irix - mount (1)

     mount, umount - mount and unmount filesystems

     mount [ -M	altmtab	] [ -P prefix ]	-p
     mount [ -h	host ] [ -fnrv ]
     mount -a[cfnv] [ -t type ]	[ -T list ]
     mount [ -cfnv ] [ -t type ] [ -T list ] [ -b list ]
     mount [ -cfnrv ] [	-t type	] [ -T list ] [	-o options ] fsname dir
     mount [ -cfnrv ] [	-o options ] fsname | dir

     umount -a[kv] [ -t	type ] [ -T list ]
     umount -h host [ -kv ] [ -b list ]
     umount [ -kv ] fsname | dir [ fsname | dir	]  ...

     mount attaches a named filesystem fsname to the filesystem	hierarchy at
     the pathname location dir.	 The directory dir must	already	exist.	It
     becomes the name of the newly mounted root.  The contents of dir are
     hidden until the filesystem is unmounted.	If fsname is of	the form
     host:path,	the filesystem type is assumed to be nfs.

     umount unmounts a currently mounted filesystem, which can be specified
     either as a mounted-on directory or a filesystem.

     mount and umount maintain a table of mounted filesystems in /etc/mtab,
     described in mtab(4).  If invoked without an argument, mount displays the
     table.  If	invoked	with only one of fsname	or dir,	mount searches the
     file /etc/fstab (see fstab(4)) for	an entry whose dir or fsname field
     matches the given argument.  For example, if this line is in /etc/fstab:

	  /dev/usr  /usr  efs  rw  0 0

     then the commands mount /usr and mount /dev/usr are shorthand for
     mount /dev/usr /usr.

     -a	       Attempt to mount	all the	filesystems described in /etc/fstab.
	       (In this	case, fsname and dir are taken from /etc/fstab.)  If a
	       type is specified with -t, all of the filesystems in /etc/fstab
	       with that type are mounted.  Multiple types may be specified
	       with the	-T option.  Filesystems	are not	necessarily mounted in
	       the order listed	in /etc/fstab.

     -b	list   (all-but)  Attempt to mount all of the filesystems listed in
	       /etc/fstab except for those associated with the directories
	       contained in list.  list	consists of one	or more	directory
	       names separated by commas.

     -c	       Invoke fsstat(1M) on each filesystem being mounted, and if it
	       indicates that the filesystem is	dirty, call fsck(1M) to	clean
	       the filesystem.	fsck is	passed the -y option.

     -f	       Fake a new /etc/mtab entry, but do not actually mount any

     -h	host   Mount all filesystems listed in /etc/fstab that are remote-
	       mounted from host.

     -n	       Mount the filesystem without making an entry in /etc/mtab.

     -o	options
	       Specify options,	a list of comma-separated words, described in

     -p	       Print the list of mounted filesystems in	a format suitable for
	       use in /etc/fstab.

     -r	       Mount the specified filesystem read-only.  This is a shorthand

		    mount -o ro	fsname dir

	       Physically write-protected and magnetic tape filesystems	must
	       be mounted read-only, or	errors occur when access times are
	       updated,	whether	or not any explicit write is attempted.

     -t	type   The next	argument is the	filesystem type.  The accepted types
	       are proc, efs, xfs, nfs,	fd, cachefs, dos, hfs and iso9660; see
	       fstab(4)	for a description of these filesystem types.  When
	       this option is used, mount calls	another	program	of the form
	       mount_typename, where typename is one of	the above types.  This
	       program must be on the default path.

     -T	list   The next	argument is a comma-separated list of filesystem
	       types.  This option is usually used in combination with -a or

     -v	       (verbose)  mount	displays a message indicating the filesystem
	       being mounted and any problems encountered.

     -M	altmtab
	       Instead of /etc/mtab, use the mtab or fstab altmtab.

     -P	prefix Used with the -p	option,	prepends prefix	to the emitted
	       filesystem and directory	paths.	Doesn't	alter pathnames
	       embedded	in the options,	such as	the filesystem's raw=path raw
	       device pathname.

     -a	       Attempt to unmount all the filesystems currently	mounted
	       (listed in /etc/mtab).  In this case, fsname is taken from

     -b	list   (all-but)  Attempt to unmount all of the	filesystems currently
	       mounted except for those	associated with	the directories
	       contained in list.  list	consists of one	or more	directory
	       names separated by commas.  Using

		    umount -a

	       itself is not usually a good idea, because it can not be
	       reversed	by the command

		    mount -a

	       since a number of filesystems are often not in the /etc/fstab
	       file.  Among these are the proc and fd filesystems.  Instead,
	       use a command similar to

		    umount -T xfs,efs

     -h	host   Unmount all filesystems listed in /etc/mtab that	are remote-
	       mounted from host.

     -k	       Attempt to kill processes that have open	files or current
	       directories in the appropriate filesystems and then unmount

     -t	type   Unmount all filesystems of a given filesystem type.  The
	       accepted	types are proc,	efs, xfs, nfs, fd, dos,	hfs, and

     -T	list   Unmount all filesystems whose type is in	the comma-separated
	       list given.

     -v	       (verbose)  umount displays a message indicating the filesystem
	       being unmounted and any problems	encountered.

     mount /dev/usr /usr	     mount a local disk
     mount -avt	efs		     mount all efs filesystems;	be verbose
     mount -t nfs server:/d /net/d   mount remote filesystem
     mount server:/d /net/d	     same as above
     mount -o soft server:/d /net/d  same as above but soft mount
     mount -p >	/etc/fstab	     save current mount	state
     mount -t dos /dev/rdsk/fds0d2.3.5 /floppy
				     mount a MS-DOS floppy
     mount -t hfs /dev/rdsk/fds0d3.3.5hi /floppy
				     mount a Macintosh HFS floppy

				    mount an ISO 9660 CD-ROM
     mount server:/cdrom /net/cdrom  mount remote iso9660 filesystem
     mount -M /root/etc/fstab -P /root -p |
	 sed 's;raw=/;raw=/root/' >> /etc/fstab
				     append /root/etc/fstab with /root
				     prefix to currently active	fstab.
     umount -t nfs -b /foo	     unmount all nfs filesystems except	/foo

     From mount:

	  mount: device	on mountdir: Invalid argument

	  This message appears for a wide variety of problems.	It doesn't
	  usually indicate that	you have specified the command line
	  incorrectly; rather that there is something wrong with the disk
	  partition, the filesystem in the disk	partition, or the mount
	  directory.  For example, this	error message occurs if	you try	to
	  mount	a device that doesn't contain a	valid filesystem.

     From umount:

	  mountdir: Resource busy

	  Possible causes of a this message are: open files in the filesystem,
	  programs being executed from the filesystems,	and users whose
	  current directory is in the filesystem.

	  Usually it is	not possible to	unmount	the /usr filesystem because
	  many daemons,	such as	/usr/lib/lpsched, /usr/etc/ypbind, and
	  /usr/etc/syslogd, execute from the /usr filesystem.  The simplest
	  way to make sure the /usr filesystem is not busy is to bring the
	  system down to single-user mode with the single(1M) command.

	  You can force	all filesystems	except the root	filesystem to be
	  unmounted with the umount -k option (note that this kills
	  processes).  To unmount the root filesystem, you must	be running the

     /etc/fstab	    filesystem table
     /etc/mtab	    mount table

     fsck(1M), mountd(1M), nfsd(1M), mount(2), umount(2), fstab(4), mtab(4).

     umount can	mismanage the /etc/mtab	mount table if another mount or	umount
     call is in	progress at the	same time.

     Mount calls another "helper" program of the form mount_typename, where
     typename is one of	the accepted mount types.  If this program is not on
     the default path, then mount returns with an error	message	about unknown
     filesystem.  The user must	make sure that the helper mount	program	is in
     the path.	For example, /usr/etc must be in the path to mount an iso9660

     If	the directory on which a filesystem is to be mounted is	a symbolic
     link, the filesystem is mounted on	the directory to which the symbolic
     link refers, rather than being mounted on top of the symbolic link

     The helper	program	mount_iso9660 is in the	optional package eoe.sw.cdrom.
     This package must be installed in order to	mount iso9660 filesystems.