nsswitch.conf -  configuration  file  for  the  name-service


     The operating system uses a number of "databases" of  infor-
     mation  about  hosts,  users  (passwd/shadow), groups and so
     forth.  Data for these can come from a variety  of  sources:
     host-names  and  -addresses,  for  example,  may be found in
     /etc/hosts, NIS, NIS+ or DNS.  One or more  sources  may  be
     used  for  each database; the sources and their lookup order
     are specified in the /etc/nsswitch.conf file.

     The following databases use the switch:

          Database        Used by
          aliases         sendmail(1M)
          automount       automount(1M)
          bootparams      rpc.bootparamd(1M)
          ethers          ethers(3N)
          group           getgrnam(3C)
          hosts           gethostbyname(3N)
                          (See   "Interaction   with   netconfig"
          netgroup        innetgr(3N)
          netmasks        ifconfig(1M)
          networks        getnetbyname(3N)
          passwd          getpwnam(3C), getspnam(3C)
          protocols       getprotobyname(3N)
          publickey       getpublickey(3N), secure_rpc(3N)
          rpc             getrpcbyname(3N)
          sendmailvars    sendmail(1M)
          services        getservbyname(3N)
                          (See   "Interaction   with   netconfig"

     The following sources may be used:

          Source          Uses
          files           /etc/hosts,  /etc/passwd,   /etc/shadow
                          and so forth
          nis             NIS (YP)
          nisplus         NIS+
          dns             Valid only for hosts; uses the Internet
                          Domain Name Service.
          compat          Valid only for passwd and group; imple-
                          ments "+" and "-".
                          (See  "Interaction  with  +/-   syntax"

     There is an entry in /etc/nsswitch.conf for  each  database.
     Typically  these  entries  will  be simple, like "protocols:
     files" or "networks: files nisplus".  However, when multiple
     sources  are  specified  it is sometimes necessary to define
     precisely the circumstances under which each source will  be
     tried.  A source can return one of the following codes:

          Status          Meaning
          SUCCESS         Requested database entry was found
          UNAVAIL         Source is not responding or corrupted
          NOTFOUND        Source responded "no such entry"
          TRYAGAIN        Source  is  busy,  might   respond   to

     For each status code, two actions are possible:

          Action          Meaning
          continue        Try the next source in the list
          return          Return now

     The complete syntax of an entry is

     <entry>     ::= <database> ":" [<source> [<criteria>]]* <source>
     <criteria>  ::= "[" <criterion>+ "]"
     <criterion> ::= <status> "=" <action>
     <status>    ::= "success" | "notfound" | "unavail" | "tryagain"
     <action>    ::= "return"  | "continue"

     Each entry occupies a single line in the file.   Lines  that
     are  blank,  or  that  start  with white space character are
     ignored. Everything on a line following a# character is also
     ignored; the # character can begin anywhere in a line, to be
     used to begin comments.  The <database> and  <source>  names
     are  case-sensitive,  but  <action>  and  <status> names are

     The library functions contain  compiled-in  default  entries
     that  are  used if the appropriate entry in nsswitch.conf is
     absent or syntactically incorrect.

     The default criteria are to continue on anything except SUC-
     CESS;  in  other  words,  [SUCCESS=return  NOTFOUND=continue
     UNAVAIL=continue TRYAGAIN=continue].

     The default, or explicitly specified, criteria are  meaning-
     less  following the last source in an entry; and are ignored
     since the action is always to return to the caller irrespec-
     tive of the status code the source returns.

  Interaction with netconfig
     In order to ensure that they all return consistent  results,
     gethostbyname(3N),           getservbyname(3N),          and
     netdir_getbyname(3N) functions are all implemented in  terms
     of the same internal library function. This function obtains
     the system-wide source lookup policy for hosts and  services
     based  on  the  inet family entries in netconfig(4) and uses
     the switch entries only if the netconfig entries have a  "-"
     in  the last column for nametoaddr libraries.  See the NOTES
     section  in  gethostbyname(3N)  and  getservbyname(3N)   for

  Interaction with NIS+ YP-compatibility Mode
     The NIS+ server can be run in "YP-compatibility mode", where
     it  handles  NIS  (YP) requests as well as NIS+ requests. In
     this case, the clients get much the same results (except for
     getspnam(3C)) from the "nis" source as from "nisplus";  how-
     ever, "nisplus" is recommended instead of "nis".

  Interaction with NIS (YP) server in DNS-forwarding Mode
     The NIS (YP) server can be  run  in  "DNS-forwarding  mode",
     where  it forwards lookup requests to DNS for host-names and
     -addresses that do not exist in its database.  In this case,
     specifying  "nis"  as  a source for "hosts" is sufficient to
     get DNS lookups; "dns" need not be specified explicitly as a

     Since SunOS 5.3, the NIS+ server in "YP-compatibility  mode"
     can also be run in "DNS-forwarding mode" (see rpc.nisd(1M)).
     Forwarding is effective only for requests  originating  from
     its  YP  clients;  "hosts" policy on these clients should be
     configured appropriately.

  Interaction with +/- syntax
     Releases prior to SunOS 5.0 did not  have  the  name-service
     switch  but  did  allow  the  user  some policy control.  In
     /etc/passwd  one  could  have  entries  of  the  form  +user
     (include  the  specified user from NIS passwd.byname), -user
     (exclude the specified  user)  and  +  (include  everything,
     except excluded users, from NIS passwd.byname).  The desired
     behavior was often  "everything  in  the  file  followed  by
     everything  in NIS", expressed by a solitary + at the end of
     /etc/passwd.  The switch provides an  alternative  for  this
     case  ("passwd:  files nis") that does not require + entries
     in /etc/passwd and /etc/shadow (the latter is a new addition
     to SunOS 5.0, see shadow(4)).

     If this is not sufficient, the "compat" source provides full
     +/-  semantics.  It reads /etc/passwd for getpwnam(3C) func-
     tions and /etc/shadow for getspnam(3C) functions and, if  it
     finds  +/-  entries,  invokes  an  appropriate  source.   By
     default the source is "nis", but this may be  overridden  by
     specifying  "nisplus"  as the source for the pseudo-database

     Note that for every /etc/passwd entry,  there  should  be  a
     corresponding entry in the /etc/shadow file.

     The compat source  also  provides  full  +/-  semantics  for
     group; the relevant pseudo-database is group_compat.

  Useful Configurations
     The compiled-in default entries for all  databases  use  NIS
     (YP)  as the enterprise level name-service and are identical
     to those in the default configuration of this file:

          passwd:         files nis
          group:          files nis
          hosts:          nis [NOTFOUND=return] files
          networks:       nis [NOTFOUND=return] files
          protocols:      nis [NOTFOUND=return] files
          rpc:            nis [NOTFOUND=return] files
          ethers:         nis [NOTFOUND=return] files
          netmasks:       nis [NOTFOUND=return] files
          bootparams:     nis [NOTFOUND=return] files
          publickey:      nis [NOTFOUND=return] files
          netgroup:       nis
          automount:      files nis
          aliases:        files nis
          services:       files nis
          sendmailvars:   files

     The policy "nis [NOTFOUND=return] files" implies "if nis  is
     UNAVAIL,  continue on to files, and if nis returns NOTFOUND,
     return to the caller; in  other  words,  treat  nis  as  the
     authoritative  source  of  information and try files only if
     nis is down."   This,  and  other  policies  listed  in  the
     default configuration above, are identical to the hard-wired
     policies in SunOS releases prior to 5.0.

     If compatibility with the +/- syntax for passwd and group is
     required, simply modify the entries for passwd and group to:

          passwd:         compat
          group:          compat

     If NIS+ is the enterprise level  name-service,  the  default
     configuration  should  be modified to use nisplus instead of
     nis  for  every  database  on  client  machines.   The  file
     /etc/nsswitch.nisplus  contains  a sample configuration that
     can be copied to /etc/nsswitch.conf to set this policy.

     If the use of +/- syntax  is  desired  in  conjunction  with
     nisplus, use the following four entries:

          passwd:         compat
          passwd_compat:  nisplus
          group:          compat
          group_compat:   nisplus

     In order to get information from the  Internet  Domain  Name
     Service  for  hosts  that  are  not listed in the enterprise
     level name-service, NIS+, use  the  following  configuration
     and set up the /etc/resolv.conf file (see resolv.conf(4) for
     more details):

          hosts:          nisplus dns [NOTFOUND=return] files

  Enumeration -- getXXXent()
     Many of the databases have  enumeration  functions:   passwd
     has  getpwent(),  hosts  has gethostent(), and so on.  These
     were reasonable when the only source  was  files  but  often
     make little sense for hierarchically structured sources that
     contain large numbers of entries,  much  less  for  multiple
     sources.   The  interfaces are still provided and the imple-
     mentations strive to provide  reasonable  results,  but  the
     data  returned  may  be incomplete (enumeration for hosts is
     simply not supported by the dns  source),  inconsistent  (if
     multiple  sources  are  used),  formatted  in  an unexpected
     fashion (for a host with a canonical name and three aliases,
     the  nisplus  source will return four hostents, and they may
     not be consecutive), or very expensive (enumerating a passwd
     database  of  5000  users is probably a bad idea).  Further-
     more, multiple threads in the same process  using  the  same
     reentrant enumeration function ( getXXXent_r() are supported
     beginning with SunOS 5.3) share the same  enumeration  posi-
     tion; if they interleave calls, they will enumerate disjoint
     subsets of the same database.

     In general the use of the enumeration  functions  is  depre-
     cated. In the case of passwd, shadow and group, it may some-
     times be appropriate to  use  fgetgrent(),  fgetpwent()  and
     fgetspent()    (see    getgrnam(3C),    getpwnam(3C),    and
     getspnam(3C),  respectively),  which  use  only  the   files

     A source named SSS is implemented by a shared  object  named that resides in /usr/lib.

     /etc/nsswitch.conf       configuration file
     /usr/lib/ implements "compat" source
     /usr/lib/    implements "dns" source
     /usr/lib/  implements "files" source
     /usr/lib/    implements "nis" source
                              implements "nisplus" source
     /etc/netconfig           configuration file  for  netdir(3N)
                              functions       that      redirects
                              hosts/sevices policy to the switch
     /etc/nsswitch.files      sample configuration file that uses
                              "files" only
     /etc/nsswitch.nis        sample configuration file that uses
                              "files" and "nis"
     /etc/nsswitch.nisplus    sample configuration file that uses
                              "files" and "nisplus"

     nis+(1),  automount(1M),  ifconfig(1M),  rpc.bootparamd(1M),
     rpc.nisd(1M),   sendmail(1M),   getgrnam(3C),  getpwnam(3C),
     getspnam(3C),         ethers(3N),         gethostbyname(3N),
     getnetbyname(3N),    getnetgrent(3N),    getprotobyname(3N),
     getpublickey(3N),    getrpcbyname(3N),    getservbyname(3N),
     netdir(3N),  secure_rpc(3N),  netconfig(4),  resolv.conf(4),

     Within each process that uses nsswitch.conf, the entire file
     is read only once; if the file is later changed, the process
     will continue using the old configuration.

     Programs that use the getXXbyYY() functions cannot be linked
     statically  since  the  implementation  of  these  functions
     requires dynamic linker functionality to access  the  shared
     objects /usr/lib/ at run time.

     The use of both nis and nisplus  as  sources  for  the  same
     database  is  strongly  discouraged  since  both  the  name-
     services are expected to store similar information  and  the
     lookups  on the database may yield different results depend-
     ing on which name-service is operational at the time of  the

     Misspelled names of sources and databases will be treated as
     legitimate  names  of  (most likely nonexistent) sources and

     The   following   functions   do   not   use   the   switch:
     fgetgrent(3C),   fgetpwent(3C),   fgetspent(3C),  getpw(3C),