2.2.1 General Strategies

Date: 18 Apr 1995 00:02:21 GMT
From: FAQ Editor <faq-editor@ii.com>

1]    Look at your $LOGFILE (~/.procmail/log) to see if you can
      determine what the problem is.

2]    Check these three files for typos:

3]    Check the file and directory permissions of your .forward (set in 
      5c in "Setting up Procmail for Testing" above).

      Type...          In order to...
      -------          --------------
      cd               Go to your home directory.
      ls -l .forward   Check the permission: it should say -rw-r--r--
      ls -ld .         Check permission of home dir: it should say drwx?-x?-x
                       The ?'s may be r's or hyphens or one of each (i.e.,
                       drwx--x--x, drwxr-xr-x, drwxr-x--x, drwx--xr-x are
                       each acceptable.)

4]    If the above three steps do not locate the problem edit your 
      ~/.procmailrc so that it contains:


      Test procmail by following steps 6 and 7 again.  Look at your
      $LOGFILE (which will contain verbose messages) to see if you
      can now determine what the problem is.

      If you are still having problems see the next section on
      "Alternate .forward Files."  After you get procmail to work, 
      you probably will want to set VERBOSE back to off.

Parent document is top of "Filtering Mail FAQ"
Previous document is " 2.2 Troubleshooting Procmail"
Next document is " 2.2.2 Alternate .forward files"