Correlation between Life Expectancy and Stress Resistance
Correlation between life expectancy and stress resistance. All data are normalized to control for environmental variation by dividing by the corresponding wild type, N2, life expectancy. Mean life span on agar (life expectancy at birth) are all derived from published literature (except for eat-2(ad456) and clk-1(e2519)) as follows: age-1(hx546) in Friedman and Johnson (1988a); spe-26(hc138) in VanVoorhies, (1992); daf-2(e1370) in Kenyon et al. (1993); clk-1(e2519), clk-2(qm37), clk-3(qm38), and gro-1(e2400) in Lakowski and Hekimi (1996), (with supplemental survival from our lab for clk-1); daf-28(sa191) in Malone et al., (1996); old-1(Is104) in Murakami and Johnson (1998); and spe-10(hc104) in Cypser and Johnson (1999). All data for stressors and for life spans in liquid culture are unpublished from T. E. Johnson and S. H. deCastro except published thermotolerance, UV and life span in liquid culture data are from Lithgow et al. (1995) for daf-2, from Murakami and Johnson (1998) for spe-26 and old-1, and from Cypser and Johnson (1999) for spe-10. (A) Correlation between relative thermotolerance and life expectancy on agar. (B) Correlation between relative UV resistance and life expectancy on agar. (C) Correlation between relative resistance to juglone and life expectancy on agar. (D) Correlation between life expectancy in liquid culture (Johnson and Wood, 1982) and life expectancy on agar.
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