3.4 Locking Under Mailagent

Date: 18 Apr 1995 00:03:40 GMT
From: Raphael Manfredi <ram@hptnos02.grenoble.hp.com>

By default, mailagent proceeds with a fixed locking scheme (.lock extension)
plus flock() if asked to do so at Configure time. However, mailagent provides
support for NFS-secure locks and also can use non-standard locking procedures,
configurable from within ~/.mailagent (variables "nfslock" and "mboxlock").

However, it cannot support locking on a rule basis (yet!). The author is
willing to raise the priority of that item if one comes up with a legitimate
need for that feature that could not be worked-around by a PERL escape. ;-)

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Previous document is " 3.3 How Safe Mailagent Processing Is?"
Next document is " 3.5 Folder Types Supported"