6.1 Acknowledgements

Date: 18 Apr 1995 00:06:10 GMT
From: FAQ Editor <faq-editor@ii.com>

Thanks to these people who sent suggestions:
   David L. Miller <dlm@cac.washington.edu>
   Cookie Monster <kmanley@bits.fc.hp.com>
   Jim Showalter <gamma@mintaka.disa.mil>
   David W. Tamkin <dattier@mcs.com>
   Rick Troxel <rick@helix.nih.gov>
   Stephen R. van den Berg <berg@pool.informatik.rwth-aachen.de>
   Syd Weinstein <syd@dsinc.myxa.com>

Special thanks to:
   Thomas A. Fine <fine@cis.ohio-state.edu> for setting up and
   maintaining the hypertext archive of FAQs.  Congratulations
   to him for winning O'Reilly and Associates' "The Best of the
   Net" award!

Please let me know if I've left you, or anyone else, out of this list.

Parent document is top of "Filtering Mail FAQ"
Previous document is "6.0 Contributors"
Next document is " 6.2 Contributing to this FAQ"