linux - mountd (8)

       mountd - NFS mount daemon

       /usr/sbin/rpc.mountd  [ -f exports-file ]  [ -d facility ]
       [ -Dhnprv ] [ --debug ] [ --exports-file=file ] [ --help ]
       [ --allow-non-root ] [ --re-export ] [ --version ]

       The mountd program is an NFS mount daemon.

       -f or --exports-file
              This option specifies the exports file, listing the
              clients that this server is prepared to  serve  and
              parameters   to  apply  to  each  such  mount  (see
              exports(5)).  By  default  exports  are  read  from

       -d or --debug
              Log  each  transaction verbosely to standard error.
              Valid log facilities are call for  the  logging  of
              all  calls, auth for client authentication, fhcache
              for operations of the file handle cache, and  rmtab
              for  manipulation  of  /etc/rmtab.  By default, log
              output is sent to syslogd unless the daemon runs in
              the foreground.

       -F or --foreground
              Unlike  normal in operation, mountd will not detach
              from the terminal  when  given  this  option.  When
              debugging is requested, it will be sent to standard

       -h or --help
              Provide a short help summary.

       -n or --allow-non-root
              Allow incoming mount requests to be honored even if
              they do not originate from reserved IP ports.  Some
              older  NFS  client  implementations  require  this.
              Some newer NFS client implementations don't believe
              in reserved port checking.

       -p or --promiscuous
              Put the server into promiscuous mode where it  will
              serve any host on the network.

       -r or --re-export
              Allow  imported  NFS  file-systems  to be exported.
              This can be used to turn a machine into an NFS mul-
              tiplier.   Caution should be used when re-exporting
              client and the NFS server.

       -v or --version
              Report the current version number of the program.

       This implementation of mountd does keep  track  of  remote
       mounts  and  stores  them in /etc/rmtab.  This information
       can be displayed using the showmount command.  However, it
       is not guaranteed that this information is always accurate
       because clients may unmount  a  volume  without  notifying
       mountd, or clients may simply crash.

       When  receiving  a SIGHUP, mountd will re-read the exports
       file. Note that to make export changes  take  effect,  you
       have to send nfsd a SIGHUP as well.


       exports(5), nfsd(8), ugidd(8C), showmount(8).