dd - convert and copy a file

     dd [ option=value ] ...

     dd copies the specified input file to the  specified  output
     with  possible  conversions.   The standard input and output
     are used by default.  The input and output block  sizes  may
     be  specified  to take advantage of raw physical I/O.  Sizes
     are specified in bytes; a number may end with k, b, or w  to
     specify  multiplication  by  1024,  512, or 2, respectively.
     Or, numbers may be separated by x  to  indicate  multiplica-

     cbs is used only if ascii, unblock, ebcdic,  ibm,  or  block
     conversion  is specified.  In the first two cases, cbs char-
     acters are copied into the conversion buffer, any  specified
     character  mapping is done, trailing blanks are trimmed, and
     a new-line is added before sending the line to  output.   In
     the  last  three  cases,  characters up to new-line are read
     into the conversion buffer and blanks are added to  make  up
     an  output  record of size cbs.  ASCII files are presumed to
     contain new-line characters.  If cbs is unspecified or zero,
     the ascii, ebcdic, and ibm options convert the character set
     without changing  the  input  file's  block  structure;  the
     unblock and block options become a simple file copy.

     After completion, dd reports the number of whole and partial
     input and output blocks.

     if=filename  Input file name; standard input is default.
     of=filename  Output file name; standard output is default.
     ibs=n        Input block size n bytes (default 512).
     obs=n        Output block size n bytes (default 512).
     bs=n         Set both input and output block size, supersed-
                  ing  ibs  and  obs.   Also, if no conversion is
                  specified,  preserve  the  input   block   size
                  instead of packing short blocks into the output
                  buffer (this is particularly efficient  because
                  it reduces in-memory copying).
     cbs=n        Conversion buffer size (logical record length).
     files=n      Copy and concatenate n input files before  ter-
                  minating  (makes  sense  only  where input is a
                  magnetic tape or similar device).
     skip=n       Skip  n  input  blocks  before  starting   copy
                  (appropriate  for magnetic tape, where iseek is
     iseek=n      Seek n blocks  from  beginning  of  input  file
                  before  copying  (appropriate  for  disk files,
                  where skip can be incredibly slow).
     oseek=n      Seek n blocks from  beginning  of  output  file
                  before copying.
     seek=n       Identical to oseek, retained for backward  com-
     count=n      Copy only n input blocks.
     conv=ascii   Convert EBCDIC to ASCII.
          ebcdic  Convert ASCII to EBCDIC.  If converting  fixed-
                  length  ASCII records without new-lines, set up
                  a pipeline with dd conv=unblock beforehand.
          ibm     Slightly different map of ASCII to EBCDIC.  For
                  fixed-length  ASCII  records without new-lines,
                  see above.
          block   Convert new-line terminated  ASCII  records  to
                  fixed length.
          unblock Convert fixed length ASCII records to  new-line
                  terminated records.
          lcase   Map alphabetics to lower case.
          ucase   Map alphabetics to upper case.
          swab    Swap every pair of bytes.
          noerror Do not stop processing on an error (limit of  5
                  consecutive errors).
          sync    Pad every input block to ibs.
          ... , ...
                  Several comma-separated conversions.

     This command will read an EBCDIC tape  blocked  ten  80-byte
     EBCDIC card images per tape block into the ASCII file x:

     example%  dd  if=/dev/rmt/0h  of=x  ibs=800  obs=8k   cbs=80

     Note: The use of raw magnetic tape.  dd is especially suited
     to I/O on the raw physical devices because it allows reading
     and writing in arbitrary block sizes.

     If any  of  the  LC_*  variables  (  LC_CTYPE,  LC_MESSAGES,
     environ(5)) are not set in the environment, the  operational
     behavior  of  dd  for  each corresponding locale category is
     determined by the value of the  LANG  environment  variable.
     If LC_ALL is set, its contents are used to override both the
     LANG and the other LC_* variables.  If  none  of  the  above
     variables  are set in the environment, the "C"  (U.S. style)
     locale determines how dd behaves.

     LC_CTYPE       Determines how dd  handles  characters.  When
                    LC_CTYPE  is  set  to  a  valid value, dd can
                    display and handle text  and  filenames  con-
                    taining  valid characters for that locale. dd
                    can display and  handle  Extended  Unix  Code
                    (EUC) characters where any individual charac-
                    ter can be one, two, or three bytes wide.  dd
                    can  also  handle EUC characters of one, two,
                    or more column widths.  In  the  "C"  locale,
                    only characters from ISO 8859-1 are valid.

     LC_MESSAGES    Determines  how  diagnostic  and  informative
                    messages  are  presented.  This  includes the
                    language and style of the messages,  and  the
                    correct  form  of  affirmative  and  negative
                    responses.  In the "C" locale,  the  messages
                    are  presented  in  the default form found in
                    the  program  itself  (in  most  cases,  U.S.

     cp(1), environ(5)

     f+p records  in(out) numbers  of  full  and  partial  blocks

     Do not use dd to copy files between filesystems having  dif-
     ferent block sizes.

     Using a  blocked device to copy a file will result in  extra
     nulls  being added to the file to pad the final block to the
     block boundary.

     When dd reads  from  a  pipe,  using  the  ibs=X  and  obs=Y
     operands,  the  output  will  always be blocked in chunks of
     size Y.  When bs=Z is used, the output blocks will be  what-
     ever was available to be read from the pipe at the time.