irix - fstab (4)

     fstab - static information	about filesystems

     The file /etc/fstab describes the filesystems and swapping	partitions
     used by the local machine.	 The system administrator can modify it	with a
     text editor.  It is read by commands that mount, unmount, and check the
     consistency of filesystems.  The file consists of a number	of lines of
     the form:

	  filesystem  directory	 type  options	frequency  pass

     For example:

	  /dev/root   /	  efs	rw  0 0

     Fields are	separated by white space; a `#'	as the first non-white space
     character indicates a comment.

     The entries from this file	are accessed using the routines	in
     getmntent(3), which return	a structure of the following form:

	  struct mntent	{
	       char    *mnt_fsname;    /* filesystem name */
	       char    *mnt_dir;       /* filesystem path prefix */
	       char    *mnt_type;      /* e.g. efs, nfs, proc, or ignore */
	       char    *mnt_opts;      /* rw, ro, hard,	soft, etc. */
	       int     mnt_freq;       /* dump frequency, in days */
	       int     mnt_passno;     /* parallel fsck	pass number */

     This structure is defined in the <mntent.h> include file.	To compile and
     link a program that calls getmntent(3), follow the	procedures for section
     (3Y) routines as described	in intro(3).

     The mnt_dir field is the full pathname of the directory to	be mounted on.
     The mnt_type field	determines how the mnt_fsname and mnt_opts fields are
     interpreted.  Here	is a list of the filesystem types currently supported,
     and the way each of them interprets these fields:

     xfs       mnt_fsname must be a block special device (for example,
	       /dev/root) or a logical volume.

     efs       mnt_fsname must be a block special device (for example,
	       /dev/root) or a logical volume.

     proc      mnt_fsname should be the	/proc directory.  See proc(4).

     fd	       mnt_fsname should be the	/dev/fd	directory.  See	fd(4).

     nfs       mnt_fsname is the path on the server of the directory to	be
	       served.	(NFS option only).

     cdfs      A synonym for type iso9660 (see below).	This type is required
	       for MIPS	ABI compliance.

     iso9660   mnt_fsname must be a generic SCSI device.  These	are located in
	       the directory /dev/scsi (for example, /dev/scsi/sc0d7l0).  See
	       ds(7M).	This filesystem	type is	used to	mount CD-ROM discs in
	       ISO 9660	(with or without Rock Ridge extensions)	and High
	       Sierra formats.	eoe2.sw.cdrom must be installed	in order to
	       use the iso9660 filesystem type.

     dos       mnt_fsname must be a floppy device.  These are located in the
	       directory /dev/rdsk (for	example, /dev/rdsk/fds0d2.3.5).	 See

     hfs       mnt_fsname must be either a floppy device or a generic SCSI
	       device.	Floppy devices are located in the directory /dev/rdsk
	       (for example, /dev/rdsk/fds0d2.3.5hi).  See smfd(7M).  SCSI
	       devices are located in the directory /dev/scsi (for example,
	       /dev/scsi/sc0d4l0).  See	ds(7M).

     swap      mnt_fsname should be the	full pathname to the file or block
	       device to be used as a swap resource.

     cachefs   mnt_fsname should be the	filesystem name	for the	backing
	       filesystem to be	mounted	as a cache filesystem.	This will
	       either be the special filename (for example, /dev/scsi/sc0d7l0)
	       or host:path.

     rawdata   mnt_fsname may be the block/char	special	device of the
	       partition or logical volume to reserve (mnt_dir is ignored).
	       This entry enables the system utilities (for example, mkfs,
	       mount, and so on) to treat the raw partition or logical volume
	       as 'mounted', preventing	the partition from inadvertently being
	       overwritten.  Any packages that require dedicated raw
	       partitions (databases and so on)	should consider	placing	a
	       rawdata entry in	fstab(4).

     If	the mnt_type is	specified as ignore, then the entry is ignored.	 This
     is	useful to show disk partitions not currently used.  mnt_freq is	not
     used in current IRIX systems.

     mnt_passno	can be used to control the behavior of parallel	filesystem
     checking on bootup, see fsck(1M).

     The mnt_opts field	contains a list	of comma-separated option words.  Some
     mnt_opts are valid	for all	filesystem types, while	others apply to	a
     specific type only.

     Options valid on all filesystems (the default is rw) are:

     rw	       Read/write.

     ro	       Read-only.

     noauto    Ignore this entry during	a mount	-a command, to allow the
	       definition of fstab entries for commonly-used filesystems that
	       should not be automatically mounted.

     grpid     Causes a	file created within the	filesystem to have the group
	       ID of its parent	directory, not the creating process's group

     nosuid    Setuid execution	not allowed for	non-superusers.	 This option
	       has no effect for the superuser.

     nodev     Access to character and block special files is disallowed.

     Options specific to xfs filesystems are:

     dmi       Enable the Data Management Interface event callouts.

     Options specific to efs filesystems (the default is fsck, noquota)	are:

     raw=path  The filesystem's	raw device pathname (for example, /dev/rroot).

     fsck      fsck(1M)	invoked	with no	filesystem arguments should check this

     nofsck    fsck(1M)	should not check this filesystem by default.

     quota     Disk quotas enforced.

     noquota   Disk quotas not enforced.

     lbsize=n  The number of bytes transferred in each read or synchronous
	       write operation.

	       The value assigned to the lbsize	option must be a power of two
	       at least	as large as the	system page size.  This	value is
	       returned	by the getpagesize(2) system call and is normally
	       either 4096 or 16384 depending on the system type.  The current
	       default for lbsize is the largest power of two less than	or
	       equal to	the size of one	disk track.  An	invalid	size will
	       cause the mount to fail with the	error EINVAL.  Note that less
	       than lbsize bytes will be transferred if	there are not lbsize
	       contiguous bytes	of the addressed portion of the	file on	disk.

     Options specific to iso9660 filesystems (the default is rw, which has no
     effect since CD-ROM discs are always read-only) are:

     setx      Set execute permission on every file on the mounted filesystem.
	       The default is to make an intelligent guess based on the	first
	       few bytes of the	file.

	       Don't translate ISO 9660	filenames to UNIX filenames.  The
	       default is to convert upper case	to lower case and to truncate
	       the part	including and after the	semicolon.

	       Set the number of 2048 byte blocks to be	used for caching
	       directory contents.  The	default	is to cache 128	blocks.

     noext     Ignore Rock Ridge extensions.  The default when the noext
	       option is not specified is to use Rock Ridge extensions if

     susp      Enable processing of System Use Sharing Protocol	extensions to
	       the ISO 9660 specification.  This is the	default.

     nosusp    Disable processing of System Use	Sharing	Protocol extensions.
	       This has	the same effect	as the noext option.

     rrip      Enable processing of the	Rock Ridge extensions.	This is	the

     norrip    Disable processing of the Rock Ridge extensions.	 This is
	       equivalent to the noext option.

	       This option is supplied for MIPS	ABI compliance;	some non-IRIX
	       systems may implement it	only for type cdfs, IRIX allows	it
	       with type iso9660 also.	Only one of the	three letters c, l, or
	       m can be	specified.  This option	controls filename translation.
	       c has the same meaning as notranslate above.  l requests
	       translation to lower case (the IRIX default), and m suppresses
	       the version number (also	the IRIX default).

     NFS clients can mount iso9660, dos, and hfs filesystems remotely by
     specifying	hostname:mountpoint for	filesystem and nfs for type, where an
     iso9660, dos, or hfs filesystem is	mounted	at mountpoint on the host
     hostname.	In this	case, the same options apply as	with nfs (see below).

     If	the NFS	option is installed, the following options are valid for nfs

     vers=n    Use NFS protocol	version	n.  (The default is to try version 3,
	       falling back to version 2 if the	version	3 mount	fails.)

     bg	       If the first attempt fails, retry in the	background.

     fg	       Retry in	foreground.  (Default)

     retry=n   Set number of mount failure retries to n.  (Default = 10000)

     rsize=n   Set read	buffer size to n bytes.	 (Default = 8K)

     wsize=n   Set write buffer	size to	n bytes.  (Default = 8K)

     timeo=n   Set NFS timeout to n tenths of a	second.	 (Default = 11)

     retrans=n Set number of NFS retransmissions to n.	(Default = 5)

     port=n    Set server UDP port number to n.	 (Default = 2049)

     hard      Retry request until server responds.  (Default)

     soft      Return error if server doesn't respond.

     intr      Allow accesses to be interrupted	by the following signals:
	       is ``off'' by default.)

	       Set the regular file minimum attribute cache timeout to t
	       seconds.	 (Default = 3)

	       Set the regular file maximum attribute cache timeout to t
	       seconds.	 (Default = 60)

	       Set the directory minimum attribute cache timeout to t seconds.
	       (Default	= 30)

	       Set the directory maximum attribute cache timeout to t seconds.
	       (Default	= 60)

     actimeo=t Set regular and directory minimum and maximum attribute cache
	       timeouts	to t seconds.

     noac      No attribute caching.

     private   Do not flush delayed writes on last close of an open file, and
	       use local file and record locking instead of a remote lock

     shortuid  Do not let users	with userids or	groupids larger	than 65535
	       (see id(1M)) create or own files.  Some versions	of UNIX	do not
	       support large userids; trying to	create a file with a large
	       userid on such an NFS server can	produce	undefined and

     symttl=t  Set the time-to-live for	symbolic links cached by NFS to	t
	       seconds.	 symttl=0 turns	off NFS	symlink	caching.  The maximum
	       value for t is 3600.  (Default =	3600)

     asyncnlm  Use asynchronous	NLM RPC	calls.	The default is to use
	       synchronous NLM.	 Using this option requires that lockd(1M) be

     The bg option causes mount	to run in the background if the	server's
     mountd(1M)	does not respond.  mount attempts each request retry=n times
     before giving up.

     Once the filesystem is mounted, each NFS request waits timeo=n tenths of
     a second for a response.  If no response arrives, the time-out is
     multiplied	by 2, up to a maximum of MAXTIMO (900),	and the	request	is
     retransmitted.  When retrans=n retransmissions have been sent with	no
     reply a soft mounted filesystem returns an	error on the request and a
     hard mounted filesystem retries the request.  Filesystems that are
     mounted rw	(read-write) should use	the hard option.  The number of	bytes
     in	a read or write	request	can be set with	the rsize and wsize options.

     In	the absence of client activity that would invalidate recently acquired
     file attributes, NFS holds	attributes cached for an interval between
     acregmin and acregmax for regular files, and between acdirmin and
     acdirmax for directories.	The actimeo option sets	all attribute timeout
     constraints to a given number of seconds.	The noac option	disables
     attribute caching altogether.

     The private option	greatly	improves write performance by caching data and
     delaying writes on	the assumption that only this client modifies files in
     the remote	filesystem.  It	should be used only if the greater risk	of
     lost delayed-write	data in	the event of a crash is	acceptable given
     better performance.  EFS uses caching strategies similar to private NFS
     The system	reduces	the risk of data loss for all filesystems by
     automatically executing a partial sync(2) at regular intervals.

     Options specific to swap resources	are:

     pri=t     Set the priority	of the swap device to t.  The legal values are
	       from 0 to 7 inclusive.

     swplo=t   Set the first 512 byte block to use to t	(default is 0).

     length=t  Set the number of 512 byte blocks to use	to t (default is
	       entire file/partition).

	       Set the maximum number of 512 byte blocks to grow the swap area
	       to t (default is	to use length).

     vlength=t Set the number of virtual 512 byte blocks to claim this swap
	       file has	to t (default is to use	length).

     All other options except for noauto are ignored for swap files.

     If	the CacheFS option is installed, the following options are valid for
     cachefs filesystems:

	       The filesystem type of the back filesystem (for example,	nfs).
	       Any of the following filesystem types may be used as the	back
	       filesystem:  nfs, nfs3, iso9660,	dos, cdfs, kfs,	or hfs.	 If
	       this option is not specified, the back filesystem type is
	       determined from the filesystem name.  Filesystem	names of the
	       form hostname:path will be assumed to be	type nfs.

	       Specifies where the back	filesystem is already mounted.	If
	       this argument is	not supplied, CacheFS determines a mount point
	       for the back filesystem.

	       The name	of the cache directory.

	       ID is a string specifying a particular instance of a cache.  If
	       you do not specify a cache ID, CacheFS will construct one.

     write-around | non-shared
	       Write modes for CacheFS.	 In the	write-around mode, writes are
	       made to the back	filesystem, and	the affected file is purged
	       from the	cache.	Also in	this mode, file	and record locking is
	       performed through the back filesystem.  You can use the non-
	       shared mode (the	default) when you are sure that	no one else
	       will be writing to the cached filesystem.  In this mode,	all
	       writes are made to both the front and the back filesystem, and
	       the file	remains	in the cache.

     noconst   By default, consistency checking	is performed.  Disable
	       consistency checking by specifying noconst only if you mount
	       the filesystem read-only.

     private   Causes file and record locking to be performed locally.	In
	       addition, files remain cached when file and record locking is
	       performed.  By default, files are not cached when file and
	       record locking is performed and all file	and record locking is
	       handled by the back filesystem.

	       Causes the front	filesystem to interpret	the mode bits used for
	       access checking instead or having the back filesystem verify

     purge     Purge any cached	information for	the specified filesystem.

     suid | nosuid
	       Allow (default) or disallow set-uid execution.

	       Specifies that cached attributes	are held for at	least n
	       seconds after file modification.	 After n seconds, CacheFS
	       checks to see if	the file modification time on the back
	       filesystem has changed.	If it has, all information about the
	       file is purged from the cache and new data is retrieved from
	       the back	filesystem.  The default value is 30 seconds.

	       Specifies that cached attributes	are held for no	more than n
	       seconds after file modification.	 After n seconds, all file
	       information is purged from the cache.  The default value	is 30

	       Specifies that cached attributes	are held for at	least n
	       seconds after directory update.	After n	seconds, CacheFS
	       checks to see if	the directory modification time	on the back
	       filesystem has changed.	If it has, all information about the
	       directory is purged from	the cache and new data is retrieved
	       from the	back filesystem.  The default value is 30 seconds.

	       Specifies that cached attributes	are held for no	more than n
	       seconds after directory update.	After n	seconds, all directory
	       information is purged from the cache.  The default value	is 30

     actimeo=n Sets acregmin, acregmax,	acdirmin, and acdirmax to n.

     bg	       This option causes mount	to run in the background if the	back
	       filesystem mount	times out.

	       Causes the cache	filesystem to operate in disconnected mode
	       when the	back filesystem	fails to respond.  This	causes read
	       accesses	to files already cached	to be fulfilled	from the front
	       filesystem even when the	back filesystem	does not respond.

     The default fstab contains	the following entry for	the /usr filesystem:

	  /dev/usr /usr	efs rw,noquota,raw=/dev/rusr 0 0

     The setup program MAKEDEV (see MAKEDEV(1M)) creates /dev/usr and
     /dev/rusr as links	to partition 6 on the root disk.  This is the normal

     filesystem	residing elsewhere (for	example, on a second disk or on	a
     logical volume, described in lv(7M)), the mnt_fsname field	must be
     changed to	the full pathname of the device	where the /usr filesystem
     actually resides.	If present, the	path specified by the raw option
     should also be changed to the corresponding full pathname.	 For example:

	  /dev/dsk/ips0d1s7 /usr efs rw,raw=/dev/rdsk/ips0d1s7 0 0

     Note that if this is done,	the /dev/usr and /dev/rusr devices created by
     MAKEDEV do	not point to the device	containing the /usr filesystem,	and
     they should not be	referenced.

     Caution: Do not attempt to	reconfigure a system with /usr in a non-
     default volume by manually	recreating these /dev/usr and /dev/rusr	links
     and leaving the fstab entry unchanged.  While this	works in normal
     operation,	it leads to incorrect behavior when installing new software.

     The filesystem types nfs2,	nfs3, and nfs3pref are accepted	for
     compatibility with	earlier	releases.  nfs2	is equivalent to vers=2. nfs3
     is	equivalent to vers=3.  nfs3pref	is equivalent to nfs with no vers=


     cfsadmin(1M), fsck(1M), fsck_cachefs(1M), mount(1M), quotacheck(1M),
     quotaon(1M), swap(1M), getmntent(3), fd(4), mtab(4), proc(4).