solaris - passmgmt (1)
passmgmt - password files management
passmgmt -a options name
passmgmt -m options name
passmgmt -d name
The passmgmt command updates information in the password
files. This command works with both /etc/passwd and
passmgmt -a adds an entry for user name to the password
files. This command does not create any directory for the
new user and the new login remains locked (with the string
*LK* in the password field) until the passwd(1) command is
executed to set the password.
passmgmt -m modifies the entry for user name in the password
files. The name field in the /etc/shadow entry and all the
fields (except the password field) in the /etc/passwd entry
can be modified by this command. Only fields entered on the
command line will be modified.
passmgmt -d deletes the entry for user name from the pass-
word files. It will not remove any files that the user owns
on the system; they must be removed manually.
passmgmt can be used only by the super-user.
-c comment A short description of the login, enclosed in
quotes. It is limited to a maximum of 128 char-
acters and defaults to an empty field.
-h homedir Home directory of name. It is limited to a
maximum of 256 characters and defaults to
-u uid UID of the name. This number must range from 0
to the maximum non-negative value for the sys-
tem. It defaults to the next available UID
greater than 99. Without the -o option, it
enforces the uniqueness of a UID.
-o This option allows a UID to be non-unique. It
is used only with the -u option.
-g gid GID of the name. This number must range from 0
to the maximum non-negative value for the sys-
tem. The default is 1.
-s shell Login shell for name. It should be the full
pathname of the program that will be executed
when the user logs in. The maximum size of
shell is 256 characters. The default is for this
field to be empty and to be interpreted as
-l logname This option changes the name to logname. It is
used only with the -m option.
The total size of each login entry is limited to a maximum
of 511 bytes in each of the password files.
passwd(1), useradd(1M), userdel(1M), usermod(1M), passwd(4),
The passmgmt command exits with one of the following values:
0 Success.
1 Permission denied.
2 Invalid command syntax. Usage message of the
passmgmt command is displayed.
3 Invalid argument provided to option.
4 UID in use.
5 Inconsistent password files (for example, name is
in the /etc/passwd file and not in the /etc/shadow
file, or vice versa).
6 Unexpected failure. Password files unchanged.
7 Unexpected failure. Password file(s) missing.
8 Password file(s) busy. Try again later.
9 name does not exist (if -m or - d is specified),
already exists (if -a is specified), or logname
already exists (if -m -l is specified).
You cannot use a colon or carriage return as part of an
argument because it is interpreted as a field separator in
the password file.
This command will be removed in a future release. Its func-
tionality has been replaced and enhanced by useradd, user-
del, and usermod. These commands are currently available.
This command only modifies password definitions in the local
/etc/passwd and /etc/shadow files. If a network nameservice
such as NIS or NIS+ is being used to supplement the local
files with additional entries, passmgmt cannot change infor-
mation supplied by the network nameservice.