Solaris 2.5 - man pages
init process control initialization
telinit process control initialization
inittab script for init
installboot install bootblocks in a disk partition
groupadd add (create) a new group definition on the system
groupdel delete a group definition from the system
groupmod modify a group definition on the system
useradd administer a new user login on the system
userdel delete a user's login from the system
usermod modify a user's login information on the system
vipw edit the password file
passwd change login password and password attributes
group group file
users display a compact list of users logged in
logins list user and system login information
groups print group membership of user
pwck password/group file checkers
grpck password/group file checkers
newgrp log in to a new group
pwconv installs and updates /etc/shadow with information from /etc/passwd
passmgmt password files management
admintool system administration with a graphical user interface
acctcms command summary from process accounting records
chroot change root directory for a command
cmp compare two files
df report number of free disk blocks and files
diff display line-by-line differences between pairs of text files
du summarize disk usage
exec shell built-in functions to execute other commands
eval shell built-in functions to execute other commands
source shell built-in functions to execute other commands
find find files
finger display information about local and remote users
ftp file transfer program
getpwnam get password entry
getpwnam_r get password entry
getpwent get password entry
getpwent_r get password entry
getpwuid get password entry
getpwuid_r get password entry
setpwent get password entry
endpwent get password entry
fgetpwent get password entry
fgetpwent_r get password entry
last display login and logout information about users and terminals
lastcomm display the last commands executed, in reverse order
listusers list user login information
ncheck generate a list of path names versus i-numbers
ps report process status
quot summarize file system ownership
rcp remote file copy
rdist remote file distribution program
renice alter priority of running processes
rlogin remote login
rsh remote shell
remsh remote shell
remote_shell remote shell
sdiff print differences between two files side-by-side
sum print checksum and block count for a file
syslog control system log
talk talk to another user
telnet user interface to a remote system using the TELNET protocol
tftp trivial file transfer program
tty return user's terminal name
umask get or set the file mode creation mask
usermod modify a user's login information on the system
uucp UNIX-to-UNIX system copy
uulog UNIX-to-UNIX system copy
uuname UNIX-to-UNIX system copy
w who is logged in, and what are they doing
who who is on the system
gethostbyname get network host entry
gethostbyname_r get network host entry
gethostbyaddr get network host entry
gethostbyaddr_r get network host entry
gethostent get network host entry
gethostent_r get network host entry
sethostent get network host entry
endhostent get network host entry
nsswitch.conf configuration file for the name-service switch
networks network name database
netmasks network mask database
hosts host name database
mount mount or unmount file systems and remote resources
umount mount or unmount file systems and remote resources
dfstab file containing commands for sharing resources across a network
share make local resource available for mounting by remote systems
shareall share, unshare multiple resources
unshareall share, unshare multiple resources
showmount show all remote mounts
vfstab table of file system defaults
sysdef output system definition
prtconf print system configuration
st driver for SCSI tape devices
add_drv add a new device driver to the system
cpio copy file archives in and out
dd convert and copy a file
mt magnetic tape control
pax portable archive interchange
tar create tape archives, and add or extract files
ufsdump incremental file system dump
ufsrestore incremental file system restore
volcopy make an image copy of file system
pkgadd transfer software package to the system
pkgrm removes a package from the system
snoop capture and inspect network packets
iostat report I/O statistics
mpstat report per-processor statistics
netstat show network status
vmstat report virtual memory statistics
uptime show how long the system has been up