3.2 Tracking Your Incoming Mail

Date: 18 Apr 1995 00:03:20 GMT
From: Raphael Manfredi <ram@hptnos02.grenoble.hp.com>

If you are curious about what mailagent does to your mail, you have two

    * Look at your "agentlog" file, with a log level set to 9.
    * Get a summary of all the actions performed by running:

        mailagent -summary

      This last option is only possible if you have initialized the statistics
      gathering process by creating a ~/var/mailagent/mailagent.st file (under
      the default setting from ~/.mailagent).

      You will get a clear picture of your processing, by seeing which rule
      match, how often, in which state, etc... You will also know how many
      times you SAVE or DELETE messages for instance.

      Actually, mailagent statistics are triggered by a simple

        mailagent -s
      command, the letters given after in the {u,m,a,r,y} set being options
      that alter the output given by the command.

    * Look at the ~/.bak occasionally to make sure no error is pending...

Parent document is top of "Filtering Mail FAQ"
Previous document is " 3.1 Setting Up Mailagent"
Next document is " 3.3 How Safe Mailagent Processing Is?"