linux - restore (8)


     restore - restore files or file systems from backups made with dump

     restore key [name ...]

     The restore command performs the inverse function of dump(8).  A full
     backup of a file system may be restored and subsequent incremental back-
     ups layered on top of it.  Single files and directory subtrees may be re-
     stored from full or partial backups.  Restore works across a network; to
     do this see the -f flag described below.  The actions of restore are con-
     trolled by the given key, which is a string of characters containing at
     most one function letter and possibly one or more function modifiers.
     Other arguments to the command are file or directory names specifying the
     files that are to be restored.  Unless the h key is specified (see be-
     low), the appearance of a directory name refers to the files and (recur-
     sively) subdirectories of that directory.

     The function portion of the key is specified by one of the following let-

     r       Restore (rebuild a file system).  The target file system should
             be made pristine with newfs(8),  mounted and the user cd'd  into
             the pristine file system before starting the restoration of the
             initial level 0 backup. If the level 0 restores successfully, the
             r key may be used to restore any necessary incremental backups on
             top of the level 0.  The r key precludes an interactive file ex-
             traction and can be detrimental to one's health if not used care-
             fully (not to mention the disk). An example:

                   newfs /dev/rrp0g eagle
                   mount /dev/rp0g /mnt
                   cd /mnt

                   restore rf /dev/rst8

             Note that restore leaves a file restoresymtable in the root di-
             rectory to pass information between incremental restore passes.
             This file should be removed when the last incremental has been

             Restore, in conjunction with newfs(8) and dump(8),  may be used
             to modify file system parameters such as size or block size.

     C       Restore reads the backup and compares its contents with files
             present on the disk.  It first changes its working directory to
             the root of the filesystem that was dumped and compares the tape
             with the files in its new current directory.  This is useful to
             check that the backup is correct.

     R       Restore requests a particular tape of a multi volume set on which
             to restart a full restore (see the r key above).  This is useful
             if the restore has been interrupted.

     i       This mode allows interactive restoration of files from a dump.
             After reading in the directory information from the dump, restore
             provides a shell like interface that allows the user to move
             around the directory tree selecting files to be extracted.  The
             available commands are given below; for those commands that re-
             quire an argument, the default is the current directory.

             add [arg]   The current directory or specified argument is added
                         to the list of files to be extracted.  If a directory
                         is specified, then it and all its descendents are
                         added to the extraction list (unless the h key is
                         specified on the command line).  Files that are on
                         the extraction list are prepended with a ``*'' when
                         they are listed by ls.

             cd arg      Change the current working directory to the specified

             delete [arg]
                         The current directory or specified argument is delet-
                         ed from the list of files to be extracted.  If a di-
                         rectory is specified, then it and all its descendents
                         are deleted from the extraction list (unless the h
                         key is specified on the command line).  The most ex-
                         pedient way to extract most of the files from a di-
                         rectory is to add the directory to the extraction
                         list and then delete those files that are not needed.

             extract     All the files that are on the extraction list are ex-
                         tracted from the dump.  Restore will ask which volume
                         the user wishes to mount.  The fastest way to extract
                         a few files is to start with the last volume, and
                         work towards the first volume.

             help        List a summary of the available commands.

             ls [arg]    List the current or specified directory.  Entries
                         that are directories are appended with a ``/''.  En-
                         tries that have been marked for extraction are
                         prepended with a ``*''.  If the verbose key is set
                         the inode number of each entry is also listed.

             pwd         Print the full pathname of the current working direc-

             quit        Restore immediately exits, even if the extraction
                         list is not empty.

             setmodes    All the directories that have been added to the ex-
                         traction list have their owner, modes, and times set;
                         nothing is extracted from the dump.  This is useful

             tries to determine the media block size dynamically.

     D       The next argument to restore is used as the filesystem name used
             by the -C option in its comparison.

     f       The next argument to restore is used as the name of the archive
             instead of /dev/rmt?. If the name of the file is of the form
             ``host:file'', restore reads from the named file on the remote
             host using rmt(8).  If the name of the file is `-', restore reads
             from standard input.  Thus, dump(8) and restore can be used in a
             pipeline to dump and restore a file system with the command

                   dump 0f - /usr | (cd /mnt; restore xf -)

     h       Restore extracts the actual directory, rather than the files that
             it references.  This prevents hierarchical restoration of com-
             plete subtrees from the dump.

     m       Restore will extract by inode numbers rather than by file name.
             This is useful if only a few files are being extracted, and one
             wants to avoid regenerating the complete pathname to the file.

     N       Restore will not extract files.  It will only print the file

     s       The next argument to restore is a number which selects the file
             on a multi-file dump tape.  File numbering starts at 1.

     T       The next argument to restore is a directory to use for the stor-
             age of temporary files.  The default value is /tmp.  This option
             is most useful when restoring files after having booted from a
             floppy.  There might be little or no space on the floppy filesys-
             tem, but another source of space might exist.

     v       Normally restore does its work silently.  The v (verbose) key
             causes it to type the name of each file it treats preceded by its
             file type.

     y       Restore will not ask whether it should abort the restore if it
             gets an error.  It will always try to skip over the bad block(s)
             and continue as best it can.

     Complaints about bad key characters.

     Complaints if it gets a read error.  If y has been specified, or the user
     responds `y', restore will attempt to continue the restore.

     If a backup was made using more than one tape volume, restore will notify
     the user when it is time to mount the next volume.  If the x or i key has
     been specified, restore will also ask which volume the user wishes to
     mount.  The fastest way to extract a few files is to start with the last
             not found on the tape.  This is caused by tape read errors while
             looking for the file, and from using a dump tape created on an
             active file system.

     expected next file <inumber>, got <inumber>
             A file that was not listed in the directory showed up.  This can
             occur when using a dump created on an active file system.

     Incremental dump too low
             When doing incremental restore, a dump that was written before
             the previous incremental dump, or that has too low an incremental
             level has been loaded.

     Incremental dump too high
             When doing incremental restore, a dump that does not begin its
             coverage where the previous incremental dump left off, or that
             has too high an incremental level has been loaded.

     Tape read error while restoring <filename>
     Tape read error while skipping over inode <inumber>
     Tape read error while trying to resynchronize
             A tape (or other media) read error has occurred.  If a file name
             is specified, then its contents are probably partially wrong.  If
             an inode is being skipped or the tape is trying to resynchronize,
             then no extracted files have been corrupted, though files may not
             be found on the tape.

     resync restore, skipped <num> blocks
             After a dump read error, restore may have to resynchronize it-
             self.  This message lists the number of blocks that were skipped

     /dev/rmt?          the default tape drive
     /tmp/rstdir*       file containing directories on the tape.
     /tmp/rstmode*      owner, mode, and time stamps for directories.
     ./restoresymtable  information passed between incremental restores.

     dump(8),  newfs(8),  mount(8),  mkfs(8),  rmt(8)

     Restore can get confused when doing incremental restores from dump that
     were made on active file systems.

     A level zero dump must be done after a full restore.  Because restore
     runs in user code, it has no control over inode allocation; thus a full
     dump must be done to get a new set of directories reflecting the new in-
     ode numbering, even though the contents of the files is unchanged.

     The Linux port of restore is not able yet to restore multi-volume back-