Institute for Behavioral Genetics Institute of Behavioral Science


Forthcoming Publications

Scott Menard, Logistic Regression (Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage, 2003/2004).

Scott Menard, “Cross-Sectional and Longitudinal Research,” “Integrated Theories,” “Intelligence (IQ) and Criminal Behavior,” “Repeated Victimization,” and “Self-Report Research,” in Richard A. Wright (editor), Encyclopedia of Criminology (New York: Routledge, 2004).

Scott Menard, “Longitudinal Studies: Panel,” in Kimberly Kempf-Leonard (editor in chief), Encyclopedia of Social Measurement (Academic Press).

Books and Monographs

Scott Menard, Applied Logistic Regression Analysis (Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage. First edition 1995; Second edition 2002).

Scott Menard, Longitudinal Research, second edition (Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage. First edition 1991; Second edition 2002).

Herbert C. Covey, Scott Menard, and Robert J. Franzese, Juvenile Gangs (Springfield, Illinois: Charles C. Thomas. First edition 1992; Second edition 1997).

Delbert S. Elliott, David Huizinga, and Scott Menard, Multiple Problem Youth: Delinquency, Substance Use, and Mental Health Problems (New York: Springer-Verlag, 1989).

Scott Menard and Elizabeth Moen (eds.) Perspectives on Population (New York: Oxford University Press, 1987).

Journal Articles

Scott Menard and Sharon Mihalic, “The Tripartite Conceptual Framework in Adolescence and Adulthood: Evidence from a National Sample,” Journal of Drug Issues 31:905-940, 2001.

Scott Menard, Sharon Mihalic, and David Huizinga, “Drugs and Crime Revisited,” Justice Quarterly 18:269-299, 2001.

Scott Menard and David Huizinga, “Repeat Victimization in a High-Risk Neighborhood Sample of Adolescents,” Youth and Society 32:447-472, 2001.

Scott Menard, “Coefficients of Determination for Multiple Logistic Regression Analysis,” The American Statistician 54:17-24, 2000.

Scott Menard, “The 'Normality' of Repeat Victimization from Adolescence Through Early Adulthood,” Justice Quarterly 17:543-574, 2000.

Finn-Aage Esbensen, David Huizinga, and Scott Menard, “Family Context and Criminal Victimization in Adolescence,” Youth and Society 31:168-198, 1999.

Scott Menard, "A Developmental Test of Mertonian Anomie Theory. Journal of Research in Crime and Delinquency 32:136-174, 1995.

Thalia Roitberg and Scott Menard, "Adolescent Violence: A Test of Integrated Theory," Studies in Crime and Crime Prevention 4:177-196, 1995.

Scott Menard and David Huizinga, "Changes in Conventional Attitudes and Delinquent Behavior in Adolescence," Youth and Society 26:23-53, 1994.

Sharon Wofford, Delbert S. Elliott, and Scott Menard, "Continuities in Marital Violence," Journal of Family Violence 9:195-225, 1994.

Scott Menard and Delbert S. Elliott, "Delinquent Bonding, Moral Beliefs, and Illegal Behavior: A Three-Wave Panel Model," Justice Quarterly 11:173-188, 1994.

Scott Menard and Delbert S. Elliott, "Data Set Comparability and Short-Term Trends in Crime and Delinquency," Journal of Criminal Justice 21:433-445, 1993.

Scott Menard, Delbert S. Elliott, and Sharon Wofford, "Social Control Theories in Developmental Perspective," Studies in Crime and Crime Prevention 2:69-87, 1993.

Scott Menard, "Demographic and Theoretical Variables in the Age-Period-Cohort Analysis of Illegal Behavior," Journal of Research in Crime and Delinquency 29:178-199, 1992.

Scott Menard, "Residual Gains, Reliability, and the UCR-NCS Relationship: A Comment on Blumstein, Cohen, and Rosenfeld (1991)," Criminology 30:501-509, 1992.

Finn-Aage Esbensen and Scott Menard, "Interviewer-Related Measurement Error in Attitudinal Research: A Nonexperimental Study," Quality and Quantity 25:151-165, 1991.

Scott Menard, "Encouraging News for Criminologists (In the Year 2050)? A Comment on O'Brien (1990)," Journal of Criminal Justice 19:563-567, 1991.

Scott Menard and Delbert S. Elliott, "Longitudinal and Cross-Sectional Data Collection and Analysis in the Study of Crime and Delinquency," Justice Quarterly 7:11-55, 1990.

Scott Menard and Delbert S. Elliott, "Self-Reported Offending, Maturational Reform, and the Easterlin Hypothesis," Journal of Quantitative Criminology 6:237-267, 1990.

Scott Menard, "Cross-National Models of Fertility, Family Planning, and Development: Testing for Reciprocal Effects," Studies in Comparative International Development XXV:60-90, 1990.

David H. Huizinga, Scott Menard, and Delbert S. Elliott, "Delinquency and Drug Use: Temporal and Developmental Patterns," Justice Quarterly 6:419-455, 1989

Scott Menard and David Huizinga, "Age, Period, and Cohort Size Effects on Self-Reported Alcohol, Marijuana, and Polydrug Use: Results from the National Youth Survey," Social Science Research 18:174-194, 1989.

Scott Menard and Herbert C. Covey, "UCR and NCS: Comparisons over Space and Time," Journal of Criminal Justice 16:371-384, 1988.

Herbert C. Covey and Scott Menard, "Trends in Elderly Criminal Victimization from 1973 to 1984," Research on Aging 10:329-341, 1988.

Scott Menard, "Going Down, Going Up: Explaining the Turnaround in SAT Scores," Youth and Society 20, 3-28, 1988.

Scott Menard, "Short Term Trends in Crime and Delinquency: A Comparison of UCR, NCS, and Self-Report Data." Justice Quarterly 4:455-474, 1987.

Scott Menard, "Fertility, Development, and Family Planning, 1970-1980: An Analysis of Cases Weighted by Population," Studies in Comparative International Development XXII:103-127, 1987.

Herbert C. Covey and Scott Menard, "Trends in Arrest Among the Elderly," The Gerontologist 27:666-672, 1987.

Scott Menard and Herbert C. Covey, "Patterns of Victimization, Fear of Crime, and Crime Precautions in Nonmetropolitan New Mexico," Journal of Crime and Justice X:71-100, 1987.

Scott Menard, "Fertility, Family Planning, and Development: Indirect Influences," Studies in Comparative International Development XXI:32-50, 1986.

Scott Menard, "A Research Note on International Comparisons of Inequality of Income," Social Forces 64:778-793, 1986.

Scott Menard and Barbara J. Morse, "IQ and Delinquency: A Reply to Harry and Minor," American Journal of Sociology 90:962-968, 1986.

Scott Menard, "Inequality and Fertility," Studies in Comparative International Development XX:81-97, 1985.

Herbert C. Covey and Scott Menard, "Community Corrections Diversion in Colorado," Journal of Criminal Justice 12:1-10, 1984.

Scott Menard and Herbert C. Covey, "The Impact of Rapid Population Growth and Energy Development on Court Workloads," Social Science Journal 21:111-122, 1984.

Herbert C. Covey and Scott Menard, "Response to Rapid Social Change: The Case of Boomtown Law Enforcement," Journal of Police Science and Administration 12:164-169, 1984.

Scott Menard and Barbara J. Morse, "A Structuralist Critique of the IQ-Delinquency Hypothesis," American Journal of Sociology 89:1347-1378, 1984. Reprinted in Nigel South (ed.), Youth Crime, Deviance, and Delinquency, Volume I: Theories and Debates (Aldershot, UK: Ashgate, 2000).

Scott Menard, "Fertility, Development, and Family Planning," Studies in Comparative International Development XVIII:77-100, 1983.

Herbert C. Covey and Scott Menard, "Crime in the Region of Colorado Affected by Energy Resource Development," Journal of Research in Crime and Delinquency 20:110-125, 1983.

Scott Menard and Herbert C. Covey, "Community Alternatives and Rearrest in Colorado," Criminal Justice and Behavior 10:103-108, 1983.

Scott Menard and Elizabeth W. Moen, "The Relative Importance of Family Planning and Development for Fertility Reduction: Critique of Research and Development of Theory," Studies in Comparative International Development XVII:22-43, 1982. Reprinted in Scott Menard and Elizabeth W. Moen (eds.), Perspectives on Population (New York: Oxford University Press, 1987).

Book Chapters and Research Bulletins

Scott Menard, “Short- and Long-Term Consequences of Adolescent Victimization,” Youth Violence Research Bulletin (Washington, DC: Office of Juvenile Justice and Delinquency Prevention, 2002).

Scott Menard, "A Developmental Test of Cloward's Anomie-Opportunity Theory," pp. 142-186 in Nikos Passas and Robert Agnew (eds.) The Future of Anomie Theory (Boston: Northeastern University Press, 1997).

Delbert S. Elliott and Scott Menard, "Delinquent Friends and Delinquent Behavior: Temporal and Developmental Patterns," Pp. 28-67 in J. David Hawkins (ed.) Delinquency and Crime: Current Theories (Cambridge, UK: Cambridge University Press, 1996).

Scott Menard, "Regional Variations in Population Histories," in Scott Menard and Elizabeth W. Moen (eds.), Perspectives on Population (New York: Oxford University Press, 1987).

Scott Menard, "The Test Score Decline: An Analysis of Available Data," in Blaine E. Mercer and Stephen C. Hey (eds.), People in Schools: A Reader in the Sociology of Learning and Teaching (Cambridge, MA: Schenkman, 1981).

Short Essays

Scott Menard, “Logit Model,” “Longitudinal Research,” Odds,” “Polytomous Variable,” “Proportional Reduction of Error (PRE),” and “Standardized Regression Coefficient” in Michael Lewis-Beck, Alan Bryman, and Tim Futing-Liao (editors), Encyclopedia of Research Methods for the Social Sciences (Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage).

Scott Menard, “Intelligence and Crime,” pp. 304-307 in Clifton D. Bryant (ed.), Encyclopedia of Criminology and Deviant Behavior, Volume II: Crime and Juvenile Delinquency (London: Taylor and Francis), 2000.

Finn Esbensen and Scott Menard, “Is Longitudinal Research Worth the Price?” The Criminologist 15:1, 3-6, 1990.

Invited Papers and Presentations

Scott Menard, Amanda Elliott, and Delbert S. Elliott, “Conceptual Domains and Subscales from the Denver/Chicago Neighborhood Study,” MacArthur Foundation Conference: MacTeen – A Compendium of Measures, University of Pittsburgh, Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, July 29-30, 1999.

Scott Menard, “Prevalence and Frequency of Substance Abuse and Delinquent Behavior,” paper presented at the Juvenile Justice and Substance Abuse National Planning Meeting, Robert Wood Johnson Foundation, Annapolis, Maryland, 3-6 November 1998.

Scott Menard, “Causal Analysis with Longitudinal Data,” workshop for the Primary Care Methods and Statistics Conference, San Antonio, Texas, 6 December 1996.

Scott Menard, "Flying Blind Through the Crime Storm," Plenary Session, Western Society of Criminology annual meeting, Rohnert Park, California, 1996.


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