irix - du (1)

     du	- summarize disk usage

     du	[-arklmsxL] [name ...]

     The du command reports the	number of blocks contained in all files	and
     (recursively) directories within each directory and file specified	by the
     name arguments.  If no name arguments are given, the current directory is

     By	default, the block counts reported are in terms	of 512-byte blocks,
     but this can be modified to 1024-byte blocks by specifying	the -k option
     (see below).  The block count includes only the actual data blocks	used
     by	each file and directory, not indirect blocks or	other filesystem data
     structures	required to represent the file.	 du keeps track	of files that
     have more than one	name (hard link) and counts the	blocks used by the
     file only the first time it finds a link to the file.

     The optional arguments are	as follows:

     -a	  Causes an output line	to be generated	for each file.	If neither -s
	  nor -a is specified, an output line is generated only	for each

     -r	  Causes du to generate	messages about directories that	cannot be
	  read,	files that cannot be opened, and so on,	rather than being
	  silent (the default).

     -k	  Causes du to express all block counts	in terms of 1024-byte blocks,
	  instead of the default 512-byte blocks.  The internal	accounting is
	  still	done in	terms of 512-byte blocks, because that is the actual
	  filesystem allocation	granularity.  The numbers are converted	to
	  1024-byte blocks before being	printed.  This means that the total
	  block	count shown for	a directory is less than the sum of the	block
	  counts of the	contained files	and directories	when more than one of
	  the contained	files is less than 512 bytes in	size.

     -l	  Prevent du from descending into and computing	disk usage for
	  directories and files	that do	not reside on local disk filesystems.

     -m	  Prevents du from descending into and computing disk usage for
	  directories and files	that do	not reside on the same mount point as
	  the current root of the recursion.

     -s	  Causes only the grand	total (for each	of the specified name
	  arguments) to	be given.  If neither -s or -a is specified, an	output
	  line is generated for	each directory only.

     -x	  Identical to the -m option.

     -L	  Causes du to follow symbolic links.  The default behavior is not to
	  follow symbolic links, so that du normally reports the size of the
	  symbolic link	itself.	 When -L is specified, du reports the size of
	  the target of	the symbolic link.  If the symbolic link points	to a
	  directory when -L is specified, du recursively descends the
	  directory just as it does for	normal directories.

		 language-specific message file	(see LANG in environ(5))

     If	the -a option is not used, nondirectories given	as arguments are not

     When using	the -l option, nonlocal	directories and	files given as
     arguments are not listed.