..:: Publications ::..
McQueen MB, Lasky-Su J, Laird NM, Lange C. Screening and Testing using the Same Data Set: A Testing Strategy for Case-Control and Case-Cohort Designs. Submitted (2007).
In Press
McQueen MB, Bertram L, Lange C, Becker KD, Albert MS, Tanzi RE, Blacker D. Exploring Candidate Gene Associations with Neuropsychological Performance. Am J Med Genet B Neuropsychiatr Genet (in press).
McQueen MB, Laird NM, Weiss S, Lange C (2007). On the Parsing of Statistical Information in Family-Based Association Testing. Nat Genet 39:17-23.
Herbert A, Gerry NP, McQueen MB, Heid IM, Pfeufer A, Illig T, Wichmann HE, Meitinger T, Hunter D, Hu FB, Colditz G, Hinney A, Hebebrand J, Koberwitz K, Zhu X, Cooper R, Ardlie K, Lyon H, Hirschhorn J, Laird NM, Lenburg ME, Lange C, Christman MF (2007).  Response to Comments on “A Common Genetic Variant is Associated with Adult and Childhood Obesity”. Science 315:187e.
Bertram L, McQueen MB, Mullin K, Blacker D, Tanzi RE (2007). Systematic Meta-Analyses of Alzheimer's Disease Genetic Association Studies: The AlzGene Database. Nat Genet 39:17-23.
Bertram L, Hsiao M, McQueen MB, Parkinson M, Mullin K, Blacker D, Tanzi RE (2007). The LDLR Locus in Alzheimer’s Disease: A Family-Based Study and Meta-Analysis of Case-Control Data. Neurobiol Aging 28:18e.1-4.
McQueen MB, Blacker D, Laird NM (2006). Variance Calculations for Mean Identity-by-Descent Estimation. Am J Hum Genet 78:914-921.
Herbert A, Gerry NP, McQueen MB, Heid IM, Pfeufer A, Illig T, Wichmann HE, Meitinger T, Hunter D, Hu FB, Colditz G, Hinney A, Hebebrand J, Koberwitz K, Zhu X, Cooper R, Ardlie K, Lyon H, Hirschhorn J, Laird NM, Lenburg ME, Lange C, Christman MF (2006).  A Common Genetic Variant 10 kb Upstream of INSIG is Associated with Adult and Childhood Obesity.  Science 312:279-283.
McQueen MB, Murphy A, Kraft P, Su J, Lazarus R, Laird NM, Lange C, Van Steen K. Comparison of Linkage and Association Strategies for Quantitative Traits using the COGA Dataset (2005). BMC Genet (Suppl1):S96.
Murphy A, McQueen MB, Su J, Kraft P, Lazarus R, Laird NM, Lange C, Van Steen K.  Genomic Screening in Family-Based Association Testing (2005). BMC Genet 6 (Suppl 1):S115.
Bertram L, Parkinson M, McQueen MB, Mullin K, Hsiao M, Menon R, Moscarillo TJ, Blacker D, Tanzi RE. Further Evidence for LBP-1c/CP2/LSF Association in Alzheimer's Disease Families (2005). J Med Genet 42:863-870.
McQueen MB, Devlin B, Faraone SV, Nimgaonkar NL, Sklar P, Smoller JW, Abou Jamra R, Albus M, Bacanu S-A, Baron M, Barrett TB, Berrettini W, Blacker D, Byerley W, Cichon S, Coryell W, Craddock N, Daly M, DePaulo JR, Edenberg HJ, Foroud T, Gill M, Gilliam TC Hamshere M, Jones I, Jones L, Juo S-H, Kelsoe JR, Lambert D, Lange C, Lerer B, Liu J, Maier W, MacKinnon JD, McInnis MG, McMahon FJ, Murphy DL, Nöthen MM, Nurnberger JI, Jr, Pato CN, Pato MT, Potash JB, Propping P, Pulver AE, Rice JP, Rietschel M, Scheftner W, Schumacher J, Segurado R, Van Steen K, Xie W, Zandi P, Laird NM (2005). Combined Analysis from Eleven Linkage Studies of Bipolar Disorder Provides Strong Evidence for Susceptibility Loci on Chromosomes 6q and 8q.  Am J Hum Genet 77:582-595.
Van Steen K, McQueen MB, Herbert A, Raby B, Lyon H, Murphy A, Su J, Datta S, Rosenow C, Silverman EK, Laird NM, Weiss ST, Lange C (2005).  Genomic Screening and Replication Using the Same Data Set in Family-Based Association Testing. Nat Genet 37:683-691.
McQueen MB, Bertram L, Rimm EB, Blacker D, Santangelo SL (2003).  A QTL Genome Scan of the Metabolic Syndrome and its Component Traits.  BMC Genet 4 (Suppl1):S96.
Grahn RE, Maswood S, McQueen MB, Watkins LR, Maier SF (1999).  Opiod-Dependent Effects of Inescapable Shock On Escape Behavior and Conditioned Fear Responding Are Mediated by the Dorsal Raphe Nucleus. Behav Brain Res 99:153-167.
Grahn RE, Will MJ, Hammack SE, Maswood S, McQueen MB, Watkins LR, Maier SF (1999).  Activation of Serotonin-Immunoreactive Cells in the Dorsal Raphe Nucleus in Rats Exposed to an Uncontrollable Stressor. Brain Res 826:35-43.