NAME prtconf - print system configuration SPARC SYNOPSIS /etc/prtconf [ -F ] [ -p ] [ -P ] [ -v ] x86 SYNOPSIS /etc/prtconf [ -P ] [ -v ] AVAILABILITY SUNWcsr DESCRIPTION The prtconf command prints the system configuration informa- tion. The output includes the total amount of memory, and the configuration of system peripherals formatted as a dev- ice tree. OPTIONS -P Include information about pseudo devices. By default, information regarding pseudo devices is omitted. -v Specifies verbose mode. -F (SPARC only). Return the device pathname of the con- sole frame buffer, if one exists. If there is no frame buffer, prtconf returns a non-zero exit code. This flag overrides all others, and returns only the name of the console, frame buffer device or a non-zero exit code. For example, if the console frame buffer on a SPARCstation 1 is cgthree in SBus slot #3, the command returns: /sbus@1,f80000000/cgthree@3,0. This option could be used to create a symlink for /dev/fb to the actual console device. -p (SPARC only). Displays information derived from the device tree provided by the firmware (PROM). EXIT CODES If successful, prtconf returns 0. If an error occurs, prtconf prints an error message and returns 1. For example, when an illegal option is specified, prtconf returns 1. On a SPARC system, when the -F option is specified and the con- sole output device is not a framebuffer, prtconf returns 1. SPARC EXAMPLES Running prtconf on a Sun4/65 series machine produces the following sample output: example% prtconf System Configuration: Sun Microsystems sun4c Memory size: 16 Megabytes System Peripherals (Software Nodes): Sun 4_65 options, instance #0 zs, instance #0 zs, instance #1 fd (driver not attached) audio (driver not attached) sbus, instance #0 dma, instance #0 esp, instance #0 sd (driver not attached) st (driver not attached) sd, instance #0 sd, instance #1 (driver not attached) sd, instance #2 (driver not attached) sd, instance #3 sd, instance #4 (driver not attached) sd, instance #5 (driver not attached) sd, instance #6 (driver not attached) le, instance #0 cgsix (driver not attached) auxiliary-io (driver not attached) interrupt-enable (driver not attached) memory-error (driver not attached) counter-timer (driver not attached) eeprom (driver not attached) pseudo, instance #0 x86 EXAMPLES Running prtconf on an x86 machine produces the following sample output: # /etc/prtconf Memory Size : 12 Megabytes System Peripherals (Software Nodes): i86pc, unit #0 isa, unit #0 dpt, unit #0 cmdk, unit #0 cmdk, unit #1 cmdk, unit #2 cmdk, unit #3 (No driver.) cmdk, unit #4 (No driver.) cmdk, unit #5 (No driver.) cmdk, unit #6 cmtp, unit #0 cmtp, unit #1 (No driver.) cmtp, unit #2 (No driver.) aha, unit #0 cmdk, unit #7 cmdk, unit #8 (No driver.) cmdk, unit #9 (No driver.) cmdk, unit #10 cmdk, unit #11 (No driver.) cmdk, unit #12 (No driver.) cmdk, unit #13 (No driver.) cmtp, unit #3 (No driver.) cmtp, unit #4 (No driver.) cmtp, unit #5 (No driver.) chanmux, unit #0 kd, unit #0 fdc, unit #0 fd, unit #0 fd, unit #0 options, unit #0 objmgr, unit #0 pseudo, unit #0 SEE ALSO modinfo(1M), sysdef(1M) SPARC Only openprom(7) NOTES The output of the prtconf() command is highly dependent on the version of the PROM installed in the system. The output will be affected in potentially all circumstances. The driver not attached message means that no driver is currently attached to that instance of the device. In gen- eral, drivers are loaded and installed (and attached to hardware instances) on demand, and when needed, and may be uninstalled and unloaded when the device is not in use.