      3.5 Folder Types Supported
      3.6 Mailagent References
  4.0 Filter
      4.1 Setting up Filter
      4.2 Tracking Your Incoming Mail
      4.3 Filter References
  5.0 Mailer and Newsreader References
  6.0 Contributors
      6.1 Acknowledgements
      6.2 Contributing to this FAQ
  7.0 Copyright Notice

Parent document is top of "Filtering Mail FAQ"
Next document is "0.0 Preliminaries"