Volunteer PRAISES!

Carol Van Hulle photo

Our volunteer PRAISES go out to a heart filled young woman by the name of Carol Van Hulle. Our amazing and devoted volunteer is from the beautiful land of Minnesota. She is a hard working Graduate student at the University of Colorado studying Behavioral Genetics. While reading the Rocky Mountain News during Christmas, Carol read an article on homeless children written by the Denver Executive Director of StandUp For Kids. After getting in touch with StandUp, she had the opportunity to meet Rick Koca, the founder. In July, Carol became the volunteer contact for Stand Up For Kids, Boulder. Carol is a key member of the Boulder program and coordinates and attends all planning meetings, encourages others, helps with program organization, and always brings a loving attitude. THANKS CAROL!!

The new National Regional Trainers in 5 states, 12 programs!

Marc Randall Fortney, Regional Trainer for Boulder & Denver, Colorado.

Marc Fortney photo

Marc has been able to serve with StandUp For Kids for one year. While serving in AmeriCorps, a domestic peace corps, for 10 months, Marc was a street counselor and drop-in center supervisor. He has had the opportunity to reach out to children in San Diego & Los Angeles, California and Phoenix & Tempe, Arizona.

With the help of other volunteers, Marc is building the Boulder, Colorado StandUp For Kids program. Currently, Marc is conducting the Stand Up For Kids training, which equips volunteers to work with homeless and street kids. He is also making presentations to schools, churches, and charitable groups.

After meeting hundreds of kids, Marc continues to see the great love and potential in these children!

The University of Colorado at Boulder - President Leadership Class

President Leadership Class group photo

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