3.6 Mailagent References

Date: 18 Apr 1995 00:03:60 GMT
From: Raphael Manfredi <ram@hptnos02.grenoble.hp.com>

Man Pages   mailagent(1) - reference manual page (about 47 pages troff'ed).
            perl(1)      - reference manual for Perl
            sendmail(8)  - send mail over the Internet

Examples:   agent/examples/rules - a commented rule file sample, from the
                                   distribution source tree.

Newsgroup: comp.mail.misc

Mailing List: agent-users@foretune.co.jp

    Subscribe to the list by sending mail:

      To: majordomo@foretune.co.jp
      subscribe agent-users
Mailagent archives:


    EMAIL: Send mail to the author's mailagent:
      To: ram@hptnos02.grenoble.hp.com
      Subject: Command
      @SH maildist - mailagent -

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