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Talking Serially: Modem Configuration in Solaris

As with terminals, some Solaris modem management (for dial-in configuration) is performed by the Service Access Facility (SAF). As with other Unices, the process for setting up a dial-in modem is similar to setting up a hardwired terminal.

The sections in the below page for configuring a modem for dial-in and dial-out in Solaris are pieces taken from an excellent source for administering serial peripherals under Solaris. The entire document, Celeste's Tutorial on Solaris 2.x Modems & Terminals is optional reading for this course.

Note that Celeste's strategy for configuring modems involves enabling a bidirectional port monitor (capable of allowing dial-in and dial-out), and then changing the system configuration if only dial-in or dial-out is required.

If a dial-in only modem is required, follow the proceeding instructions for Enabling Solaris For a Bidirectional Modem, and then make the /bin/tip program executable by the owner only (chmod 700 /bin/tip). This will keep users from using the modem to dial out.

This required reading is broken up into two sections, Celeste's copyright and the material from several sections of the document. No changes have been made to the content, just the markup.

Terms used: Unices.

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