irix - exportfs (1)

     exportfs -	export and unexport directories	to NFS clients

     /usr/etc/exportfs [ -aiuv ] [ -o options ]	[ directory ]

     Exportfs makes a local directory (or file)	available for mounting over
     the network by NFS	clients.  It is	normally invoked at boot time by the
     /etc/init.d/network script, and uses information contained	in the
     /etc/exports file to export a directory (which must be specified as a
     full pathname).  The super-user can run exportfs at any time to alter the
     list or characteristics of	exported directories.  Directories that	are
     currently exported	 are listed in the file	/etc/xtab.

     With no options or	arguments, exportfs prints out the list	of directories
     currently exported.

     -a	  All.	Export all directories listed in /etc/exports, or if -u	is
	  specified, unexport all of the currently exported directories.

     -v	  Verbose.  Print each directory as it is exported or unexported.

     -u	  Unexport the indicated directories.

     -i	  Ignore the options in	/etc/exports.  Normally, exportfs will consult
	  /etc/exports for the options associated with the exported directory.

     -o	options
	  Specify a comma-separated list of optional characteristics for the
	  directory being exported.  Options are described in exports(4).

     /etc/exports	 static	export information
     /etc/xtab		 current state of exported directories

     exports(4), netgroup(4)

     You cannot	export a directory that	is either a parent- or a sub-directory
     of	one that is currently exported and within the same filesystem. It
     would be illegal, for example, to export both /usr	and /usr/local if both
     directories resided in the	same disk partition.