2.1.1 Is Procmail on Your System?

Date: 18 Apr 1995 00:02:11 GMT
From: FAQ Editor <faq-editor@ii.com>

1]  To find out if procmail is on your system and what the full path to 
    it is, type one of the following commands:

      Shell      Command
      =====      =======
      csh        which procmail
      sh or ksh  type procmail
      various    whereis procmail
      various    where procmail

    Make a note of the full path to procmail because this is needed in
    step 5b below.  You can find out the version by typing:

      procmail -v

   The latest released version, as of 15 April 1995, is 3.10.
   Version 3.11 should be out soon.  If your system doesn't have
   procmail or doesn't have the latest version, you may want to ask
   your system administrator to install it.  The procmail package of
   tools is at:


   If your sys admin isn't able to do this, use a different mail
   processor like mailagent (described in section 3 of this FAQ) or
   filter (described in section 4).

Parent document is top of "Filtering Mail FAQ"
Previous document is " 2.1 Setting Up Procmail"
Next document is " 2.1.2 Setting Up Procmail for Testing"