Genetic Epidemiology, Statistical Genetics, Population Genetics, Genomics, Epidemiology, Applied Biostatistics
Research Activities
The completion of the Human Genome Project, coupled with the rapid advance of genotyping technology, have ushered in a new era of complex disease research. The wealth of new, high-quality genotype data is a welcome contribution to the field. However, it is becoming increasingly clear that unique statistical and epidemiological challenges may limit our ability to fully utilize the richness of this new genomic information. My research objectives involve the development and application of advanced statistical and epidemiological methods to advance our understanding of complex disease genetics. Three methodological areas broadly define my research objectives: (1) Large-scale genomic analysis, including genome scans and deep resequence analysis (2) Characterization of putative genetic factors including the study of novel phenotypic endpoints and environmental factors (3) Synthesis of existing genetic information through meta-analysis. Substantively, I’ve applied these three research objectives to study the genetics of aging and age-related diseases, metabolic traits, and neuropsychiatric disorders.