Twin Methodology Workshop 1996 Announcement


The next workshop will be held again in Boulder, Colorado, from 4th March - 8th March 1996, with David Fulker, John Hewitt, and Stacey Cherny as local hosts. The application programming will be based on the package, Mx, developed by Dr. Mike Neale for the flexible analysis of genetically-informative data.

The registration fee will be $250.00 (before January 19, 1996, $350 after that date). Accommodations are being reserved at the Broker Inn, Boulder, where rooms will be available at $58 for single occupancy, or $68 for double occupancy. The Broker Inn is a 10-minute walk from the Institute where the workshop will be located.

Details of local arrangements, registration, and accommodation are available from the workshop secretary, Carol Case. A home page is being established on the World Wide Web at

The provisional faculty roster includes:
L. Eaves [Academic Director], H. Maes, J. Meyer, W. Nance, M. Neale Medical College of Virginia, Virginia Commonwealth University, Richmond, VA, USA
A. Heath Washington University School of Medicine, St. Louis, MO, USA
N. Martin Queensland Institute of Medical Research, Brisbane, Queensland, Australia
D. Boomsma Free University, Amsterdam, The Netherlands
L. Cardon Sequana Therapeutics, La Jolla, CA, USA
D. Fulker, J. Hewitt, S. Cherny Institute for Behavioral Genetics, University of Colorado, Boulder, CO, USA

The provisional syllabus includes:

Hands-on analysis will be emphasized employing networked terminals.

Further information may be obtained from John Hewitt, David Fulker, Stacey Cherny, or the workshop secretary, Carol Case, IBG,
University of Colorado,
Boulder, CO 80309-0447, USA;
Telephone: 303/492-7363; FAX: 303/492-8063;
E-mail: John.Hewitt@Colorado.EDU, David.Fulker@Colorado.EDU, Stacey.Cherny@Colorado.EDU, or Carol.Case@Colorado.EDU, (or from any of the listed faculty).


We acknowledge the financial support for this workshop provided by grant MH19918 from the National Institute of Mental Health.

IBGIBG Homepage Twins96Twin Workshop Homepage
Last modified: Tue Oct 31 16:02:03 1995