MEDIAD(1M)                                                          MEDIAD(1M)

     mediad, cdromd, msdosd - handle removable media on the system

     mediad [ -o options ] [ -i ] -p device dir
     mediad [ -i ] -r device
     mediad -e [controller_id] scsi_id | device | dir
     mediad -m dir
     mediad -q device
     mediad -a
     mediad -k
     mediad -u

     mediad is a daemon that monitors the removable media devices on a system.
     When media is inserted, mediad will mount it if it makes sense for that
     media type and there is a valid filesystem on it.  When a user issues the
     eject command, eject sends mediad a message which causes it to attempt to
     unmount the media and eject it.

     mediad also works with Cadmin to update attributes on the Cadmin

     mediad replaces msdosd and cdromd.  Unlike msdosd and cdromd, a single
     mediad will monitor all removable media devices on the system.

     When mediad starts, it will first look in /etc/ for devices to
     monitor, then it will query the Cadmin objectserver for additional

     To specify a floppy drive, use the appropriate device special file in
     /dev/rdsk.  You should use the devices with the hi suffix.

     To specify a CDROM drive, use the appropriate device special file in

     To specify a tape drive, use the appropriate device special file in
     /dev/rmt.  You should specify a non-rewinding tape device, a device with
     the nr suffix.

     The options tell mediad what options to use when media is mounted.

     -a   Start mediad (this is the default when no arguments are specified)

     -k   Stop mediad

     -e [controller_id] scsi_id | device | dir
          Eject the media in the specified device.  If controller id is left
          out, it will be defaulted to 0.

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     -o options
          Mount the device with the given options.  Options should be
          separated by a comma only.  There should be no spaces between the
          options.  This information is entered into /etc/  See
 for some examples.  Possible options are:

          rw : mount filesystems read-write.  This is the default.  CDROMs are
          always mounted read-only.  Floppies with the write-protect tab set
          are mounted read- only.
          ro : mount filesystems read only.
          mon=on|off : tells mediad to monitor or not monitor the device.  A
          mon=off option in /etc/ will tell mediad not to monitor the
          device even when mediad gets its list of removable media devices
          from the objectserver.
          inschk=num : specifies how often, in seconds, mediad checks for a
          media insertion on an empty device.  The default is 3 seconds.
          rmvchk=num : specifies how often, in seconds, mediad checks for
          removal of media on a loaded device.  The default is 45 seconds. For
          devices that support software eject, this interval can be made
          longer since mediad finds out about software ejects immediately and
          this is just to check against users using hardware eject.  For
          devices that do not support software eject, for example, QIC tapes,
          this interval should be made shorter.

     -i   Used with -p or -r only, this flag causes the change to take effect

     -p device dir
          Add an entry to /etc/ for the specified special device name
          and mountpoint and turn the mon= option to on.  This will cause
          mediad to monitor this device next time it reads the file.

  -r device
          Set the mon= option to off in /etc/  This will prevent
          mediad from monitoring this device next time it reads the file.

     -m device
          Print the mount point of the specified device on the standard

     -q device
          Find out if mediad is monitoring the specified device.  The exit
          code (see below) gives status information.

     -u   Tells mediad to eject the first removable media device it knows

     To start mediad issue the command as root:

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     To stop mediad issue the command as root:

         mediad -k

     To eject the floppy in the drive at /dev/rdsk/fds0d3.3.5hi (scsi id 3),
     issue the command as root:

         mediad -e /dev/rdsk/fds0d3.3.5hi

     To make mediad monitor the cdrom at /dev/scsi/sc0d4l0 (scsi id 4), and to
     have it mount any CD read-only and at /CDROM, and to have it start
     monitoring immediately, issue the command as root:

         mediad -o ro -ip /dev/scsi/sc0d4l0 /CDROM

     To tell mediad to never monitor the tape at /dev/rmt/tps0d5nr, issue the
     command as root:

         mediad -r /dev/rmt/tps0d5nr

     This will cause mediad to not monitor the tape next time it is started.
     This works even for systems running the objectserver since mediad reads
     extra options from /etc/ after it has received a list of
     removable media devices from the objectserver.
     For the -q device option, the exit status is a bitmask detailing the
     status of the device:

         If bit 0 is set, an error occurred.
         If bit 1 is set, mediad is monitoring the device.
         If bit 2 is set, an /etc/ entry exists for the device.  Note
         that if the mon= option in /etc/ is off, mediad will not
         monitor the device.

     For all other options, mediad exits with a status of 0 upon success,
     non-zero for failure.

     Only one instance of mediad is allowed on the system.  The filesystems
     monitored by mediad are implemented as user mode nfs daemons.  In some
     cases errors detected by these daemons are reported as nfs errors.  See

     /etc/        table of devices mediad is currently monitoring
     /etc/       table of removable media devices on the system
     /dev/rdsk/fd*hi     device files to use to specify floppy drives

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MEDIAD(1M)                                                          MEDIAD(1M)

     /dev/scsi/sc*       device files to use to specify CD-ROM drives
     /dev/rmt/tps*nr     device files to use to specify tape drives

     to_unix(1), to_dos(1), ds(7M), mount(1M), smfd(7M), eject(1), Cadmin(1),
     objectserver(1), filesystems(4)

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